Showing results 11 to 19 out of 19
[INFO SESSION] Jakarta AI Challenge
02 Aug - 06:00 PM
Jakarta, Indonesia
Jakarta AI Challenge by GRID x JSC x QLUE
Use Artificial Intelligence and open data to solve social problems! Gathering all innovators with their ideas to solve daily social problems with AI implementation and technology.
Jakarta Smart City - Insight about social problems
Qlue - Open data presentation
GRID - General information about AI and case studies
This is an info session for the future IDEATHON and HACKATHON. To give more information for the main challenge on the 18th of September.
18.15 - Opening Seminar19.00 - Presentation from GRID, Qlue and JSC20.30 - Closing Seminar20.45 - Networking Time21.00 - Finish
Following events:
• 18th August: PRE-EVENT (IDEATHON)• 16th September: HACKATHON
15 Jul - 09:00 AM
Setia Budi, Indonesia
AngelHack Global Hackathon Series: Jakarta
Over the years we’ve seen teams of coders, designers and entrepreneurs from around the world become Whole Developers, watched as their Thoughts Become Things, and proved that Anyone Can Code. We’ve seen the code commit moment over and over again. The “oh sh*t I hope this works” moment. The moment where you know your hopes and dreams of winning that prize, that spot in the accelerator, that idea validation, are all on the line.
All ages, genders, and skill levels are welcome. Whether you’re a solo attendee or in a team up to five, spend the weekend learning, networking and most importantly, having fun! So, for our 10th Global Hackathon Series, we’re asking you to Commit To Your Code, and in turn commit to your project, a global ecosystem, yourself, your team, and your future.
GovTech Challenge
Fight violent extremism in order to foster peace and coexistence through technology.
Prize for The Winner
1) $500 USD cash prize for winning team.
2) From the 25 finalist teams, a top 3 teams will be selected by an esteemed panel of judges to receive a $2500 travel stipend per team to travel to London and pitch to leading investors for continued support of their solution.
Day 1
9:00 AM : Doors Open & Breakfast10:30 AM : Opening Ceremony & Sponsor Welcomes12:00 PM : Coding Kick Off1:00 PM : Lunch2:00 PM : Sponsor Breakout Sessions7:00 PM : Dinner10:00 PM : Pitch Workshop12:00 AM : Create project profile on, final submission due 1:00 PM
Day 2
8:00 AM : Breakfast12:00 PM : Lunch1:00 PM : Code Freeze & Submission Deadline on hackathon.io1:30 PM : A/V Check2:00 PM : Demos4:00 PM : Winners are Announced / Prizes
Payment Detail
Investment Fee: IDR 150,000 (On The Spot).
AngelHack Global Hackathon Series: Jakarta
15 Jul - 09:00 AM
12120, Indonesia
Coders, designers, and entrepreneurs in Indonesia! AngelHack invites you to sign up to participate in the AngelHack Global Hackathon Series: Jakarta. Compete on your own, or collaborate as a member of a team to come up with an idea and turn it into a functioning prototype. You're not limited! You could build an app that delivers positive value to your community, a website that satisfies an unmet financial need, a virtual reality game, or whatever your imagination can conceive.
Business Talk: Learn to build Web Application for Beginners
11 Jun - 10:00 AM
South Jakarta, Indonesia
Bussines Talk: Learn to build web application for beginner
Sun, June 11th 2017 - 10:00 am to 13:00 pm (Mas Asep)
IDR 400K*
*pembayaran dengan melakukan bank transfer ke BCA: 6220397678 a/n PT. Kenobi Ruang Kolaborasi
Class Size:
Max.15 people
Teacher’s Profile:
Asep is a Technopreneur and Professional Programmer Involved in several App development projects such as finance, photography, and open soure project. Asep also received an award for winning Angel Hack Jakarta Hackathon back in 2013. Currently, Asep is a Co-founder and CTO at PT Froyo Kreatif Indonesia, which oversees two business units, namely Froyo Story (digital marketing agency) and Froyo Framework (educational technology).
Adityo Pratomo
Didit is a Unity Certified Developer and Curently working as a Co-founder/ CTO at Labtek Indie, a company’s R&D Technology, as well as the Chief Academic Officer in Froyo Framework. He has created many interactive installations for brands such as Nike, Hero, Dunhill and Heineken among others. He also taught at Surya University for several years, gaining valuable insight in teaching and researching in the process.
Workshop Overview:
WEB DEVELOPMENT Lessons Overview
11th June 2017 - Web Development (Front-end Beginner):
Websites are becoming leaner, faster and more agile, as users demand quick, seamless experiences. The solution is to utilize a lightweight website, as there is no database to slow requests down, and web servers automatically cache headers, reducing bandwidth usage.
In these course, audience will learn about:
1. Basic HTML dan CSS
2. Basic JavaScript DOM
Audience will be able to create a static website for their CV, Company Profile, Business, etc.
What the price is inclusive of:
What you need to bring:
03 Jun - 09:00 AM
Setiabudi, Indonesia
Pre event untuk Hackathon Imago Hack7 yang akan diadakan 7-9 Juli 2017
Full day workshop - Knowledge sharing dari masing-masing pakar yang berada di 7 area kehidupan.
Karena keterbatasan tempat, bila anda batal menghadiri, mohon untuk membatalkan tiket via Eventbrite, atau silahkan hubungi kami langsung sehingga tempat bisa diberikan kepada waiting list.Pembatalan ticket, hubungi : Yuliana +62 818 0889 5726
Terima kasih
Ericsson Smartnovation Indonesia Hackathon 2017
22 May - 09:00 AM
Jakarta, Indonesia
Ericsson Indonesia invites you, young and talented students, to :
To experience developing the innovative solution to solve real Industry-posed problems,
To expand expand your knowledge on Internet of Things and work with latest technology, Ericsson IoT/Connected Fleet platform.
