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Quante idee servono per cambiare il mondo?
  12 Dec - 06:30 PM
  Torino, Italy
Lo Startup Studio o parallel entrepreneurship fonda le proprie basi sulla standardizzazione di processi e condivisione di risorse per la creazione di Startup. ARGOMENTI Ecosistema: il tasso di fallimento delle Startup e le motivazioni sottostanti; Benchmarking: Startup Studio all’estero, cosa accade, perché funziona, dati e motivazioni; Mamazen model: framework di generazione idee, processo di idea validation, newco, individuazione del co-founder e spin-off; Hackathon: come organizzarli al meglio con uno Startup Studio. LOCATION Toolbox Coworking, Via Agostino da Montefeltro 2, 10134 Torino BIO SPEAKER Farhad Alessandro Mohammadi, CEO di Mamazen.Ex direttore commerciale di e Glamoo. Co-founder di Pony Zero (exit nel luglio del 2018). Mentor per B-Heroes, Avatech e Startup Geeks.Docente nel Master in Marketing & Communication - IED.Membro del Club degli Investitori.Speech passati: Sellalab, SiamoSoci (Azimut Bank), Camera di Commercio, Reseau Entreprendre, TedX. AGENDA 18.30: Benvenuto 18.45: Presentazione del modello Startup Studio 19.30: Q&A 20.00: Aperitivo MEDIA PARTNER SITPolito, SITUnito, SEI+, JEToP, HKN Polito, PoliEnergy, AIESEC Torino, Starting Finance Torino, MARKETERs Club Torino, Ogginext.   QUANTO COSTA? La partecipazione è totalmente gratuita, ti basta registrarti su Eventbrite. Qualora non potessi più prendere parte all’evento, ti chiediamo cortesemente di comunicarcelo cancellando la tua registrazione o scrivendoci a
    Hackathon de Noël: Le pont numérique
      05 Dec - 12:00 AM
      Nice, France
    We invite you to participate in the international Christmas hackathon "Hackaton de Noël: Le pont numérite" on the development of promising solutions in the leading directions of the digital economy, which will be held in December 2019 with a face-to-face final in two countries:Belgium and France. Partners of hackathon: Samsung IT- academy. Qube (Sweden), Electronic Money and Money Transfer Market Participants Association (Russia). As basic digital technologies for development of solutions of hackathon participants will be used: big data, new production technologies (including financial), wireless communication technologies, industrial Internet, virtual and augmented reality technologies, geotargeting and geoposition technologies based on GLONASS and GPS systems. Selection online stage - from 26th ofNovember till3th of December, 2019; Face-to-face stage - 5-6 December 2019 (Nice and Mons) For registration tap the link:
    Hackathon GreenTech by WHAT06
      15 Nov - 06:00 PM
      Valbonne, France Le thème de 2019 : La Green Tech Le thème est volontairement large, afin de laisser libre court à l’imagination des porteurs d’idées. Exemples de sujet pouvant etre abordes lors de ce hackathon: * Smart City, covoiturage, gestion des dechets * Changement climatique, qualite de l'air, reduction empreinte carbone * Economie d'energie, Energie renouvelable, transition energetique, energie propre * Gestion raisonnee de l'eau, 0 gaspillage, consommation responsable, economie circulaire * Agriculture raisonnee, perma-culture, biodiversite Un hackathon, qu’est ce que c’est ? 24h de programmation non-stop, du vendredi 15 novembre 18h au samedi 16 novembre 18h Ouvert à tout le monde : homme, femme, salarié, entrepreneur, retraité, étudiant, demandeur d’emploi… 16 équipes constituées de profils différents : informatique, business, marketing, design, généraliste… Des expert(e)s techniques, des mentors et des coaches pour conseiller, aider et supporter les équipes Et au final ? Des services ou produits innovants, comme une spécification, un scénario d’usage, un business model, une maquette, une démo fonctionnelle… Notre plus : L'initiation a la programnmation et au Design Thinking pour les enfants (min 6 ans) En parallèle du hackathon, nous organisons le samedi, 2 ateliers pour les enfants des participants. * 1 atelier Robots Thymio: QUAND L’INTELLIGENCE ARTIFICIELLE S'APPLIQUE À UNE VOITURE AUTONOME" anime par Orange Les enfants découvriront les 6 modes préprogrammés des robots thymio ; ils apprendront à écrire un programme pour les robots et ils verront les robots évoluer sur une grande piste avec un programme spécifique qui leur permettra de comprendre les principes d’une voiture autonome. Ensuite, il leur sera proposé un échange autour des implications éthiques de l’I.A. : qui est responsable en cas d’accident avec une voiture autonome ? * 1 atelier Design Thinking anime par Life Bloom Academy: Le temps d'un atelier découverte, les enfants inventeront une solution pour résoudre un problème du monde grâce au Design Thinking.  Une occasion unique d'expérimenter la création en équipe et découvrir que Oui ils peuvent contribuer et agir.
