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Meetup Hackathon Cipta Yudha Kartika Eka Paksi TNI-AD Yogyakarta
28 Sep - 05:00 PM
Gondomanan, Indonesia
Indonesian citizen IT developers! Are you ready to help defend the Republic of Indonesia against cyber threats? Come and participate in the Hackathon Cipta Yudha Kartika Eka Paksi TNI-AD in Yogyakarta! You'll work with the Indonesian Army to build apps in one of the following sectors: territorial development, combat operations, and operations support.
Facebook Indonesia Developer Challenge Meetup Jogjakarta
10 Aug - 06:00 PM
Gondokusuman, Indonesia
Facebook invites local developers to the Facebook Developer Challenge to innovate in order to develop digital services — in the form of mobile or web apps — that are integrated with various Facebook features. Come and learn how Facebook's Developer Program supports developers to help them build digital products that can reach more consumers.