To challenge yourself, competing with the other outstanding students.
To be the winner and bring home Rp. 10.000.000/person as the prize and opportunity to be pre-screened for Ericsson’s future talents program.
When, Where & How to Register?
Monday, May 22nd 2017 – Tuesday, May 23rd 2017, at the Pullman Hotel Jakarta
Form a team of 5 member, and contact the PIC of your Faculty. Team selection will be done by each Faculty. Selected team will get the access code for online registration from your faculty. Note : this event is open only for the the following partner universities (Institut Teknologi Bandung, Universitas Indonesia, Telkom University, Bina Nusantara)
Deadline of registration : Thursday, May 11, 2017. Before registering, please read through the following IP and Confidentialy Agreement that each student must sign upon the Hackathon's commencement. Link :
What is it All About?
Jakarta is the second worst city in the world with regards to traffic jam. There are 17 million vehicles in Jakarta and 70% of them are motorcycle. Due to lack of convenience mass transportation, people are using their vehicles. In average, Jakarta resident spent 3 hours in traffic everyday. It worst during raining and flood.
Do you have innovative ideas for smart transportation system, and improve the quality of life in Indonesia cities?
Theme of Competition:
The main focus area for this event is Internet of Things in Smart Cities, which involves an emphasis on IoT applications i.e. fleet management, automotive
Three possible scenarios (you will use one of these during Hackathon) :
Driver Application : In a fleet management context, create applications for drivers that will benefit them, e.g., improving driving safety, increasing efficiency or saving cost
Application Mashup : Mash up other applications with connected vehicle capabilities to create innovative services or user experience
Intelligent Transportation : Apply connected vehicle technologies in intelligent transportation domain to improve traffic management, driving safety or economic efficiency
The chosen scenario will be announced at the beginning of the hackathon day
Supports and Requirements :
Training: will be scheduled 1 week prior to the D-day of Hackaton.
During hackathon : Ericsson will provide subject matter experts, mentors & professionals who will guide and advise you during the Hackathon.
During the training sessions and the hackathon, the participants will require to use their own laptops.
What are you waiting for ? Register yourself at the soonest possible to this challenge and proof that you are the most innovative change makers for Indonesia !
eHackathon Competition with East Venture, MarkPlus, Plug & Play, & SBM ITB - LIMITED SEAT AVAILABLE
28 Apr - 02:30 PM
DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Got a chance to meet venture capitalist and angle venture. Learning from pitching deck by finalist top 10 eHackathon Ganesha Entrepreneur Festival x BBM.
SBM MBA ITB Present: Ganesha Entrepreneur Festival
28 Apr - 01:00 PM
DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
SBM MBA ITB Jakarta proudly present Ganesha Entrepreneur Festival (GFest)GFest inviting all of the entrepreneurs and publics who are interested in business for sharing their idea, getting fund, and expanding their network.Be embraced with whole spectrum of the business world by joining our event which consists of business competition (eHackathon), entrepreneurship discussion meetup, business corner, product & service exhibition, and music performance.
Our theme is Start-up vs Small Business.
Day 1 - eHackathon
Be the participant or the audience of the first online Hackathon in Indonesia.
There is a total price of 6 million rupiah for winning participants.
Find out more, by clicking link
Day 2 & Day 3 - Entrepreneurship Discussion Meetup & Idea Corner
Prepare yourself for the biggest entrepreneur festival in the town!Check our website for more infohere
How Start Your Startup In Your Early age
26 Mar - 10:30 AM
Mampang Prpt, Indonesia
Deskripsi Acara
Antusiasme pemuda untuk mengembangkan bisnis semakin tinggi saat ini. Seiring dengan kemajuan teknologi maka kami mengundang pembicara yang masih muda namun sudah memiliki sebuah perusahaanya sendir. Seminar ini untuk menambah wawasan seputar startup menggali pengalaman dari pembicara.
Dengan mengangkat tema How start your startup in Your Early Age diharapkan bisa menularkan semangat para pemuda untuk membuat bisnisnya di usia muda ataupun bisa menjadi inspirasi untuk memulai bisnis dari sekarang
Profil Pembicara
Luqman Sungkar lulus dari Universitas Indonesia dengan gelar Ilmu Komputer di tahun 2015. Ia langsung terjun ke dunia bisnis dengan membangun sebuah startup bernama Flip yang saat ini sudah tersebar di beberapa penjuru kota di indonesia.
Luqman adalah seorang programer yang mwnguasai beberapa bahasa pemrograman seperti java & Html ia juga sempat menjuarai Intel Challenge in Startup Asia Hackathon Jakarta pada 2014 silam
Dimas Ramadhani lulusan Universitas Indonesia jurusan Ilmu Komputer pada tahun 2015.Mendirikan sebuah startup bernama Cozora layanan seminar online pertama di indonesia.
Dimas yang berlatar belakang programer menjabat sebagai Co Founder dan COO di Cozora. Di usianya yang terbilang muda ia telah mampu mengembangkan sebuah perusahaan dengan dua jabatan yang berbeda.
Dimas juga sempat memenangi beberapa penghargaan.
Apa yang Di dapat
-Slide Presentation
Cara Regristrasi
- Kontak 087770820294 (WA ONLY NO SMS)
-Kirimkan Nama, Email, Nama Acara
-Lakukan Pembayaran (Transfer)