      Hackathon of droidcon Italy - 6-7 April
        06 Apr - 09:00 AM
        Torino, Italy
      droidcon Italy Hackathon The hackathon has a small charge to encourage committment from those who subscribe. Breakfast and lunch included in the ticket price! All info here: Sponsors will offer prizes to the best teams, plus special prizes to be defined. How Does it work All hackathon participants meet on Saturday morning (6 April). The hackathon sponsors outline the themes for the hackathon, this year all under the umbrella of #android4everyone, and the prizes associated to each theme. Participants pitch their ideas for development. (The themes are also released in advance of the hackathon so that participants have the chance to pre-plan their ideas). Everyone divides into teams and, for the rest of Saturday, overnight, and most of Sunday, works on developing building the ideas into full fledged, operational solutions. Sunday evening, work stops and each team presents their solution to the judges and all of the participants. Sunday evening after 5pm the judges award the winner and runner-up prizes for each theme category.  You can see more detail in the hackathon rules . FYI, participants must bring their own hardware (i.e. laptop, PCs, mobile devices, extension cords, etc.) Why participate The droidcon hackathon is your chance to make contacts and build relationships. The hackathon is about Android development in general, with particular focus on new trends such as wearable, IoT, AndroidTV and Android Auto, so it is also a chance to dive into those areas and build your skills . More info about the main event, the hackathon rules, prizes, sponsors and more, will be provided in the main event website: Prize and themes from YOOX Net-A-Porter Elevating Engagement in Luxury RetailRetail is changing. Selling product is just as important as engaging and entertaining users. Build something new and disruptive that takes luxury retail to the next level with Augmented Reality, Machine Learning, via social and through gamification. Tools: Have fun delivering your ideas using an SDK which gives access to the YOOX catalogue. WIN! 150€ per team member in MONEYOOX Prize and theme from HERE Technology Guide Me with HEREBuild a location aware application powered by HERE APIs. Add a location feature to your project using one of 29 HERE location APIs found on Get creative and use location to solve complex everyday problems. From routing to tracking & positioning, there are countless ways to add location enablement to your solution. Projects submitted must use at least one HERE API to be eligible. The best use of HERE APIs will win a new Samsung Gear S3 watch for each team member, featuring the HERE WeGo app within Tizen OS. Submissions will be judged on the originality and level of has everything you need for location-based integration. WIN! The best use of HERE APIs will win a new Samsung Gear S3 watch for each team member, featuring the HERE WeGo app within Tizen OS. Submissions will be judged on the originality and level of innovation.A new Samsung Gear S3 watch for each team member (up to 5 watches).Challenge Prize Value$2,000 REGISTER NOW! Places are limited, pre-register in order to be sure to participate. By signing up to the Hackathon you accept our Rules : and you accept the Privacy Policy Note 1: The challenges will be revealed prior to the event in order to keep the chances equal. Note 2: The ticket has a symbolic price to encourage the subscription of who is really interested. Sponsors will offer prizes to the best teams, plus special prizes to be defined. Agenda Saturday - 6 April09:00 – 09:30 Doors open and registration09:30 - 10:00 Welcome address10:00 - 10:30 Challenges presentation by the sponsors10:30 - 11:00 Team formation11:00 - Start Hacking13:00 – 14:00 Lunch19:00 – 20:00 DinnerThe venue will remain open during the nightSunday - 7 April08:00 – 09:00 Breakfast13:00 – 14:00 Lunch16:00 End of Hacking - Projects deadline17:30 Demos 5 min per Pitch18:00 Jury Deliberation18:30 Award Ceremony by the Sponsors FAQs Q: Do I have to come with a team?A: No ! We will help you find a great team to join. Q: What's the maximum team size?A: Five individuals. Q: Should I bring a laptop?A: Yes. Even if you're not coding it's a good idea to bring some kind of internet enabled device. Q: Do I have to be a coder?A: No, entrepreneurs, designers and anyone with bright ideas and energy is most welcome ITA Il 6-7 Aprile 2018 al Talent Garden Fondazione Agnelli a Torino si svolgerà la 6a edizione di Droidcon Hackathon. Questo hackathon punta a offrire alle start-up, studenti, entusiasti della tecnologia e menti creative nell'industria Mobile, l'opportunità di sviluppare soluzioni software/hardware che facciano prosperare le persone e il business. Vieni con un'idea e forma un team o unisciti ad un team sul posto e passa il weekend a costruire "The Next Big Thing!" Nota 1: I temi verranno rivelati prima dell'evento per dare le stesse possibilità a tutti i team. Nota 2: Il biglietto ha un prezzo simbolico per incoraggiare la registrazione all'evento alle persone realmente interessate. Programma Sabato 6 Aprile 09:00 – 09:30 Accredito partecipanti09:30 - 10:00 Welcome e briefing iniziale10:00 - 10:30 Presentazione dei temi da parte degli sponsor10:30 - 11:00 Presentazione iniziale delle idee11:00 - 11:30 Team Formation11:30 Inizio lavori13:00 – 14:00 Pranzo16:00 – 16:30 Stand up – mentoring sessions19:00 – 20:00 Cena Domenica 7 Aprile08:00 – 09:00 Colazione11:00 – 13:00 Pitch Training 1:113:00 – 14:00 Pranzo15:30 Consegna dei progetti da parte dei team17:30 Presentazione finale dei progetti18:00 Votazione della Giuria18:30 Proclamazione dei vincitori da parte degli Sponsor Domande Frequenti:Q: Devo arrivare con una squadra già formata ?A: No, ti aiuteremo a trovare un ottimo team a cui potrai unirti Q: Qual è la dimensione massima delle squadre ?A: 5 persone. Q: Devo portare un computer portatile con me ?A: Si'. Anche se non scrivi codice, porta con te un computer. Q: Devo saper programmare per partecipare ?A: No. Startupper, designer e chiunque con idee ed energia può partecipare. Registrandosi all’hackathon ciascun partecipante dichiara di aver visionato e accettato il Regolamento e Privacy Policy Per Info visita il sito.
