Showing results 1 to 10 out of 31
FREE! PJMan & The StarGazers Kids _ 2018 Working Session
30 Dec - 10:00 AM
This working session is to wrap up and start planning a number of our projects from 2017 & for 2018. All kids are welcome and can participate however, roles for projects are reserved for graduates first. After graduates select the roles they want, non-graduates can choose roles. All roles are good and important to to the project's success.
In particular,
Decide how we're going to make decisions;
Crowd Fund for Asante Africa:
*Determine roles, i.e., PM, PCA, QA, reporter, Videographer;
*Develope Project Plan;
*Determine fund raising goals and strategies.
Websites: For kids who haven't created their websites one of the graduates will teach you;
Voice/Chatbot App: Kids who participated in the Hackathon last month will teach this class so that each kids can develop their own app; together we will work on publishing the app;
Remember Them Monument Project: The will be 34 humanitarians and Mario Chiodo (The Artists of the monument) who can be chosen from to create a website with branding, a video, a game and other things from your research. We will start familiarizing ourselves with the humanitarians and decide how they will be selected.
10:00 - 10:15am Decision Making
10:15 - 11:00am Crowd Fund for Asante Africa
11:00 - 12:00pm Remember Them Monument
12:00 - 1:00pm Website Creation and Improvements (if you've already taken the class share new ideas)
1:00 - 2:00pm Voice / Chatbot App _ Teach new kids; Publish ours
This is the last chance for kids to make up missing the Introduction to Project Management and Leadship class and participate as a graduate in the January 13, 2018 anniversary celebration.
Geeks On A Bus à L'École Supérieure de Technologie de Laâyoune
22 Dec - 05:00 PM
Ce Programme consiste à offrir un « Atelier d'inspiration » d’une durée de 2h afin de promouvoir l’esprit de l’entreprenariat et encourager la création de startups dans les nouvelles technologies. Nous inviterons également les jeunes à l’issue de cet atelier de nous rejoindre afin de matérialiser leurs idées directement lors du déroulement des douze Hack & Pitch Hackathon régionaux que nous organiserons. Les meilleurs projets seront accompagnés lors d'un programme de pré-accélération.Nous serons accompagnés de nos partenaires CIH BANK, SCREENDY, HPS, LYDEC, MICROSOFT et SOFT CENTRE avec des propositions et divers opportunités, tel que :
Participation aux Hackathon Hack & Pitch
Participation au Programme ScreenDy Open Innovation avec CIH BANK, HPS, LYDEC ...
Le Programme ScreenDy Student Partner
Le Programme ScreenDy App Experience Academy
Creating Reality AR/VR Hackathon Outreach Meeting
12 Dec - 07:00 PM
Los Angles,
If you're interested in making the Creating Reality AR/VR Hackathon a success, then you're invited to be a volunteer and attend the Hackathon Outreach Meeting. You'll collaborate with other volunteers and hackathon organizers to break down the outreach tasks and get started on helping promote the event and drive up the number of participant applications.
--Rwanda-- Concours LabFrancophone- Objets connectés de la Francophonie pour le développement durable
11 Dec - 08:30 AM
Kigali, Rwanda
Innovathon LabFrancophone:
Concours de développement numérique de la Francophonie
sur les Objets connectés pour le développement durable
Bientôt au KLab
Appel à candidatures national ouvert exclusivement aux résidents du Rwanda
Qu'est ce que le LabFrancophone ?
Le Fonds francophone pour l’innovation numérique (FFIN) organise le concours LabFrancophone au Rwanda en collaboration avec le KLab.
Comme le hackathon, le LabFrancophone est un innovathon ( marathon d'innovation ) qui sollicite les participants pour proposer des solutions numériques innovantes d'objets connectés en appui aux politiques publiques de développement durable du pays.
En pratique, les candidats se verront attribuer un kit d’outils informatiques et électroniques ( kits arduino, raspberry pi, LoRa..) qu'il devront utliser pour la conception de leurs solutions numériques.
