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CoderDojo Community Platform Hackathon #2 @ Dropbox, Dublin
25 Nov - 06:00 PM
Dublin, Ireland
The CoderDojo Foundation recently relaunched Zen as a new open source community platform! We are hosting a Coding hackathon to show you how to contribute to this opensource community platform!
About Zen
This new system allows CoderDojo community members (Mentors and Champions) to fully manage their Dojo activities like issuing tickets to individual Dojo events, posting in forums, editing and setting up profiles etc. The system is completely open source.
Below are some of the really cool community features:
- A forum for community members - A forum especially for youths over 13 years of age - An improved Dojo listing where you can book tickets to a Dojo event - Profiles for individual community members where you can showcase your skills and the Dojo you belong to
We're using some cutting edge open source technology for the system:
- NodeJS - AngularJS - PostGreSQL - Mozilla Open Badges - Jenkins
About the hackathon
If you're interested in developing for this open source project please come along to our Hackathon in the Dropbox offices, in Dublin! On the day there will be 2 streams, a coding stream and a translation stream.
Coding Stream
We will cover how to get set up for development and open your first pull request! Don't worry about having / not having lots of experience, we will have experienced developers present to help you, and we have a list of issues that are "suitable for beginners"!
This is an ideal opportunity to:
- Showcase your development skills on an open source repository. Employers love to see open source activity on Github so it is an easy way to prove your skills.
- Learn from experienced developers in the tech industry. The system was developed by a leading NodeJS development house, NearForm
- Learn how the peer coding reviews and deployment processes work in a real world scenario.
Translating Stream
We are also looking for people to help us translate the community platform. If you are fluent in any forgien language we would love your help on the day. We are using Crowdin to translate the community platform. More details about helping translate on the day can be found here.
This is an ideal opportunity to:
- Showcase your language skills
- Contribute to a open source community project that impacts youth all around the world!
What you will need:
Your Own Laptop and charger
You don't need to be an expert, but you will need to be familiar with javascript.
View repository here where you can see issues and the Readme if you’d like to get started pre-workshop.
Where can I contact the organiser with any questions?
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us directly via:
If you are interested in contributing to the platform outside this event, we are always looking for developers to help out, get in touch via the mailing address above.
A special thank you to Dropbox for providing the venue of this event!
Looking forward to seeing you there!
CoderDojo Limerick 31st October 2015
31 Oct - 11:00 AM
Limerick, Ireland
Loads of news on Arduino, the Web summit, Start-up weekend and Adult Python workshops below so read on to find out what is going on in and around Coderdojo Limerick in the next few weeks.
Arduino uses software and microprocessor kits to allow kids to build and programme their own digital device in a fun and interactive way. At Coderdojo Limerick we have several of these kits and are offering the chance for some of our ninjas to have a go. Because the number of kits we have are limited we will have to ask anyone who is interested to please book their place through Eventbrite (click on the link below). There will be a 7 week run so if you do not get a chance to sign up for this session please don't worry, we can sign you up for the next one. Those who complete the 7 weeks will be eligible for their yellow belt if they wish.
Web Summit
The Web Summit is Europe’s largest tech event and will take place in the RDS on November 3rd, 4thand 5th (last time it will be held in Dublin). Congratulations to Grace and Hollis who will be representing Coderdojo Limerick at the Coderdojo stand. Best of luck to you both and enjoy J
Startup Weekend
Startup Weekend Limerick is a competition where people with business ideas have 54 hours to develop a business from scratch and present a pitch to a team of judges (a bit like the MegaDojo hackathon). The organisers have kindly offered us a few tickets for ninjas aged 12+ to the closing event on Sunday 22nd November where the teams will be pitching their business ideas. Can anyone interested email
Adult Python Workshop
Any adults who are interested in taking part in a Python class please let us know at
Please make sure to scroll down and Book your Ticket for this weeks Coderdojo by clicking on the “Attend Event” button at the bottom of this email in order to alleviate the queues on Saturday morning.
