Showing results 31 to 40 out of 68
NIFTY @ night
25 Jul - 07:30 PM
, Hong Kong
As part of NIFTY Conference & Hackathon, we will have a fireside Chat with Tom Bollich, MadHive and Zynga, and Jehan Chu, Kenetic; with support from the GameOn Hong Kong Community
After the event, we will meet at 208 for some drinks (208 Hollywood Rd HK)
Data Science HK - Unhackathon #9
15 Jul - 09:30 AM
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Our 9th Hackathon for Data Science: a full day of fun and working together on YOUR data science projects!
We have a new event on July 15th at Accelerate.
At this event attendees will have the chance to pitch their projects, or join other people’s. And in the beginning of the day we will host some fantastic industry specialists to share their experiences operating in the data science field.
To be announced
Schedule of events:
9.30am – Arrive, registration
10am – Welcome
10.15am – Talks begin
11.30am – Pitch session, recruitment
12pm – Work on projects
5.30 pm – Present results of work session
20/F, Tower 1, Times Square, 1 Matheson St, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Laptop / charger for those joining the coding
Prepared data, and projects pitches for the ones submitting projects
If presenting, send us your presentation slides ahead of time so we can prepare them
50HKD in cash for the space rental
for project submissions:
Prepare data in advance as much as you can; spending the day cleaning or retrieving data won't gather crowds of DS! Contact organisers if you need a data repository to share data with all your team members.
If the project is already underway, prepare an introduction to it so that people can join (if you're presenting slides, send them to us before you arrive), and make sure the task you propose is feasible during the time of the event, and describe the skills you expect your team to have: R or Python? AWS, Spark? etc.
for final presentations :
Start writing the final presentation right from the start and add elements little by little all day long. Recall the context of the project and articulate the presentations to make it understandable by the non-initiated public around you.
If you wish your work will be published on the website with your bio, name, etc.
Other details
50 participants max
Food/drink : Only water, coffee and tea are provided. Attendees can order their own food to the venue, take a break to find a restaurant in Kennedy Town or bring their own lunch.
Price: 50 HKD. We charge a fee to cover venue and food costs. We are not a for-profit organisation and will aim to keep the costs of our events as low as possible to make it accessible to all.
AngelHack Hong Kong Hackathon 2018
07 Jul - 09:00 AM
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Hong Kong coders, designers, and entrepreneurs! AngelHack invites you to sign up to participate in the AngelHack Hong Kong Hackathon 2018. Compete on your own, or collaborate as a member of a team to come up with an idea and turn it into a functioning prototype. This year’s theme is Seamless Technology. You're not limited! Build an app that solves a social or environmental problem and positively impacts your local community -- you might win the Code For A Cause Impact Award. The AngelHack Grand Prize will be awarded to the project that is innovative without limits and brings positive change to the world.
FinHACK 2018 - FinTech Hackathon
06 Jul - 07:00 PM
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
A 36-hour FinTech hackathon of product development, where diverse ideas collide and the best ones emerge as a new product or service. It's a madhouse of creative fun, with Coding, Designing and Marketing working together in teams for accelerated productivity. Shine in front of tech leaders presenting your project "on stage".
A unique pedagogical experience - Be mentored by the best experts leading your team to success
Your network of innovators - Meet and work with your future colleagues, co-founders, friends
Gram Milosevic - Get a chance to go head to head with him in various challenges and workshops!
Who is it for?
Students, game changers, entrepreneurs, developers, basement hackers, bots that pass the Turing test ... We're not fussy as long as you bring leet skillz to the table.
We welcome geeks in FinTech, InsureTech, RegTech, AI, UX designers, coders, idea generators, marketers, data scientists, mad scientists ... You get the idea.
For more information, please visit
You will be allowed to walk-in, however you will require $75 and not be gifted t-shirts.
Team Building and Meetup | FinHACK
04 Jul - 06:30 PM
, Hong Kong
This event is focused around having people meet, discuss ideas and build their teams before the Hackathon.
FinHACK 2018, the FinTech Hackathon organized by WHub and Societe Generale will be held between July 6-8th, 2018. It's time to arm yourself with knowledge in different aspects to get yourself ready for 36 hours of inspiration, innovation and interaction!
Secure your spot for a workshop to get yourself FinHACK-ready! This workshop will be for UI/UX Prototyping without any code.
* This workshop is open to the public, however, priority goes to FinHACK attendees.
If you have any enquiries, please contact the FinHACK team at
The Arm Innovator Asia Tour - Shenzhen
29 Jun - 06:00 PM
, China
Arm technology is at the heart of a computing and connectivity revolution that is transforming the way people live and businesses operate.