La compétition proposée par le LabFrancophone, porte sur la thématique des objets connectés au service du développement durable.
Ainsi, les jeunes développeurs informatiques et électroniciens du Rwanda auront à appliquer leurs solutions numériques aux champs prioritaires des Objectifs de développement durable que sont :
l’eau et l’assainissement,
la sécurité alimentaire et l’ agriculture durable,
l’accès à l’énergie propre à un coût abordable
la vie aquatique (focus sur l’accès des petits pêcheurs aux ressources marines et aux marchés) :
Public cible
Le concours est réservé aux professionnels/spécialistes du numérique, de l'électronique et du développment durable (développeurs, designers, administrateurs systèmes, etc.) résidents du Rwanda, réunis en équipe projet de 2 à 5 personnes.
Age minimum d'inscription : 18 ans
Les candidatures féminines sont encouragées et bénéficieront d’une attention particulière.
La participation en équipe augmente les chances de pré sélection, car ces types de candidatures sont prioritairement analysées, mais non obligatoires ;
Le choix d’équipes pluridisciplinaires sera privilégié lors des pré sélections
-Compte tenu de l'importance que l'OIF accorde aux enjeux de cyber sécurité, la présence d'un expert en la matière serait fortement appréciée;
- De même la présence d'un expert des questions de développement durable traitées est recommandée.
Les pré-sélections sont prévues pour choisir un maximum de 50 candidats ;
Modalités d'organisation
Les candidats présélectionnés participent à un atelier de formation et de préparation de l’épreuve de 4 jours (du lundi au jeudi), afin d’approfondir leurs connaissances sur l’usage des kits de fabrication qui seront mis à leur disposition ainsi que sur les enjeux liés aux thématiques des ODD traités ;
A l’issue de l'atelier, les participants se verront attribuer un kit d’outils électroniques pour créer des solutions numériques connectées durant un marathon organisé sur trois jours, du vendredi au dimanche ;
Les participants doivent impérativement concevoir une application connectée adaptée tant aux smartphones qu’aux téléphones de technologies antérieures, afin d’assurer la compatibilité avec les services SMS ou MMS ;
Les participants veilleront à s‘assurer de leur disponibilité durant toute la période, couvrant l'atelier de préparation et le concours (7 jours) ;
Prix & Accompagnement
- 1er prix : 10000 Euros consacrés à la réalisation du projet
Accompagnement et suivi des équipes projet, pendant un an, pour l’amélioration et la valorisation des solutions au sein de l’espace francophone
- 2e prix : 6000 Euros consacrés à la réalisation du projet
Accompagnement et suivi des équipes projet, pendant un an, pour l’amélioration et la valorisation des solutions au sein de l’espace francophone
- 3e prix : 4000 Euros consacrés à la réalisation du projet
Accompagnement et suivi des équipes projet, pendant un an, pour l’amélioration et la valorisation des solutions au sein de l’espace francophone
Informations utiles
Les activités se dérouleront au KLab
Les présentations le dimanche durent 8 min : 5min de présentation et 3 min de démo
Dès le lundi, prévoyez des rallonges et votre matériel informatique (ordinateurs, écrans, câbles réseau,...)
Les repas sont offerts par l'organisation.
Calendrier prévisionnel détaillé de l’activité :
- Du 25 octobre au 26 novembre : Appel à candidature
- Du 11 au 14 Décembre : ateliers de préparation aux épreuves de l’innovathon
- Le 14 décembre : Fin de l’atelier de préparation
- Du 15 au 17 décembre : Sessions de compétitions ininterrompues, dont deux nuits de travail, rythmées par des pauses.
- Le dimanche 17 décembre (en soirée): les équipes présentent leurs projets au jury qui délibère, avant de décerner les trois prix gagnants lors de la cérémonie de clôture du concours.
