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Digital Evolution - manuale di sopravvivenza nella giungla tecnologica
17 Mar - 10:00 AM
Genoa, Italy
*** EVENT POSTPONED *** Business and technology professionals in and around Genoa! The Digital Enterprise Point of the Genoa Chamber of Commerce invites you to attend Digital Evolution - A Survival Manual in the Technological Jungle of 2020.You'll learn how to use the city's entrepreneurial fabric to help your company grow its technical skills and increasing your level of digital maturity. Participate in a hackathon along one of three topics: Smart retail: how to integrate online and offline Artificial intelligence and contacts: how to make data-driven decisions Mass customization: how to customize the product Get the best hackathon advice here!
Geckathon 2020
24 Feb - 09:30 AM
Brescia, Italy
Geckathon 5: in difesa della creatività!
    HACKATHON "SCIoTeM - Smart City, Internet of Things e Mobilità"
    19 Feb - 09:00 AM
    Mantova, Italy
    Hackathon promossa dall'Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia per individuare soluzioni creative in uno scenario di Smart City.
      GPU Hackathon Summit 2020
      18 Feb - 08:00 PM
      Zona Industriale Via del Lavoro, Italy
      GPU Hackathon Summit brings together research organizations for sessions centered around organizing and executing GPU Hackathons.
        25 Jan - 09:00 AM
        Fornovo di Taro, Italy
        €100 voucher per winning team member
        Hackers in and around the province of Parma! Analysts, coders, designers, makers, professionals, and students! You're invited to participate in Hackafork -- Italy's first hackathon dedicated to food, nutrition, and food automation. On your own, or as a member of a team of up to 5 people, you'll be challenged to design, prototype, and pitch a project on the theme of the food chain from production to logistics, from sales to catering. Your project -- a combination of both hardware and software components --must bring improvements to the food sector (production, logistics, food, catering, etc.). You'll present your solution to a jury that will judge it on originality, functionality, and execution. Each member of the winning team will be awarded a € 100.00 voucher.