Showing results 11 to 17 out of 17
Vue Storefront Hackathon #9 @ Tel Aviv
28 Apr - 04:00 PM
Tel Aviv, Israel
On 28th April (Sunday) and 29th April (Monday), Adika Style is hosting the 9th Vue Storefront Hackathon in Tel Aviv + Remotely! Official website: via Eventbrite!Contact: Vue Storefront is a standalone PWA storefront for your eCommerce. It allows you to connect with any eCommerce backend (eg. Magento, Pimcore, Prestashop or Shopware) through the API. Vue Storefront is open source, which anyone can use and support the project. We want it to be a tool for the improvement of the shopping experience.⏰ Here’s the schedule:28th April (Sunday):16:00–16:30 — Official welcome16:30–17:00 — Vue Storefront Setup Training/Workshop 17:00 - 19:30 — Coding19:30 – 20:00 — Recap 20:00 - Networking
29th April (Monday):16:00–16:30 — Welcome / Set-up16:30–17:00 — Vue Storefront Q&A Session17:00 - 19:30 — Coding19:30 – 20:00 — Recap 20:00 - Networking
➡️ The core front-end team will be available for questions on the Slack channel. Invite link; #vuestorefront #vshackathon #Magento
Android Academy Hackathon 2019
28 Mar - 04:00 PM
Tel Aviv, Israel
The registration has officially ended on the 21st of March.
It is now open unofficially but we do not guarantee we can find you a team until the Hackathon.
The Android Academy 2019 Hackathon is on its way!
We've been through the Android Fundamentals and Android Design courses and we know our way around design and code. Now it is time to put our knowledge into action and forge an application from an idea!
Prepare for 24 hours of intense coding, designing and coffee drinking while you create your application.
Please register only if you are 100% certain you will come. There is a lot of work and effort put into the hackathon and the number of tickets is limited.
All of this couldn't have happened without our sponsors. A huge thanks to:
Samsung Next
What's in store for us?
21.3 Last day for registration.
25.3 Hackathon Best Practices and preparation
28.3 16:00: Hackathon begins
29.3 15:00: Hackathon ends
29.3 15:01 Hugs, Kisses and drive home safely.
25.3 19:00 Hackathon Best Practices and preparation
Best practices and tools to use during the hackathon
Meeting the mentor in person and get to know each other
Discuss the idea for the app
Choosing one feature that will be implemented during the hackathon
Discuss and decide on user flow with design mentor
Discuss and decide design & animations with a design mentor
Discuss and decide on Software Architecture with development mentor (Classes, Methods, Patterns)
Discuss possible APIs to use.
Decide on homework each participant will do/research
Group Structure:
At least one Designer and one Developer.
Application Idea:The idea is up to you. Any idea is welcome.
Equipment To Bring:
Smile and a bucket of good mood :)
Comfortable clothes / Costume (you can be creative!)
Personal Hygienic stuff like a toothbrush
Laptop with Android Studio, Git, AVD installed and working properly
Power cable for laptop
An Android device with a data cable
Application Submission Guidelines:
Design: At least one fully designed flow.
At least three screens with different designs.
Fully working flow.
At least one network call.
Hackathon Preparation - Best Practices
25 Mar - 06:30 PM
Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
The Android Academy 2019 Hackathon is nearby! Are you ready to meet your team?
How do I prepare? Why should I come? I dont have Idea, where to take one? I dont have team? Fear of fail etc etc...
In this gathering, you will meet your mentor and your team, discuss your application idea and build a foundation for the upcoming hackathon. Bring a lot of good mood and open-mindedness with you :)
It's going to have fun!
If you haven't registered yet, the hackathon registration is open here.
See you there,
The Android Academy Staff
Hackathon Mentor Preparation
18 Mar - 06:30 PM
Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
The Android Academy Hackathon 2019 is happening on the 28th of March and we are excited :D
As a mentor, you bear a responsibility to make the hackathon an exciting and educational event for participants.
This meeting is a must for any mentor wanting to attend this year's hackathon.
We will meet in the offices of Monday to discuss guidelines and have fun :)
Israel Legal Hackathon
21 Feb - 09:30 AM
Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
Legal techies and legal professionals in Israel! Fischer Behar Chen Well Orion & Co -- in collaboration with Tech&Law Israel -- invite you to participate in the Tel Aviv edition of the 2019 Global Legal Hackathon. This event brings the legal industry around the world together with technologists and innovators to drive the development of innovative legal solutions worldwide. You'll be challenged to create prototypes that use technologies such as blockchain and AI, etc to address the global demand for regulatory, compliance and governance software
Come and collaborate and compete for industry recognition, great prizes, and the chance to represent Israel to pitch at the finals in London!
Find useful info at this hackathon tips page!
Code Til Dawn
31 Jan - 08:00 PM
Tel Aviv, Israel
Code Til Dawn is a night to work on creative programming projects in our free time.This is for anyone who wants to catch up on that nagging TO-DO item at a late night, caffeinated coding session with like-minded individuals.
The focus of this group is to create things. Think of it as a mini-hackathon with no rules or agenda (but also no prize money!).
