Showing results 1 to 10 out of 15
@america Hackathon: Legal Technology Awards Ceremony
  14 Dec - 03:00 PM
  Kebayoran Baru, Indonesia
Join the final pitch and awards session for our Legal Hackathon participants!
    @america-IRLA Regtech Legaltech Hackathon
      13 Dec - 04:00 PM
      Jakarta, Indonesia
    Innovation in Legal Technology Sector made improvement in society change. Want to code for justice???? You want to share your ideas on how tech can be used to uphold justice and promote the rule of law. Join @america-IRLA Regtech and Legaltech Hackathon. Each of participant will be have a choice problem statements from Regulatory Technology and Legal Technology. Participant requirement to create MVPs (Minimum Viable Products) and be pitched to our Judges With total Prize 50 Million Rupiah. This competition is open to everyone who meets the following requirements: Total capacity for the event is limited to 20 teams Individuals may not register  Teams can register with as few as three, but as many as five members.  All participants must be Indonesian citizens (WNI) as well as currently residing in Indonesia Participants must be between the ages of 15 and 35 years old Each team must personally own and have access to at least one laptop for the workshop Participants must be able to attend the entire 3-day Workshop Session (10-12 December 2019) and 2-day Problem Solving Session (13-14 December 2019) to be eligible to participate in the Final Presentation The workshop is free of charge, but if there are any personal expenses that occur for the selected participants during the workshop (i.e transport fee, F&B, etc) those expenses are the responsibility of the participants. If the selected team is travelling from outside of the greater Jakarta Metropolitan area, transportation, accommodations and/or per diem is the responsibility of the participant. Register yourself here: For more information visit : Hosted by Indonesia Regtech and Legaltech Association with Jakarta Legal Hackers and Full Support from @america, Privyid, Kontrak Hukum and Indexalaw
      @america Hackathon: Legal Technology ''Workshop: Computational Law''
        12 Dec - 01:30 PM
        Kebayoran Baru, Indonesia
      Computational law is a system that automates processes such as compliance checking, legal planning, and regulatory analysis.
        @america Hackathon: Legal Technology Workshop
          11 Dec - 05:00 PM
          Kebayoran Baru, Indonesia
        Learn how to use AI, Machine Learning and NLP and how they can help you build faster and more precise technology!
          @america Hackathon: Legal Technology ''Legal Design Thinking''
            10 Dec - 04:00 PM
            Kebayoran Baru, Indonesia
          Legal design thinking is the cross-section of Legal, Design and Visual Thinking as well as User Experience (UX) Design.
            @america Hackathon: Legal Technology: Building the Future of Legal Justice
              03 Dec - 06:00 PM
              Kebayoran Baru, Indonesia
            Join this discussion to learn how advances in technology can actually help you do your job and stay ahead of the curve!
              @america Hackathon: Legal Technology ''What's a Hackathon?''
                26 Nov - 06:00 PM
                Kebayoran Baru, Indonesia
              Have you ever heard the term hackathon and wondered what it meant?
                Digital Construction Hack 2019
                  16 Nov - 08:00 AM
                  Pasarrebo, Indonesia
                Hackathon Konstruksi Pertama di Asia yang diadakan oleh PT PP Tbk (Persero)
                  [Indonesia] Digital Construction Hack 2019!
                    18 Oct - 08:23 PM
                    Jakarta, Indonesia
                  Dalam rangka ulang tahun yang ke 66 PT PP (Persero) Tbk mempersembahkan: Digital Construction Hack 2019! PT PP mengajak developer terbaik Indonesia untuk memecahkan permasalahan industri konstruksi melalui hackathon pada tanggal 16-17 November 2019di Wisma Subiyanto, Plaza PP, Jakarta Selatan. Dengan dibimbing oleh mentor-mentor ahli, ciptakan inovasi-inovasi aplikasi digital terbaik bagi dunia kontruksi Indonesia, dan raih total hadiah senilai 100 juta Rupiah, serta kesempatan menjadi mitra teknologi PT PP (Persero) Tbk. Ayo berkumpul bersama dan berinovasi di hackathon konstruksi pertama di Indonesia. Daftar sekarang juga di
                  BIOS HACKATHON
                    14 Oct - 10:00 PM
                    Serpong, Indonesia
                  BIOS HACKATHON adalah lomba coding 24 jam khusus mahasiswa seluruh Indonesia