Showing results 11 to 20 out of 24
Partners4Innovation Hackathon
27 Sep - 06:30 PM
Metropolitan City of Milan, Italy
The advent of the digital age has radically transformed whole industries in recent years, allowing new entrants into business to acheive previously impossible levels of growth. As such, traditional businesses must change and adapt their strategies to fit the society in which they exist. Attending the Partners4Innovation Hackathon will help you to identify areas where digital innovations already exist, and to find new areas in which you can better your business.
Hacking Health Milano 2016 / Tavoli Tematici
27 Sep - 09:00 AM
Milano, Italy
Doctors, designers, developers, researchers, students, health professionals, patients... Come to the Hacking Health hackathon and help rethink the world of health and care. Collaborate to build innovative apps and projects to address one of the following areas: »Rethinking Care »Rethinking patients »Rethinking systems
IEEE ISC2 Smart City Hackathon
13 Sep - 09:00 AM
Trento, Italy
Coders with a mind for social responsibility! Sign up for the IEEE ISC2 Smart City Hackathon. Collaborate with like-minded individuals on one of two tracks: -> Help develop mobility apps for the implementation of Trento Smart City -> Develop smart and original mobile phone apps to help people in Southern Africa Come along and contribute! All you need to bring is yourself, your laptop, your enthusiasm, and your coding skills.
21 Jun - 08:00 AM
Esino Lario, Italy
Wikimania is an annual gathering that celebrates Wikipedia and its sister projects for free knowledge with lectures, discussions, meetings, workshops and hackathons. Hundreds of volunteer contributors come together to learn and discuss projects and their potentials.
ReNEWables hackaton
11 Jun - 01:00 PM
Milano, Italy
Maker Faire together with Eni SpA are organizing this 24-hour hackathon dedicated to renewable energies with the aim to identify original solutions for the use of solar energy production technologies. The challenge of the renewables hackathon will focus on three possible challenge: OPV, LSC, and Solar Harvesting. Using LSC and OPV for exploitation environments or conditions where it is not possible to connect to a power grid or other energy harvesting solutions. Participants must develop a working prototype to be presented to the Jury at the end of the weekend.
Open talks iCODEX
10 Jun - 10:00 AM
Milano, Italy
iCODEX--the first event dedicated to the world of innovation, culture and technological development. Who should attend? Developers, designers, computer scientists, creative minds--anyone who is passionate about the intersection of culture and technology.
iCODEX: il primo hackathon di innovazione culturale
10 Jun - 09:30 AM
Milano, Italy
iCODEX is a 24-hour hackathon promoting cultural innovation. Participants will be asked to develop ideas that improve the way people think, create, and enjoy cultural products. The projects that this event wants to accomplish with iCODEX will be transmedia, interactive and immersive.
B-HACK - la Hackathon di B-App
28 May - 10:00 AM
Milano, Italy
Come participate at B-Hack—a 30 hours digital marathon! Collaborate to create new iOS and Android apps for business. Participate individually or in a team—it's your choice!
Youth Hackathon
22 May - 09:30 AM
Como, Italy
The Youth Hackathon is an event to help young children experience technology and new media. The program is structured in a single day filled with workshops and competitions. The workshops include Play Wikipedia, Mapathon with OpenStreetMap, Play Scratch, Play, and cryptography. Other activities in a different area will present some exhibitions for Wikimedia projects, 3D printers, Raspberry, Arduino, and drones!
Seeds&Chips 2016
11 May - 10:00 AM
Milano, Italy
This event is an International Summit dedicated to food innovation looking at all aspect of the food process, from farm to fork and where food and technology meet. Hundreds of startups, companies in food and tech investors, thought leaders and policymakers will join on this day to share ideas, projects and experiences. Innovating the food system is not just an opportunity, it is a challenge for the Internet of Food!