For all the latest news from Coderdojo check out this link and
Book your place for this Saturdays Coderdojo below and we look forward to seeing you all there,
The Limerick Coderdojo team
Very Important:
To satisfy insurance, health and safety, and child protection requirements, it is necessary that members under 13 have a parent or a named responsible adult present for the full duration of their stay. So that we can know who is responsible for each young member, we require a supervisor reserved ticket with the name of the person staying with the young member.
Members will not be allowed into rooms until 11am and we ask that you be there on time so that we can minimise the disruption caused by members arriving late. (Please let us know by email in advance if you will be late).
Tidy up will start at 1.45pm and while we encourage parents to be there at this time, we ask that you do not take away any members until all the rooms are back to the way they were when we arrived. LIT are now using the rooms every Monday morning so this is important.
What you need to bring:
A packed lunch.
If you have one, a laptop.
A parent! (Very important if you are under 13).
If you have not done so already please make sure and fill out the registration form available here. Please print, sign and return the email you receive on your first visit to the dojo.
We accept people all the time, so if you want to start just book your place and turn up on the day; the existing members help bring you up to speed.
Contact details:
Twitter: @coderdojolim
CoderDojo Limerick 17th October 2015
17 Oct - 11:00 AM
Limerick, Ireland
We hope everyone had a fantastic time at MegaDojo. This was our biggest event to date and it didn’t disappoint. There was loads going on throughout the day with 100s of kids taking part in workshops, the incredible Stephen Howell and his dancing (digital) cat, Mags & Susan’s bots, the drone, 3d printing, sensors for food, film screenings and Sean’s explosions. A big thank you to our youth mentors and the parents who volunteered to help us on the day. You guys were brilliant. The planning for MegaDojo 2016 has already started and we look forward to making it bigger and better You can find a full report and photos on
Web Summit
The Web Summit is Europe’s largest tech event and will take place in the RDS on November 3rd, 4thand 5th (last time it will be held in Dublin). The CoderDojo Foundation is looking for some ninjas to come a present their projects on one of these days. If you are interested in applying, please ASAP for more details. Please include your name, a brief description of your project and the day(s) you can attend.
Startup Weekend
Startup Weekend Limerick is a competition where people with business ideas have 54 hours to develop a business from scratch and present a pitch to a team of judges (a bit like the MegaDojo hackathon). The organisers have kindly offered us a few tickets for ninjas aged 12+ to the closing event on Sunday 22nd November where the teams will be pitching their business ideas. Can anyone interested email
Adult Python Workshop
If there are any adults interested in taking part in a series of beginners Python programming workshops, can they email to express interest
Please make sure to scroll down and Book your Ticket for this weeks Coderdojo by clicking on the “Attend Event” button at the bottom of this email in order to alleviate the queues on Saturday morning.
For all the latest news from Coderdojo check out this link and
Book your place for this Saturdays Coderdojo below and we look forward to seeing you all there,
The Limerick Coderdojo team
Very Important:
To satisfy insurance, health and safety, and child protection requirements, it is necessary that members under 13 have a parent or a named responsible adult present for the full duration of their stay. So that we can know who is responsible for each young member, we require a supervisor reserved ticket with the name of the person staying with the young member.
Members will not be allowed into rooms until 11am and we ask that you be there on time so that we can minimise the disruption caused by members arriving late. (Please let us know by email in advance if you will be late).
Tidy up will start at 1.45pm and while we encourage parents to be there at this time, we ask that you do not take away any members until all the rooms are back to the way they were when we arrived. LIT are now using the rooms every Monday morning so this is important.
What you need to bring:
A packed lunch.
If you have one, a laptop.
A parent! (Very important if you are under 13).
If you have not done so already please make sure and fill out the registration form available here. Please print, sign and return the email you receive on your first visit to the dojo.
We accept people all the time, so if you want to start just book your place and turn up on the day; the existing members help bring you up to speed.
Contact details:
Twitter: @coderdojolim
CoderDojo Limerick 3rd October 2015
03 Oct - 11:00 AM
Limerick, Ireland
MEGADOJO is only a week away!!!