(*) la présence aux ateliers de formation est obligatoire pour les candidats sélectionnés.
Liens Utiles:
En attendant de vous retrouver aux ateliers de formations, voici quelques liens utiles vers des Webinars de présentation des objets connectés :
Au plaisir de vous accueillir !
L'équipe du LabFrancophoneRwanda
Innovathon LabFrancophone:
Contest for the digital development of the Francophonie on connected objects to the service of sustainable development
Soon at kLab
Call for national applications open exclusively for residents of Rwanda.
What is Le labFrancophone?
Le Fonds francophone pour l’innovation numérique (FFIN) which is the francophonie fund for digital innovation is organizing the contest LabFrancophone in Rwanda in collaboration with kLab.
As the hackathon, Le LabFrancophone is an innovathon (innovation marathon) which solicits participants to propose innovative digital solutions for connected objects in support of the country’s sustainable development policies.
In practice, candidates will be assigned electronic tools kit (arduino kits, raspberry pi, LoRa …) which they will use to design their digital solutions.
The competition proposed by the LabFrancophone, is on the theme of connected objects to the service of sustainable development.
Thus, young computer developers and electronics engineers of Rwanda will have to use their digital solutions in priority fields of the sustainable development goals which are:
· Water and sanitation,
· Food security and sustainable agriculture,
· Access to clean energy at an affordable cost,
· Aquatic life (focus on access of small-scale fishers to marine resources and markets).
Target audience
ØThe contest is reserved to professionals/specialists of digital technologies, electronics and sustainable development (computer developers, designers, system administrators, etc.…) residents of Rwanda, gathered as a project team of 2 to 5 people.
ØMinimum age for registration : 18 years
ØApplications from women are encouraged and will receive special attention
Ø Team participation increases the chances of pre-selection, as these types of applications are analyzed primarily but not mandatory;
Ø The selection of multidisciplinary teams will be preferred during pre-selections
Given the importance that the OIF(Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie) also called International Organization of La Francophonie attaches to cyber security issues, the presence of an expert in the field would be strongly appreciated
Similarly, the presence of an expert on sustainable development issues is recommended
ØPre-selections are provided to select a maximum of 50 candidates;
Organizational Arrangements
Preselected candidates participate in a training and preparation workshop of the contest for 4 days (from Monday to Thursday) in order to deepen their knowledge on the use of the manufacturing kits put at their disposal, as well as on the issues related to the field of the sustainable development goals that will be treated;
At the end of the workshop, the candidate will receive a kit of electronic devices to create digital connected solutions, during a 3 days marathon (from Friday to Sunday);
Participants must conceive a connected application that will work equally well for smartphones as for phones with earlier/older technologies, in order to ensure the compatibility with SMS and MMS services;
Participants will need to ensure their availability during the whole period, from the preparation workshop to the end of the competition (7days);
Prizes & Support
1st Prize: 10 000 Euros dedicated to the implementation of the project
Support and follow-up of the project teams, for a year, for the improvement and promotion of the solutions within the francophone/ French-speaking area.
2nd Prize: 6 000 Euros dedicated to the implementation of the project
Support and follow-up of the project teams, for a year, for the improvement and promotion of the solutions within the francophone/ French-speaking area.
3rd Prize: 4 000 Euros dedicated to the implementation of the project
Support and follow-up of the project teams, for a year, for the improvement and promotion of the solutions within the francophone/ French-speaking area.
Useful Information
Activities will take place at kLab
Presentations on Sunday will be conducted within 8 minutes: 5 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for demonstration.
From Monday, make sure to bring your computers and computer accessories (cable extensions, screens, network cables, etc….)
Meals will be provided by the organization.
Detailed timetable of the activity
From 25th october to 26th November: Call for applications
From 11th décember to 14th december : Innovathon contest preparation workshops
14th december: End of the preparation workshops and opening ceremony of the competition LabFrancophone by the officials.
From 14th december to 17th december: Sessions of competitions, including two nights of work, punctuated by breaks.
