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Meetup Hackathon Cipta Yudha Kartika Eka Paksi TNI-AD Malang
29 Sep - 06:00 PM
Klojen, Indonesia
Indonesian citizen IT developers! Are you ready to help defend the Republic of Indonesia against cyber ​​threats? Come and participate in the Hackathon Cipta Yudha Kartika Eka Paksi TNI-AD! You'll work with the Indonesian Army to build apps in one of the following sectors: territorial development, combat operations, and operations support.
AngelHack Surabaya 2016
28 May - 09:00 AM
Surabaya, Indonesia
AngelHack is coming to Surabaya with yet another hackathon to prove that anyone can code! No matter what age, race, gender, experience level, you are or have, you are perfectly able to create game changing applications and technologies that have never been imagined before. Creativity and willpower is the only thing that differentiates you. Mind and skill are what conquer all! Your challenge is simple. Build a technology that will have a positive impact on the world, people, or environment.