Sowing results 5 out of 5
Explainable AI and DevOps/MLOps for Banking
03 May - 06:30 PM
Milano, Italy
- Explainable AI and DevOps/MLOps for Banking
- Application of DevOps and MLOps towards digital automation in banking use-cases
Driving Innovation Hackathon 2023
19 Apr - 02:00 PM
Milano, Italy
Take part in Driving Innovation in the mobility industry by showcasing your solution with your team to industry leaders!
ML & Graph algorithms to prevent financial crime in digital payments
07 Feb - 06:45 PM
Milano, Italy
Machine Learning and Graph based solutions to prevent financial crime in digital payments.
Hacking Activism - un hackathon per salvare i fiumi
21 Jan - 09:30 AM
Milano, Italy
Il primo hackathon dedicato alla salvaguardia dell'ecosistema fluviale del nostro paese
HACKATHON per bambini 7-13 anni
20 Jan - 03:00 PM
Milano, Italy
Costruiamo un'APP che aiuti gli adulti a svolgere la raccolta differenziata correttamente!