Our advanced, energy-efficient processor designs are enabling the intelligence in 120 billion silicon chips and securely powering products from the sensor to the smartphone to the supercomputer. With more than 1,000 technology partners including the world's largest business and consumer brands, we are driving Arm innovation into all areas compute is happening inside the chip, the network and the cloud.
Join us on our Asia tour throughout June to learn more about Arm in AI, Security, the Arm DesignStart and Arm Innovator Programs.
Read more about the event series here:
Showcase your projects and you could become the next Arm Innovator!
The Arm Innovator Program is an initiative to help support the global ecosystem of Arm developers, highlight the impressive work happening around the world based on Arm technology and share key domain knowledge from top technical experts building solutions on Arm with a wider audience.
For more information on the innovator program, please visit
City Jam - Design-led hackathon for public services
29 Jun - 09:00 AM
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Design your city. Everyday touchpoints and interactions.
City Jam is a two-day, design-led hackathon. At it, experienced designers work together designing services for Hong Kong. Teams will develop concepts that look forward to the future of the city, while being founded in the reality of public services today.
Founded in real challenges
Experts will join at key moments to inform the designer’s process. Coming from the city’s biggest public service providers, they’ll add a dose of reality our the work.
Collision of minds
With designers and experts from all different backgrounds in the room, we’ll work across institutional boundaries to find the opportunities that lie in the gaps.
All the themes
Rather than pigeonholing our work into sectors, we are looking at a broad array of challenges all at once: housing, public space, mobility and utilities.
Why you should jam with us
Learn from each other.
Collaborate with the city’s best service and experience designers. Work together. Learn from each other. Break out of your day to day.
Everyday issues.
Get outside your routine topics, and work on things that affect everyone in the city everyday.
Meet the experts.
Get to know the people who make Hong Kong’s public services happen. Learn from what they know. Share your inspiration and ideas with them.
What are we working on?
We’ll design people-centric, future-facing services for Hong Kong.
Public space
Malls. Overhead walkways. Sitting-out areas. Sidewalks. Streets. Parks. Beaches. Plazas. Street cleaning. Benches. Playgrounds. Trash cans. Street lights. How do we use them? Why are there so many funny rules? What else is possible?
Apartment blocks. Communities. Housing complexes. Lobbies. Postboxes. Clubhouses. Co-living. Rules and regulations. Building management. How do we live together? How do we share our spaces? Could they be more accessible? What else can we do?
Trams. Cars. Bus stops. Walkways. Push-carts. Bikes. MTR. Buses. Taxis. Gondolas. Stations and stops. Stairs. Airports. Feet. How do we get around the city? How do we move stuff? What else is possible?
Water. Electricity. Landlines. Mobile phones. Internet. Gas. Pipes. Wires. Police. Fire department. Libraries. Post offices. How do we access utilities? How do we interface with them? Is there anything else we all need?
Friday, you’ll be up to your ears in post-its.
Saturday, you’ll have a finished prototype.
Friday 9am to 10pm
Come up with ideas. Talk to experts. Pick a challenge. Build teams. Get to work. Research the problem. Talk to users. Map and sketch solutions. Make mistakes. Have fun.
Saturday 9am to 9pm
Make rough prototypes. Make fancy prototypes. Keep talking to users. Keep building your idea. Get in a fight. Present your prototype. Win a prize. Celebrate.
UI & UX Prototyping without coding | FinHACK
27 Jun - 06:30 PM
, Hong Kong
FinHACK 2018, the FinTech Hackathon organized by WHub and Societe Generale will be held between July 6-8th, 2018. It's time to arm yourself with knowledge in different aspects to get yourself ready for 36 hours of inspiration, innovation and interaction!
Secure your spot for a workshop to get yourself FinHACK-ready! This workshop will be for UI/UX Prototyping without any code.
* This workshop is open to the public, however, priority goes to FinHACK attendees.
If you have any enquiries, please contact the FinHACK team at 第一次Hackathon
23 Jun - 01:00 PM
Civic Hacking,毋忘初衷。召集所有共建社區的面孔。成為共工或共筆,為你的公民計劃注入新的能量吧!我們重視的是對社會的impact,以及公民平等參與,平等分享。 你有想法,但無從入手?來涉起衫袖,一齊做吧! 第一次Hackathon
地點︰旺角彌敦道380號逸東酒店一樓1/f Eaton Hotel, 380 Nathan Road, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon, Hong Kong
-「我黎睇下架咋」/「我幫下手架咋」 (你應該思考自己的takeaway是甚麼。我們不鼓勵自我剝削和犧牲)
是次題目 黑客松目的為透明開放源碼項目開發,由政治數據例如立法會議員數據 ( 到醫院急症室輪候時間數據 (,都是與市民息息相關的資訊,公民黑客利用技術或非技術方法令不同範疇的政府及公眾機構的數據透明化,擴大公民的知情權。透過是次黑客松提高大眾對開放數據的關注,促進開源碼開發者和熱心關注社會的市民之間的交流從而壯大公民社會。
甚麼是Hackathon ?
