Sowing results 2 out of 2
  14 Feb - 08:30 AM
  Karkala, India
Incridea is a techno-cultural fest with 50+ events organized by the students of NMAMIT. Fun, food, friends, memories all in one place!
      25 Jan - 05:00 PM
      Mangalore, India
    HackVerse serves as a platform to encourage enthusiastic minds to brainstorm on solutions for challenging issues from all over India. The unified motive of gathering all like-minded hackers to our alma mater is what led to the creation of the idea in NITK Surathkal, the first of its kind. We’ll provide a platform for innovations, where developers can test and showcase their potential to the best of their abilities. We also plan to have keynote talks and/or workshops for the hackathon participants from executives in the industry.