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04 Jan - 07:00 AM
rajam, India
STEPCONE 2019 NATIONAL LEVEL STUDENTS' TECHNICAL PAPER & PROJECT CONTEST AND EXHIBITIONEDUCATE INNOVATE CHANGE04.01.201906.01.2019Fest DescriptionGMR Institute of Technology proudly presents an Arena to prove the actual standard of Engineering !Scientists invent theories engineers make it possible.STEPCONE 2019 is one of the Biggest National Technical & Cultural Fest in India. The Fest is three day event blending in different competitions, advanced workshops, technical exhibitions, cultures and much more to bring out the best out of engineering students across the country. The objective is to showcase the dynamism of young Indians today and to inspire them to aspire for a greater future of India. STEPCONE '2019 will be held on 4th, 5th and 6th of January.Fest EventsPAPER PRESENTATIONSPROJECT DESIGN CONTESTAI GAMINGINDUSTRY DEFINED PROBLEMSRC CAR RACEHACKATHONSTART UR UPDRONE VOYAGEROBO CONTESTTALKATHONTECHNICAL EVENTSADVANCED TECHNICAL WORKSHOPSSPOT EVENTSCULTURAL FEST AND ROCK BAND SHOWYOUTH EMPOWERMENT TALKAND MANY MORE................WorkshopsREMOTE SENSING USING GISCOMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS USING ANSYSHANDS ON SOLAR PV DESIGNCUSTOMIZED IC DESIGN USING CADENCE PROUNITY GAME DEVELOPMENTINDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION USING PLC & SCADA iMAGE PROCESSISING USING MATLAB AND It’s IMPLEMENTATION IN FPGAARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE WORKSHOPBLOCK TECHNOLOGY HVACMERCEDES ENGINE DIAGNOSISINTERNET OF THINGS WITH RASPBERRY PI Paper Presentation TopicsChemical Reaction EngineeringTransfer Operations & Advance Separation ProcessesModeling,Simulation,Optimization and ControlProcess Integration and IntensificationAdvanced materials(Bio,Nano& Polymers)Energy & EnvironmentGIS AND REMOTE SENSINGLIDAR TECHNOLOGYBUILDING MATERIALS :CONCRETE ,BRICK ,FIBER REINFORCEMENTLOW COST CONSTRUCTIONHYDROLOGY (water resouce engineeering)TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERINGIOT IN CIVIL ENGINEERINGMachine LearningBig Data HadoopGrid ComputingNano ComputingReal Time DatabasesAdvanced AlgorithmsDataware housing and MiningEmerging Technologies in wireless communicationsArtificial IntelligenceVLSI and Embedded SystemsMicrostrip AntennaApplications of ECE in Environmental engineeringFuzzy and Neural NetworksCellular and Mobile CommunicationsDevelopment of electric vehicles Energy storage through Super-capacitorsSmart metering Energy efficient traction system and automotiveFuel cell power generation systemEconomic planning and transmission linesSmart-grid and micro-grid SystemsE-waste and managementWireless power transmissionAdvanced electric machinesLinear and nonlinear control systemsAdvanced power electronics convertersAIIOTCLOUD COMPUTINGCYBER SECURITYBLOCK CHAIN -CRYPTO CURRENCY MACHINE LEARNINGBIO MECHANICSSUSTAINABLE AND ADDITIVE MANUFACTURESALTERNATE FUELS ADVANCE METTALURGY AND DESIGNINGRENEWABLE ENERGY MECHANICAL AUTOMACHINE AND ROBOTICS POWER PLANT ADVANCEMENTAUTOMOBILE TECHNOLOGYADVANCED IC ENGINESINTEGRATED RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCESMICRO GRIDSSPECIAL MACHINES ADVANCEMENTENERGY MANAGEMENT ELECTRICAL VEHICLESDeadlineDECEMBER 1st, 2018FeeEVERY EVENT HAS THEIR OWN REGISTRATION FEE, KINDLY VISIT OUR STEPCONE WEBSITE URL Link to reach PersonsMr. P. Vasanth Sai (+91- 9703704910)Mr. Agastya Dasari (+91- 7382140140)Mr. G. Sai Naveen (+91- 7997202787)