Sowing results 8 out of 8
Hackathon OCTONoMous @Motorshow
10 Dec - 10:00 AM
Bologna, Italy
Students, IT professionals, developers and startups! Interested in smart, connected cars and cyber security? Do you have skills in software development, cyber security, or network security? If so, you're invited to sign up to participate in the OCTONoMous Hackathon at the Bologna Motorshow. You will participate in two separate work sessions: Session 1:Identify security vulnerabilities that can affect the proper functioning of an automotive system product. Session 2:Propose improvements to the product as integrated with OCTO Telematics.
100100 Talks
27 Nov - 10:00 AM
Vicenza, Italy
Coders, mechatronic engineers, makers, designers, students, marketers! Come and participate in the 100100 Challenge EVolution! You'll participate in a team compete with like-minded individuals to solve Internet of Things challenges. The 100100 EVolution Challenge is focused on technology such as the Internet of Things, Industry 4.0, and smart mobility. Your team will get the opportunity to create an innovative solution and compete for prizes in one of three challenge categories: Acquired Disability, Electric Mobility, or Culture and Smart City.
Hackathon "100100 Challenge EVolution"
26 Nov - 09:30 AM
Province of Vicenza, Italy
The 100100 Challenge EVolution hackathon is the first hackathon organized by Confartigianato Vicenza and will be focused on the Internet of Things. IoT has defined a new paradigm in which information communication and technology surround us at all times; tightly integrated with the real world by smart objects which have capacity of interaction with the surrounding environment and of data processing. These objects are interconnected so that they can gather, exchange and process information.
21 Nov - 09:30 AM
Bologna, Italy
Hackers in and around the city of Bologna! Come and sign-up for the sixth edition of the Bologna City Civilian Award. Participate and help create innovative ways in which technology can help improve life, human welfare and the beauty of the city. Showcase your creativity and technical expertise — design and build an app, a web page, a game that responds to the needs of the community of Bologna.
SMART HUMAN HABITAT_Brescia Smart City Hackathon
01 Oct - 09:00 AM
Brescia, Italy
Marketers, designers and developers! Come to the Brescia Smart City Hackathon and create solutions for the smart city! Come up with ideas that can improve processes and provide new solutions for the smart city, in areas such as the economy, mobility, the environment, smart people, smart living, and smart governance. Create a solution that uses a programmable multi-function hardware device able to collect independently a series of data (temperature, position, orientation, movement), to be connected to other devices and to transmit by radio the information gathered distance.
HACK FOR NEEDS - hackathon
02 Sep - 09:00 AM
Solesino, Italy
Are you interested in helping solve the problems of people with disabilities? Then participate in the HACK FOR NEEDS Hackathon. Designers, developers, prototyping and automation enthusiasts are invited to a day of collaboration to solve one of the following five needs of people with disabilities: 1. TURN ON - OFF: Develop switch activated by limited body movements 2. COMMUNICATE: Develop instruments to express YES / NO; I'M THIRSTY - I WOULD LIKE COFFEE; I WANT TO GO OUT; I WANT TO REST. 3. MARK TIME: Develop tools to indicate the time, its passing and to guide the sequence of activities, times of the day. 4. MOVE YOURSELF: Develop tools which identify obstacles and give indications of full / empty. 5. RECEIVE SENSORY INPUTS: Create visual, auditory, and tactile inputs through technology that the person can choose and experiment.
EFSA Hackathon
27 Apr - 12:00 AM
Province of Parma, Italy
This is a hackathon organized for the development of an innovative ideas for developing a mobile app for EFSA. You may participate as an individual or as a team by submitting a prototype of a mobile app that gives access to EFSA’s recent work. The deadline for submissions is 30 June 2016. You should work on your idea before applying. You may not have a fully functioning product when you apply, but as long as the idea is in place, you’re in good shape. The creators of the five best prototypes will be invited to present them at EFSA’s premises, in Parma. By this time, your app should fully work! This is a competition but it’s also a place to meet interesting people and learn something new. Just have a good time and do your best!
Hackathon Brescia
15 Jan - 05:00 PM
brescia, Italy
This Hackathon in Brescia is to create a synergy project among people affected by a debilitating disease, health professionals and experts from the world of technology. The general objectives is to raise awareness on limitations caused by rheumatoid arthritis; create synergy between citizens suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, nurses and the world of technology through planning. This invitation is addressed primarily to makers eager to innovate by helping others.