        droidcon Italy 2019 - Conference (4-5 April)
          04 Apr - 09:00 AM
          Torino, Italy
        droidcon Italy 2019 is the biggest Android conference for developers in Europe. The sixth edition will be 4-5 April 2019 @ OGR Torino #android4everyone Android is for everyone. An open, collaborative platform to create the best possible experiences. droidcon is for everyone that works with Android: developers & engineers YES, but also the researchers, the marketers, the designers, the managers and the founders that do pioneering, creative work on Android and want to share it with the community. The 2019 edition of droidcon will bring together #android4everyone to celebrate the very best projects and learn from the very best specialists. Call for Paper will open 1 December - 13 January. Full Agenda live NOW!: Standard tickets for the ConferenceEARLY BIRD TICKET: 139€ from 1 January - 28 February REGULAR TICKET: 189€ from 1 March - 4 April (18:00)STUDENT TICKET: 49€ Expertisedroidcon Italy supports the Android platform by bringing together developers and suppliers to evolve the Android ecosystem in its unique approach of openness and shared learning.Proudly organised by Synesthesia Srl, a ten year+ software house in the heart of Torino, droidcon Italy benefits from the core knowledge and passion that the Synesthesia crew bring to the event. The participantsdroidcon Italy brings together Android developers, software engineers, designers, UI/ UX experts and marketers. Participants are both freelancers and those who work with agencies, software houses and b2c companies. Event structureThe event comprises a two day conference plus two day hackathon. Within the conference the agenda is divided into keynote presentations (for the full audience) and stream/ track presentations (when the audiences choose between 3 or 4 simultaneous sessions).Also scheduled throughout the agenda are workshops – longer sessions in which the participants can deep dive into a particular topic.There are opportunities to network throughout the whole event: coffee and lunch breaks are held in the exhibition space. About the venue The OGR – Officine Grande Riparazioni – brings together creation & refurbishment, industrial & technological, artistic & scientific, in one space. The venue was re-opened mid 2017, following a one hundred million euro investment by the CRT Foundation. It is a special and very unique complex. The Officine Nord are an open multifunctional exhibition space which retain traces of the building’s past but also incorporate the best AV tools & technologies. The intention and the ambiance of the OGR are a perfect match for droidcon. More Info at  Registering to droidcon Italy, you accept our privacy policy FAQs: Q: Are tickets are valid for the 2 days of conference?A: You just need one ticket for the two days. This is valid also for Student Tickets Q: Is it only possible to pay using Paypal?A: You can use any credit card using the Paypal gateway. If you prefer to use Bank Transfer (bonifico bancario) or other payment options, please contact us. Q: Is there any discount for large groups, schools, user groups, etc.?A: We can agree discounts for schools and universities (both public and private institutions). Google Dev Groups (GDG) members are eligibile for discounts too (contact your local representative for details). If you run a GDG or other developer groups, communities, conference, etc. please contact us! Q: Can the ticket be transferred?A: No, tickets are personal. If can't come and want to transfer your ticket, contact us. Q: Do I need to print the ticket?A: No, you can also use the digital version on your smartphone/tablet/pc. Be enviroment friendly! Q: I have another question...A: use the "contact organizer" ("contatta l'organizzatore") button on the right column. Feel free to write us!
          How to get away with an Hackathon - Dall'idea al prototipo in 24h
            07 Feb - 03:00 PM
            Torino, Italy
          Evento in collaborazione con Torino Digital Days | Digital is Real