Sowing results 2 out of 2
22 Mar - 08:00 PM
Rupnagar, India
Hackamania is an event in Techfest of IIT Ropar, Advitiya . It is a competition of designing a software application in 15 hours . A team of 3 members can participate in this. Theme will be announced 12 hours before the start of competition and participants have to design a software applcation based on tha same. Prices worth 50,000 will be provided . Vist the website for more details and registration " "
UN Influx Hackathon - Connect2Effect
10 Mar - 03:00 PM
Chandigarh, India
Hackers, programmers, designers, startup person or wannabe founder in and around Chandigarh, India? Want to take part in arguably the world's biggest hackathon of 2017? You're invited to participate in the local Chandigarh location of the golbal UN Influx Global Hackathon - Connect2Effect. Come and create a world-changing social startup idea and win the chance to demo your project at the UN Headquarters in NYC this year!