Volunteers Urgently Needed – If your children will be attending megadojo and you can offer your time for a part of the day please let us know this Saturday. You do not need any coding experience, or any technical knowledge, all information that will be needed will be supplied on the day. To get more information please follow this link.
MegaDojo is shaping up to be quite a day J There are going to be loads of different events and talks happening on the day. We’ll have coding workshops, demos from companies (big and small), talks and a hackathon. And all this FREE! Don’t forget to follow coderdojomidwest on facebook and twitter to keep up to date with what is happening. You can book your tickets here -
If you were in the SCRATCH group last week you might want to check out this link for some updates and a quick revision for next week.
Please make sure to scroll down and Book your Ticket for this weeks Coderdojo by clicking on the “Attend Event” button at the bottom of this email in order to alleviate the queues on Saturday morning.
For all the latest news from Coderdojo check out this link and
Book your place for this Saturdays Coderdojo below and we look forward to seeing you all there,
The Limerick Coderdojo team
Very Important:
To satisfy insurance, health and safety, and child protection requirements, it is necessary that members under 13 have a parent or a named responsible adult present for the full duration of their stay. So that we can know who is responsible for each young member, we require a supervisor reserved ticket with the name of the person staying with the young member.
Members will not be allowed into rooms until 11am and we ask that you be there on time so that we can minimise the disruption caused by members arriving late. (Please let us know by email in advance if you will be late).
Tidy up will start at 1.45pm and while we encourage parents to be there at this time, we ask that you do not take away any members until all the rooms are back to the way they were when we arrived. LIT are now using the rooms every Monday morning so this is important.
What you need to bring:
A packed lunch.
If you have one, a laptop.
A parent! (Very important if you are under 13).
If you have not done so already please make sure and fill out the registration form available here. Please print, sign and return the email you receive on your first visit to the dojo.
We accept people all the time, so if you want to start just book your place and turn up on the day; the existing members help bring you up to speed.
Contact details:
Twitter: @coderdojolim
CoderDojo Limerick 26th Sept 2015
26 Sep - 11:00 AM
Limerick, Ireland
Read on to find out all about our BIG HUGE EVENT coming up this October!
Bookings are starting to fly in for our MegaDojo on October 10th. Have you booked your ticket yet? If not head on over to Next week we'll be announcing details of the workshops and the hackathon. This week however we have some news about who will be joining us on the day.
First up is Stephen Howell from Microsoft who is a very entertaining speaker. He’ll be giving two talks on the day - Kinect2Scratch and Live App Coding. These are talks you don’t want to miss. We also have the Science Hub Team from the Limerick Learning Hub joining us for a Science Magic Show and the guys from Fab Lab Limerick will be running a 3d printing demo on the day
For more updates – keep an eye on our facebook page. And please invite your friends to join us on the day - we're aiming for 1024 participants
Please make sure to scroll down and Book your Ticket for this weeks Coderdojo by clicking on the “Attend Event” button at the bottom of this email in order to alleviate the queues on Saturday morning.
For all the latest news from Coderdojo check out this link and
Book your place for this Saturdays Coderdojo below and we look forward to seeing you all there,
The Limerick Coderdojo team
Very Important:
To satisfy insurance, health and safety, and child protection requirements, it is necessary that members under 13 have a parent or a named responsible adult present for the full duration of their stay. So that we can know who is responsible for each young member, we require a supervisor reserved ticket with the name of the person staying with the young member.
Members will not be allowed into rooms until 11am and we ask that you be there on time so that we can minimise the disruption caused by members arriving late. (Please let us know by email in advance if you will be late).
Tidy up will start at 1.45pm and while we encourage parents to be there at this time, we ask that you do not take away any members until all the rooms are back to the way they were when we arrived. LIT are now using the rooms every Monday morning so this is important.
What you need to bring:
A packed lunch.
If you have one, a laptop.
A parent! (Very important if you are under 13).
If you have not done so already please make sure and fill out the registration form available here. Please print, sign and return the email you receive on your first visit to the dojo.
We accept people all the time, so if you want to start just book your place and turn up on the day; the existing members help bring you up to speed.
Contact details:
Twitter: @coderdojolim