Come to work on your side hustle, contribute to open source, network or recruit. And if you feel like you want to present on something, or give a tutorial, you can do that too.Use the time any way you like. Learn a new programming language or just use it as an excuse to work on something different than you do at your job. It's also potentially an opportunity to work with different people. Also feel free to come, put your headphones on and sit in the corner...just to be around the community. All skill levels and languages are welcome! Designers and entrepreneurs welcome too, come get some work done!
If you would like to help organize the event please contact
Le Wagon is Europe's leading coding school for entrepreneurs and creative people. We are now present in 30 cities worldwide, with over 120 startups in operation, and have been rated the No. 1 coding bootcamp worldwide on Course Report & Switchup! Our 9-week, full-stack web development course equips aspiring entrepreneurs, product managers, designers, and junior developers with the technical skills they need to build great products and startups.
The next batch in Tel Aviv starts on May 12th 2019. Further details about the course and how to apply can be found here (
Workshop for Innovation and HR managers
14 Jan - 08:30 AM
Ra'anana, Israel
*The Workshop will be conducted in Hebrew*
The Agenda
08:30-09:00 - Coffee & Networking
09:00-09:40 - How Can We Escape Thought Fixations?
Dafna Cosidoy, Head of Innovation & Consulting Group @ Vayomar
09:40-10:15 - Pannel: How to implement Innovation in different organizations?
The pannel participants:
* Eyal Gonen, Software Testing Manager and Innovation Leader @ Medtronic
* Hagith Malul, Israel Chief of Staff & Head of Operations @ LivePerson
* Yoav Tzuker, Director, Head of Innovation @ Natural Intelligence
* Karin Tucker, Head of HR Israel @ Amdocs
The panel will be hosted by Dafna Cosidoy, Head of Innovation & Consulting Group @ Vayomar
10:15-10:30 - Coffee break
10:30-11:30 - Break the innovation roulette!
Shachaf Snir, Global Innovation Business Lead @ Amdocs
11:30-12:30 - Creative Mind - an Inspiring Talk With a Smile
Tziporela, Theater comedy
12:30-12:45 - Questions & Summary
About the Sessions
How can we escape thought fixations?
Dafna Cosidoy, Head of Innovation & Consulting Group @ Vayomar
Dafna will talk about the thought fixations that accompany our day to day lives and block us from thinking in a creative solution-focused way. In this talk, you will learn about several operative tools to identify thought fixations that limit us in our jobs and hurt our ability to solve problems in a more efficient and creative way. By identifying the thought fixation, we can locate an effective and implementable solution that will guide us to transform from problem-oriented to solution oriented. This methodology was developed by Vayomar, and is implemented in organizations in Israel and abroad.
A panel: ”How to implement innovation?” conducted by: Dafna Cosidoy, Head of Innovation & Consulting Group @ Vayomar
After the kick off session Dafna will conduct the panel with two guest HR managers and an innovation manager that will share with us how they implement innovation in their organizations.
Break the innovation roulette!
Shachaf Snir, Global Innovation Business Lead @ Amdocs
Hackathons, meetups, ideations, make-athons, brainstorming, crowdsourcing, incubator, future scenarios… the list of buzzwords in the innovation roulette goes on and on. The choice seems random in most cases. What should you do next? The answer is simple – break your innovation roulette!
This talk will introduce you to the basics of formulating an innovation strategy, answering questions such as: how do you know what methodology will support your business? How can you focus your innovations initiatives to create true impact? And most importantly – how can you give “innovation” its meaning back?!
Creative Mind – an inspiring talk with a smile
Tziporela, Theater comedy
This session, presented in the unique and fun style of the ensemble, demonstrates how to overcome obstacles in a creative way, showing ways of coping with difficulties and obstacles standing in your way of achieving the ambitious goal. An interactive session with the audience will provide practical insights and tools for anyone who wants to take a stand and take on what seems like an impossible mission.
About the Experts
Dafna Cosidoy, Head of Innovation & Consulting Group @ Vayomar
Dafna is the leading spirit of training development at Vayomar and responsible for embedding and implementation of Vayomar’s innovation programs. Dafna holds a M.A in Organizational sociology (honors) from Haifa university and a B.A in education and gender.
Shachaf Snir, Global Innovation Business Lead @ Amdocs
10 years of experience in leading Innovation management and organizational consulting.* Holds the position of Global Innovation Business Lead at the Amdocs innovation program.* Creating the Amdocs innovation methodologies and best practices, and working with business units in tackling their business challenges through the practice of innovation, including: product developent, service and business model innovation; formulation of organizational processes and best practices that support innovation execution; working with Amdocs's customers on tacking their business challenges while building relationships and collaboration in the process.A retired professional chef and a proud father of 2 amazing little girls.
Tziporela, Theater comedy
Tziporela is an independent theater company that was established in 2005. The theatre is currently performing all over the world with 4 acts in Hebrew and another act in English. Tziporela Present a unique concept of a theater that combines a large number of genres within a performance, which combine into a thrilling and very entertaining stage event. Over a million people watched the various shows during their 13 years of activity.