在世界各地,一些跨國企業如Yahoo、Microsoft、Facebook以及知名學府如MIT及Princeton University都曾舉辦hackathon活動,而台北市政府甚至曾開放市政府大樓讓民眾參與hackathon,可見這種共工模式在世界各地的發展已被廣為採納而且漸趨成熟。
g0vhk.io即將在開放文化站 Station for Open Cultures舉辦Hackathon活動,在各種社會議題上與大家共同探索新路向,不論你是學生、專業人士或一般市民,都歡迎參與。不一定是科技人,可以是善於文字編編、圖像設計都可以出一分力!
How to upload a project to the Collaction page?
1.please open an account here
2. then click 發起項目
3.then fill in the form (remember to click 提交 at the bottom)
4.Go back to the hackathon page
5.Click 提案
6.Select from your projects
坑 (Wells) ︰族人透過開井以回餽萬物,即地球語的項目(projects);
坑主(Well Owner)︰即召集項目的人 (project owner);
掘坑 (Digging Wells) ︰即召集一個新項目的動作;
填坑 (Filling the Wells) ︰珍珠人會把珍珠填入井中,為萬物注入能量,使其生生不息地循環。而在群眾協作活動中貢獻才能及資源,不論是活動現場或遙距,皆稱作填坑;
You might start by focusing on a particular stakeholder group. For example, you might consider how a member of the general public could articulate his or her problems and what are their available means. From the professional’s perspective, you might consider how administrative and operational issues could be addressed. You might be helping non-profits or community organisations that connect the general public with free services.
In the presentation, your team is required to answer three (3) questions:
In one sentence, what problem are you solving and why is this problem important
What are the benefits, including returns on investment and time and cost-savings, for your target users?
What are the obstacles of implementation and maintenance? And how others can help
Eaton Workshop
Eaton House is a dynamic take on a working club for a global tribe of innovators, progressive thinkers and creatives. References we love: classic newsrooms such as in The Year of Living Dangerously, Warhol’s Factory, Burning Man. Eaton House provides private, shared and communal workspaces for brainstorming and collaborating in each Eaton hotel. Members have full access to the adjacent hotel’s hospitality offerings, and to the House’s own networking series and member events. Eaton House reflects our broader mission to design the optimal setting for thought leaders to maximize their potential.
The 9Floor co-living is a Taiwanese start-up since 2015 , aims to provide better living experiences through Space/Social/Community Design.
All events are organised by Partners of Station for Open Cultures under the Partner Program Policies. Including the requirement of opening an Collaction account and putting up to the platform by Collaction.
All events must comply to Station for Open Cultures Code of Conduct and Privacy
While using the venue, please also observe the House Rule
Hong Kong Blockchain Regtech Hackathon
23 Jun - 09:30 AM
, Hong Kong
Are you a tech-minded person, a policy nut, or maybe just someone who's always on the hunt for an exciting new challenge?
This month - on Saturday, June 23rd - blockchain RegTech company QRC will be holding the Summer 2018 Crypto RegTech Hackathon in Hong Kong.
This full-day event will be a unique chance for programmers, data scientists, business people, and hackers of all stripes to get together to solve some of the most pressing and interesting problems in blockchain – compliance with new and rapidly changing data security regulations.
The Crypto RegTech Hackathon will feature a unique challenge relating to a real-world implementation of blockchain technology. Your task will be to create a royalty token that facilitates the registration and usage of intellectual property, royalty payouts, and transfer of ownership.
Are you up to the task?
Rules:Team size: 2-5 people
Participation limit: 6 teams (or a total of 30 participants).Scoring will be based on:
- Technical sophistication
- Feasibility
- Relevance
1st place – 6,000 HKD
2nd place – 3,000 HKD
3rd place – 1,000 HKD
All participants will receive a free tech gift. Lunch will be provided.
9:30-10:00 - Registration
10:00 - 10:30 - Opening Presentation
10:30 - 10:45 – Introduction to the Challenge
10:45 - 13:00 - Hack
13:00 - 14:00 - Lunch break
14:00 - 16:45 - Hack
16:45 - 17:15 - Presentation of Solutions to the Judges
17:15 - 17:30 - Scoring
17:30 - 17:45 - Announcement of winners
17:45 - 18:00 - Closing Remarks
NOTICE: To ensure that we have only maximum 6 teams, team will be required to answer a questionnaire after signing up for the event. Selected teams will be invited to the event and will be required to pay a refundable deposit.