Showing results 1 to 10 out of 17
Science Hack Day Dublin 2016
  19 Nov - 10:00 AM
  Dublin, Ireland
Scientists, engineers, computer scientists, designers! If you're 18 or older and are creative and have a love of science, then come and participate in Science Hack Day Dublin. This is a 36-hr hardware and software hackathon where participants are challenged to make interesting things. You'll be challenged to an intense period of collaboration, making, hacking, and building of ‘cool stuff’. Who knows what awesome stuff you'll be able to create?
Big Data meets Travel Hackathon & Conference - B.U.I.L.D Challenge Weekend
  18 Nov - 06:00 PM
  Dublin, Ireland
This is a hackathon organized for coders, data scientists, business developers, marketers and travel lovers to come together to solve problems in the travel industry by using Big Data. You will be asked to work together to build a commercially viable product or service tackling a challenge in the travel sector and compete for prizes like cash, pitching opportunities in front of investors and trips. You will build an actual prototype of a new service or product by using existing sets of data based on real online user interactions on travel sites!
New Ireland Hackathon - Meetup
  16 Nov - 06:00 PM
  Dublin, Ireland
Insurance professionals! Are you planning to participate in the New Ireland Hackathon? If so, then this meetup is a great way to start! The hackathon theme is "How to make insurance, investments & pensions relevant to my Generation?” Attend this pre-hackathon meeting to learn from expert speakers about what's involved in the hackathon and hear about emerging trends in the insurance sector.
CoderGirlHackDay 10am - 4pm
  15 Oct - 10:00 AM
  Dublin, Ireland
Come and participate in Coder Girl Hack Day to celebrate International Day of the Girl and EU Code Week with a magic and colour themed coding hackathon. Attend and focus on all things cool about tech. Learn how to build a webset, or make jewellery! Compete for a prize offerered for the best website built on the day!
BioPharma Ambition Hackathon. Hosted by MIT's Hacking Medicine & DCU Alpha
  16 Sep - 05:00 PM
  Glasnevin, Ireland
Interested in improving the patient experience from bench to bedside? The BioPharma Ambition health hackathon is for industry experts, scientists, engineers, coders, patients, health care providers, artists, designers, entrepreneurs and marketers who are ready for an intensive challenging weekend of creating innovative solutions that improve aspects of patient pathways and clinical care. Your goals are: --> Better Outcomes for Patients. --> Better drug logistics & waste management. --> More effective health practitioner - patient interaction. --> A better patient experience.
HackAccessDublin Immersion Event
  07 Sep - 06:30 PM
  Dublin, Ireland
If you plan on being a more serious competitor in the #HackAccessDublin event in November then prepare yourself by joining the Immersion event, hosted by the HackAccessDublin team. Attendees will have an early start on the challenges of the Hackathon, as well as access to a panel of experts to critique and refine ideas with your team.
Trinity Launchbox Pre Demo day
  21 Jul - 05:30 PM
  Dublin, Ireland
Trinity College Dublin students with a start-up? This is for you! LaunchBox is a startup accelerator open to teams of Trinity students with an early-stage business. This three-month summer program provides office space; funding; mentorship; access to alumni, partner and investor networks; and the ideal collaborative environment to launch new startup ventures.
HackRSS 2016 | Developing Viable Innovations that Improve Future Patient Care
  14 Jul - 09:00 AM
  Dublin, Ireland
Interested in using technology to address pressing issues of healthcare? This event's for you! At HackRSS 2016. you'll be challenged to develop an idea for a novel, innovative resource that has the potential to improve healthcare and/or the patient experience in Ireland. It can have commercial appeal but more importantly it will be used by future healthcare professionals on a daily basis to improve patient care. The innovation will be pitched to a panel of experts in the RCSI Dragon’s Den, who will select the best innovation presented to them.
Tech Women for Africa - Dublin meetup
  12 Jul - 06:00 PM
  Dublin, Ireland
Women techies! You're invited to participate in "Women in Tech - Leveraging our potential to exploit opportunities in Africa, and make a meaningful impact". This event is free of charge and is open to women in tech who can contribute by sharing their experiences in tech and their insights on the discussed theme. The event is organised by Women in Tech Africa -- the #1 organization for ambitious women in technology from and in Africa, with the vision of enabling women to drive Africa’s growth story and create impact on people's lives.
Spark Haus by Cisco: Dublin Hackathon
  01 Jun - 09:00 AM
  Dublin 1, Ireland
Spark Haus by Cisco is inviting all coders, developers, and business minds to come, connect, share, and collaborate in a two-day event of intense hacking, coding and competition using the Cisco's Spark platform. Have fun and win prizes while learning and building on Cisco's communications APIs. These APIs are especially designed to help you collaborate and communicate with customers, partners, and colleagues. Attendees will get the chance to hear from some of the best tech minds from Ireland and abroad. There will be food, drinks, some surprise judges, and great prizes!