Showing results 11 to 20 out of 21
Open Data Hack Bangalore 2017
14 Oct - 09:00 AM
Bengaluru, India
Open Data Hack(ODH) Bangalore 2017 is part of the series of hackathons in India by Theme for Open Data Hack Bangalore 2017 is climate change, solar energy and disaster warning systems.
Open Data Hack is a collaborative effort in solving day to day difficulties faced by local communities, civic bodies and non profit institutions. Technologists, designers, innovators and government bodies with great social insights come aboard for a day together to build technology based solutions availing enormously accessible free open data.
Participants need to get their own laptops, chargers and other hardwares required for their projects during the hackathon. Individual and team (Upto 4 members) both types of participation allowed.
Event page :
QA Hackathon
09 Sep - 10:00 AM
Bangalore, India
First time DevOn organizing QA Hackathon in Bangalore. Register yourself for free and win exicting prizes.Registration End Date: 31-Aug-2017Registration Link:
Hackocracy Hackathon
15 Aug - 10:00 AM
Bengaluru, India
Don’t you dream of a democracy built on transparency and accountability?
Well, know this today, you can develop, disrupt, and collaborate with thinkers and doers to make the world’s largest democracy the best it can be.
Understand that it is in your hands to change the less-than-satisfactory status quo.
Amazing technological advances since Independence offer you chances to script a new narrative, one of unprecedented economic and social progress.
Stoke a new digital revolution to drive intelligent choices for a better nation. As a patriot, walk confidently into tomorrow knowing that you had a pivotal part to play in destroying old paradigms.
You need a future to believe in. You need a democracy that will not let you down.
With that spirit, HackerEarth is conducting a hackathon - Hackocracy and invites all developers and hackathon enthusiasts to participate in an interesting and engaging hackathon.
Our goal is to bring together people with diverse backgrounds and skills to unite around a common goal to promote fairness, openness, and equality.In the last 7 decades our democracy has worked successfully well to some extent. But in modern India it has to face many challenges that need to be tackled in order to ensure a better democracy. These challenges may include social and economic inequalities, poverty and unemployment, Illiteracy and ignorance, casteism, fake media and news, communalism, regionalism, corruption and terrorism, etc. India needs to develop new technologies to move towards a better tomorrow.
Help fashion a responsive, vibrant democracy where no voice goes unheard by leveraging software/mediaFor registering click here.
How to Build an API and Web Scraper from Scratch
05 Aug - 02:00 PM
Bangalore, India
Kenso Trabing, Lead Instructor at Byte Academy, will be conducting a workshop that teaches attendees how to build an API and a Web Scraper from scratch.
Agenda includes:
- Introduction to Programming
- Building an API with Flask
- Writing a Web Scraper with Beautiful Soup
About Kenso Trabing: Kenso Trabing is a full-stack developer and system administrator. He has led the development of an analytical engine for the Southern New York State Division of the United Nations Association of the United States of America and holds five certificates from Google Analytics. Kenso spends his free time working on a distributed system that he has demonstrated at Disrupt NY Hackathon and Hacktoberfest.
29 Jul - 09:00 AM
Bengaluru, India
Techies in and around Bangalore! Think you've got what it takes to find solutions to the most pressing data sciences problems? Do you have expertise in Big Data, machine learning, or cloud technology? Would you like to compete for a job at Manthan Software Services? Venturesity invites you to register for an online qualification round for the opportunity to participate in MANTHAN 404 FOUND - THE HIRING HACKATHON. You'll compete for positions in Java and UI engineering.
JUincubator Hackathon for Social Good
05 Jul - 07:00 PM
Bengaluru, India
Professionals and students in and around Bengaluru who can code! Are you interested in the use of technology for social good? Jain University's JUincubator invites you to participate in the ‘JUincubator Hackathon for Social Good’. You'll be challenged to create an innovative app that can bring positive societal impact, improve citizen engagement, or benefit the social good for rural & urban India.
10 Jun - 10:00 AM
Bengaluru, India
Want to participate in or run a hackathon? Come and attend HackTalks. You'll learn everything you need to know about how hackathons work. Find out about problem creation and development, as well as how to maintain and create hackathon resources. You'll also get to meet like-minded hackathon enthusiasts and the local coder community.
AngelHack Global Hackathon Series: Bangalore
03 Jun - 09:00 AM
Bengaluru, India
Coders, designers and entrepreneurs in Bangalore! AngelHack invites you to sign up to participate in the AngelHack Global Hackathon Series: Bangalore. Compete on your own, or collaborate as a member of a team to come up with an idea and turn it into a functioning prototype. You're not limited! You could build an app that delivers positive value to your community, a web site satisfying an unmet financial need, a virtual reality game, or whatever your imagination can conceive.
08 Apr - 10:00 AM
Bengaluru, India
As India transitions from a cash economy to a cashless one, digital currency will be at the forefront! The most famous form of digital currency is bitcoin. It promises to be the currency of the future.To expose people to the power of bitcoin and the underlying technology, Unocoin is conducting India's first ever Bitcoin hackathon. The theme of this hackathon is to "Reimagine the future of Bitcoin in India".At the hackathon, work on this exciting new technology, and facilitate the transition to a cashless economy by leveraging the power of Bitcoin!Register for FREE :
18 Feb - 09:30 AM
Bengaluru, India
Coders and developers in and around Bangalore. Securonix, the market leader in User Behavior Analytics, invites you to sign up to participate in a Hiring Hackathon. If you're interested in showcasing your big data skills and looking for your next career move, then this event is for you! You'll get the chance to demonstrate your expertise in Java and Hadoop development and compete for a job offer at Securonix.