Sunday, december 17th (evening): The teams present their projects to the jury which deliberates, before awarding the three prize winners at the closing ceremony of the contest.
(*) attendance at training workshops is mandatory for selected candidates.
Useful links :
While waiting to meet you at the training workshops, here are some useful links to webinars of presentation of the connected objects:
Pleased to welcome you!
LabFrancophoneRwanda team.
Leading Across Cultures: Does Gender Affect Leadership in Multi-Cultural Teams
08 Dec - 06:00 PM
HKU MBA's Women in Leadership Club presents it's annual event, The Gender Experiment. This year's topic is "Leading Across Cultures: Does Gender Affect Leadership in Multi-Cultural Teams."
This event features a panel discussion followed by a brief networking session. Through this topic, we aim to discuss how different genders react to culturally diverse teams and if a certain gender has an advantage leading such teams.
When - 8th December, 6-8 p.m
Where - 30/F Champion Tower Boardroom, 3 Garden Road, Central, Hong Kong.
Registration - 5:45 p.m - 6:15 p.m
Opening Ceremony - 6:15p.m - 6:30 p.m
Panel Discussion - 6:30 p.m - 7:30 p.m
Networking - 7:30 p.m - 8 p.m
Mary Beth Asher
Assistant Vice President, Asia Pacific
Mary Beth Asher is the Assistant Vice President of the Asia Pacific Sales at AT&T. She successfully covers upwards of $700M sales revenue stream covering 14 country markets. Her role consists of effectively managing 130 Salespeople and overall responsibility of Asia Pacific Regional Operations. With over 29 years of telecom sales experience in diversified global businesses, Mary Beth is charged with the achievement of sales targets and client satisfaction levels. Besides managing various core client programs in the Asia Pacific region she plays a vital role in bridging relations between the Asia Pacific sales teams and the US sales teams.
In 2014, Mary Beth established an AT&T Asia Pacific Women’s Organization to connect and inspire members to achieve their personal and professional goals.
Kris Lui
Director, Human Resource
Ms. KRIS LUI is a passionate, seasoned and business-oriented Human Resources (HR) professional with over two decades of international experience of delivering business results via building sustainable organization capability in different industries, geographies, cultures, and matrix organizations.
Her strategic HR leadership covers various industries’ market leaders by relocating to different countries, including FMCG - P&G and Retail Fashion Global Sourcing - C&A. She is now HR Director of The Dairy Farm Group’s North Asia Food and Shared Services which is a pan-Asian retailer pioneer as a member of Jardine Matheson Group.
Charles Lankester
EVP, Ruder Finn
Charles Lankester has built a career in reputation management and crisis management and understands the business of delivering results whilst balancing the requirements and interests of numerous, complex stakeholders. His areas of specialism include reputation risk mitigation, communications, and social media strategy.
He has worked in Europe (London) and Asia-Pacific (Hong Kong, Singapore, China and South Korea) since 1986. Prior to joining Ruder Finn in 2014, he held leadership positions at many of the world’s most respected communications firms including Burson-Marsteller, Ogilvy, & Mather and Weber Shandwick. With a career built across Asia-Pacific and Europe, Charles has represented some of world’s best-known corporations and brands including Coca-Cola, Kirin, Visa, Johnson & Johnson, Credit Suisse and Roche. He has also advised the Governments of Hong Kong, Singapore and the United Kingdom.
Priscilla Ng
Head of Customer Franchise, Citibank Global Consumer Banking
Priscilla Ng is the Head of Customer Franchise for Citibank Global Consumer Banking.She oversees Marketing, Digital Banking, Client Experience, Decision Management, and Business Learning & Development functions for the Bank. Priscilla is responsible for managing all these functions in order to grow the franchise by developing customer management strategy for different customer segments and creating the best-in-class client experience at different touch points and channels based on clients’ needs. Priscilla joined Citibank in 2001 and since then has held various positions in the bank.
