Sowing results 2 out of 2
  09 Mar - 09:00 AM
  Guntur, India
Blockathon-2K19 Is a State Level Hackathon On Blockchain technology Organized by Malineni Group Of Colleges In associated with MakeinAp,Idealabs,10000 Startup's,innovation valley
  28 Feb - 09:00 AM
  Mangalagiri, India
HackSRM is one of the Indias biggest Hackathon  organised by SRM University AP in association with Next Tech Lab. It is open for all students from all over world. Participate and win up to ₹15,00,000 worth prizes HackSRM is a premium student led national level hackathon held in India that aims to gather the great student minds under one roof and solve potential real world problem through technology under 36 hours. We belong to the technological hub of the country where marvels of innovation and creativity have always been celebrated, HackSRM is one such celebration. HackSRM is a platform for young geniuses to not only exercise their skills to the topmost level but also to build a better tomorrow by ideating, constructing and innovating vast solutions. Click Here To Register