Priscilla was appointed Country Marketing Director in 2011, responsible for the bank’s overall marketing and branding strategies, as well as the marketing and business development of all consumer banking segments, leading the expansion of Citibank’s retail presence in Hong Kong, and revamping the value proposition of the bank’s offerings.
Syed Musheer Ahmed
General Manager (Interim) at FinTech Association of Hong Kong
Musheer is a Global markets, financial services and strategy consulting professional with cross-functional, international experience and is based in Hong Kong. He did hisengineering from RVCE Bangalore and worked with Futures First India for nine years before leaving todo his MBA from London Business School- University of Hong Kong.
He is a founding Board of Director of Fintech Association of Hong Kong and as member of the UN ESBNYouth Entrepreneurs Taskforce. Actively engaged with Fintech startups and young entrepreneurs inHong Kong. Mentor and speaker at industry events and hackathons on FinTech in Hong Kong. GuestLecturer and speaker on topics of Investment Management, Trading and Artificial Intelligence at MBAUniversities in Hong Kong.
Joanna Chin
Joanna is the founder of M4W Group, an executive coaching and leadership development consultancy. Prior to following her passion and retraining as an executive coach, Joanna was a corporate lawyer working principally in the area of mergers and acquisitions. Her 15 years’ experience in the legal field spanned across New Zealand, London and Hong Kong. She worked for Simmons & Simmons in Hong Kong and London before moving into regional in-house legal and consultancy roles for Fortune 500 companies.
Joanna is a Board Member of International Coach Federation. In addition, she is a committee member of “Women on Board” of the French Chamber of Commerce and advocates for “HeforShe” in Hong Kong’s business community. She mentors women, including women in The Women’s Foundation mentoring program.
Comp Chem Kitchen: CCK-10 Hackathon
06 Dec - 10:30 AM
Oxford, United Kingdom
Computational chemists, cheminformaticians, and molecular modelers! The organizers of Comp Chem Kitchen invite you to participate in the CCK-10 Hackathon. You'll get to learn about the CSD (Cambridge Structural Database) Python API and then take part in the hackathon.
Charity Hackathon December 2017
30 Nov - 03:00 PM
The third global Hackathon supporting UK charities, where specific charity issues and opportunities are tackled by analytical teams from around the world, where outputs directly help charities with their fundraising, campaigning and strategic aims.
Event launches on 1st December, with final presentations held at Barclays HQ, Canary Wharf, London on 8th December.
This eventbrite page allows for team leaders of the analytics team entrants to register for available challenges. Details of the challenges can be found at
Many thanks,
Nandu & John
Hack-4-Good - Reducing Child Labour In Abuja
29 Nov - 03:00 PM
"Hack4Good" is an initiative of the Civic Innovation Lab which helps to achieve our goal of promoting civic participation and good governance.
The theme for this maiden edition is "Reducing Child Labour in Abuja". The event is a two-day event that starts with a panel discussion with relevant stakeholders advocating for Child rights. The Panel discussion will provide information: data and clarity to child labour in Abuja to enable tech talents proffer solutions during the hackathon. This will be followed by a pitching session that will give room for the respective hacking teams to pitch their solution to the Judges.
The program is scheduled to take place follows:
Panel Discussion
Date: Wednesday, 29th November
Time: 3:00pm Prompt
Venue: Civic Innovation Lab, 50 Adetokunbo Ademola Cresent (Osas and Oseji House), Wuse 2
Pitching Session
Date: Thursday, 30th November
Time: 3:00pm Prompt
Venue: Civic Innovation Lab, 50 Adetokunbo Ademola Cresent (Osas and Oseji House), Wuse 2
The event is opened to everyone for attendance and an opportunity to be part of this process.
We look forward to seeing you all there.
Hands-on Blockchain Developer Workshop at Multiple Locations.
25 Nov - 09:00 AM
PLEASE NOTE: This is a paid a event. The date shown on this advert is not the actual date of the workshop (a date must be selected in order to create this advert on Eventbrite). The date and location will be confirmed once we have 20 registered participants. All you have to do is simply register your interest by completing the form and we will get back to you.
Are you interested in learning how to become a Blockchain Developer? We run a two day hands-on developer workshop. To date, we have held five successful workshops in London this year and one in Zug, Switzerland. We are happy to run our workshop in the following city across Europe (Dublin, Edinburgh, Paris, Madrid, Barcelona, Berlin, Frankfurt, Vienna, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Rome, Prague, Hungary) and beyond.
Due to popular demand and positive feedback from our students we are running a series of workshop. Recently, we received several request to provide our workshop in various location across Europe and beyond. With this in mind, we are advertising this event on here to gather interest from regular application developers who are keen to break into the Blockchain space.
Join our two-day Blockchain Developer hands-on workshop and be at the very forefront of this new technology. Our workshop consists of topics that all future Blockchain Developers must know and we incorporate plenty of hands-on development sessions. Our goal is to help regular Application Developers become Blockchain Developers.
Day 1
Intro to Blockchains, Bitcoin and Byzantine Fault Tolerant Networks
Intro to Ethereum and Smart Contracts
Hands-on development on Ethereum Solidity and Smart Contracts
Day 2
Smart Contracts Security and Ethereum Internals - Cryptography, Consensus, EVM, Privacy
Intro to Formal Verification
What to know as a Blockchain Developer
Hands-on development on Ethereum Solidity and Smart Contracts
One month of continued on-line support via a dedicated Gitter channel
After the workshop, we hope our students will continue coding, learning and exploring the Ethereum platform, and in good time, we hope our students will have the opportunity to work professionally in the Blockchain space. With this in mind, to help our students succeed, we are providing a dedicated Gitter channel after the workshop where our students have up to a month to ask further questions in relation to Ethereum, smart contracts etc.
Recommended development experience
Minimum of 6 months development experience is recommended
We have a great line up of trainers that will help you break into the Blockchain space.
Nick Zeeb
Nick is a passionate advocate for Blockchain Technology and loves teaching technical concepts in an understandable way. He was previously the Lead Engineer at Clearmatics, a London Blockchain financial start-up and has expertise in high performance trading systems.
Nick holds a Master’s degree in Engineering and Computer Science from the University of Oxford. He has given a number of talks on the subject of Blockchain Technology.
Nick will be introducing developers to the way the Blockchain works technically, and what its potential applications could be. He will cover the workings and history of the Bitcoin Blockchain, as well as Ethereum and its concept of smart contracts that allow Turing complete code to execute on a virtual machine on the Blockchain. Nick will hold a Q&A session after each topic.
Matthew Di Ferrante
Matthew is a Software Engineer with a passion for Information Security, Cryptography, and Distributed Networks. He has worked in many different areas, from hardware, embedded and kernel programming, to data mining, analytics, and network / systems programming. He first started learning programming at 12 years old, and is completely self taught, both on the practical side of programming, and on the theoretical side of computer science, mathematics, and cryptography. Matthew was first exposed to Bitcoin in late 2010 due to his interest in information security, as Bitcoin was first mainly used on darknets/Silk Road, and got fully involved in the Blockchain space around the time Ethereum started to exist - beginning his foray while living with Vitalik Buterin and long time friend Vlad Zamfir (Creator of Ethereum's Casper Protocol) in London for a few months.
Matthew currently works as a Technical Lead at Clearmatics, developing Blockchain Technology for financial use cases. In his free time, Matthew works on personal hardware projects, gives Information Security and Blockchain related talks at various events, and organise one of the largest monthly Information Security events in the North-West. Matthew’s design for a Secure Oracles Reputation System on Ethereum recently won first place for Smart Contract Security at the Thomson Reuters HackETHon.
Matthew will be introducing developers to the way the Blockchain works technically, and what its potential applications could be. He will cover the workings and history of the Bitcoin Blockchain, as well as Ethereum and its concept of smart contracts that allow Turing complete code to execute on a virtual machine on the Blockchain.
Matthew will also talk about Smart Contracts Security and Ethereum Internals. He will discuss the most important areas to know as a Blockchain Developer. Matthew will hold a Q&A session after each topic.
Laurence Kirk
After a successful career writing low latency financial applications in the City of London, Laurence was captivated by the potential of Blockchain Technology, and in particular smart contracts.
Two years ago, Laurence moved to Oxford and set up, a consultancy working with start-ups in the UK and overseas, developing applications on the Ethereum platform. He brings with him a wealth of real world experience that he loves to share with those new to this area.
Laurence hold a Physics degree from Durham University, and currently taking his MSc in Software Engineering at Oxford University. In addition to giving talks, mentoring at hackathons, and running groups about Blockchain Technology, Laurence also organise Artificial Intelligence and Data Science groups in Oxford.
During the workshop, Laurence will be teaching Solidity (an object-oriented programming language for writing smart contracts) from the simplest smart contract up to interacting with a web application. The focus is very much the practical techniques that are needed when developing on Ethereum. The sessions will be very hands on, encouraging students to practice and explore Ethereum and raise any questions students might have regarding the Ethereum platform.
Nick Johnson
Nick Johnson is a Senior Software Engineer and has been working in the software engineering space for the past 16 years. Nick is currently working as a Software Engineer for the Ethereum Foundation and prior to this, he worked at Google for a number of years.
He brings with him a wealth of knowledge and expertise in Solidity that he loves to share and will be teaching how to write and develop smart contracts during the hands-on development session, and will give students the opportunity to ask questions in relation to the Ethereum platform.
There will be plenty of Q&A throughout the whole two day workshop.
The cost of the workshop for two days outside of London are as follows:
Quantity x 1 Ticket: £699
Eventbrite Booking Fee: £33.93
Sub Total: £732.93
VAT: £146.59
Order Total: £879.52
Date: To be confirmed. Weekend in 2017 (two days)
Time: 09:00 to 17:00
Workshop Location: A city near you. To be confirmed.
Lunch are provided during the workshop on both days.
To view all our future events, please click HERE. For further details on our workshop, please email us on or contact us on 0044 (07)923 521 833. Follow us on Twitter @bc_workshop Join our developer focused meetup group
The Blockchain Connector "Our goal is to simply build a Blockchain Developer community, whereby we help regular application developers become blockchain developers and simplify the recruitment process by connecting developers with start-ups and global firms working on Blockchain projects. Join us and be part of our growing developer community"
(Photo image from Jan 2017 Blockchain Workshop, courtesy of ©matteogiachettiphotography)
24 Nov - 12:00 AM
Join an International Hackathon – 24th – 26th November
How would you like to extend your network, respond to a global challenge working internationally with people you’ve never met before and submit a pitch for an innovative idea? Here’s your chance with IN2IT.
This November you can join an international, online Hackathon bringing together students from Israel, France, Poland and the UK, co-funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme. IN2IT will give you the opportunity to join a virtual, international team, and work together to develop an idea for a product or service. The challenge will focus on a topic of global interest:
Cities of the Future.
14/15th November - Resources go online
As a participant you’ll receive an online pack to review prior to the 36hour hackathon taking place on the 24th-26th November. Participants have 10 days to read the online materials ready for the main hackathon. This has been estimated as 4 hours of work.
24th-26th November - HACKATHON
Participants are expected to complete 15 hours across the 3 day period and will be working with students all over the globe to solve a social issue.
The top performers from KU will travel to a conference in Milan, Italy next spring in order to share their experiences.
DEADLINE: Thursday 9 November 12pm
Students from all disciplines, of all ages and all backgrounds are welcome!
Need more info? Please contact Devaki Amin (