Showing results 11 to 19 out of 19
B-Pioneers | Cercasi idee per migliorare la vita | Hackathon
08 Nov - 09:00 AM
Milano, Italy
Vuoi contribuire a sostenere e migliorare la qualità della vita di una persona con l’atrofia muscolare spinale (SMA)? Partecipa a B-Pioneers
GalaHACKtic Challenge of Cyber Security
11 Oct - 10:00 AM
Busto Arsizio, Italy
The Cyber Security is nowadays a critical theme for organizations, societies and people.Reti S.p.A., an information technology company located in Italy (Busto Arsizio) decided, creating the GalaHACKtic Challenge, to deal with the Cyber Security matter by organizing an open and free event.
IT University students or experts IT people with Cyber Security knowledge or interest my apply to the 2-days event tha will be hostedin Campus Reti (Busto Arsizio, Va, Italy) on October 11thand 12th, during the European Cyber Security Month.
The contenders will be integrated in different team depending also on the own competencies and capabilities. The teams will have to exceed some cyber security challenges (hacking others app and defending the own app) prepared by the Reti Security Team. The team who will total up the major points number, will win the competition and gain the award.
To apply visit the following link the Open Innovation Platform at
Expiryapplicationdate: Friday 4th of October 2019.
Olivetti Cash Register 4.0 Hackathon
14 Jun - 05:05 PM
Milano, Italy
Perchè partecipare?
Con Cash Register 4.0 Hack puntiamo a intercettare idee e soluzioni che possano da subito connettersi al nuovo Cash Register Hub Olivetti.
Puntiamo a rafforzare la relazione fra Merchant e cliente finale attraverso l'introduzione di programmi di loyalty, food delivery, prenotazioni, messaggistica.
Puntiamo alla digitalizzazione dei processi del Retail, con un nuovo modello di gestione degli stock, del magazzino, delle scadenze dei pagamenti, degli approvvigionamenti.
Alten Hackathon
18 May - 08:30 AM
Pavia, Italy
Are you a passionate about software development?
Would you like to join an international team in Cote D'Azur near by the sea?
Then is time to register!!!
Hackathon timeline:
8:30 Welcome package
9:00 - 9:30 Presentation of Alten France & Polo Tecnologico di Pavia
9:30 - 10:00 Agile Methodology workshop
10:00 - 10:30 Hackaton induction and team building
10:30 - 12:30 Teams start working on the problem
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch Break - A buffet will be offered by Alten
13:30 - 17:30 Build prototype
17:30 - 18:30 Jury will review the MVPs
18:30 - 19:00 Announce the winners
19:00 - 19:30 Closing
Alten organized a full day hackathon in collaboration with the University of Pavia. The goal is to give the opportunity to undergraudate/graduate students of master's faculties and developers to embrace the daily team activity in a multinational software company.
The attendants will have to form agile teams of 4/5 people and build a working MVP.
A jury composed by Alten experts and University professor will judge the output considering two main aspects: individual coding skills and team synergy in deliverying all the tasks.
Three teams will be awarded with amazing prices. The first team will also be invited in Sophia Antipolis, Cote D'Azur (travel ad stay reimbursed) for the final interview with our clients skipping all the interview process.
Open Innovation City Hackathon - Training Sessions (4ALL Initiative)
09 Apr - 02:00 PM
Genova, Italy
Please Note: One registration per team member.
The Hackathon
Win 2,000 euros in vouchers, free tickets to the FIWARE Global Summit in Genoa, an internship at Engineering, Liguria Digitale, FIWARE Foundation or other companies in the sector, and more!
Interested in learning more about the use of FIWARE Platform Generic Enablers and how the FIWARE technologies can be used as a development environment for open innovation? Join the Open Innovation City Hackathon.
The Hackathon consists of an innovation marathon aimed at developing new services and/or applications for the city of Genoa. The aim is to create, in teams, innovative projects to support and further the development, resilience, and sustainability of the city, as well as the well-being of its citizens.
Training Sessions
Compulsory training sessions will take place on April 9th and 10th at Liguria Digitale: Science and Technology Park of Genoa - Via Melen 77, 16152 Genova and will include the following activities:
9 April from 2 PM to 6 PM: Introduction to the challenges and FIWARE technical training
10 April from 9.00 AM to 1 PM: In-depth analysis of the challenges with Keynote speakers and networking.
10 April from 2 PM to 6 PM: Technical in-depth analysis of the platform and teambuilding:
Communication and deepening of the three challenges identified, also through the examination of data and the animation, by experts and stakeholders, of the issues in question;
Training in the use of FIWARE technologies;
Training in the use of the Digital Enabler cloud platform networking market place and team training.
For more information about the Hackathon, the deadlines, and the challenges, please visit the Hackathon page.
Global Legal Hackathon Milano
22 Feb - 03:35 PM
Milano, Italy
From 22 to 24 February over 5,000 participants will compete for 48 hours non-stop in a Hackathon that will take place simultaneously in 20 countries and 40 cities around the world. The winning team at local level will win a prize of 5,000 euros will participate in a semi-final (virtual) and will have the opportunity to advance to the final!
5th Vuestorefront Hackaton
01 Feb - 10:00 AM
Milano, Italy
For the first time in Italy, we couldn’t wait to announce another Vue Storefront Hackathon! So on Friday February 1th Bitbull and Eataly are hosting the 5th Hackathon at Eataly Smeraldo convention center in Milan + remotely!
Vue Storefront is a production ready, standalone Progressive Web Application storefront for ecommerce that works with any back-end (eg. Magento, Prestashop or Shopify).
If you’re new to VueStorefront you can join the training session for developers. For free! It’s a unique opportunity to get experience under the core team guidance. Don’t wait and sign up now!
Check out the official Vue Storefront website to find out more. The next milestone - version 1.7 - is waited for mid January and will focus on performance. Stay updated on GitHub.
The schedule:
10:00–10:30 — Welcome and kick off10:30–13:00 — Coding13:00–14:00 — Pizza break14:00–17:30 — More intense coding17:30–18:00 — Recap and YouTube livestream18:00 — Beer + networking
The core front-end team will be available for questions on the Slack channel. Just use this invite link.
Global Game Jam @ POLIMI - 25–27 January 2019
25 Jan - 09:30 AM
Milano, Italy
Global Game Jam al Politecnico di Milano
Le game jam sono hackathon dedicate allo sviluppo di videogiochi in cui piccoli team di sviluppo (con programmatori, grafici, artisti, musicisti) creano un gioco in 48 ore. La Global Game Jam è la più grande game jam a livello mondiale con migliaia di location sparse su tutto il pianeta e migliaia di sviluppatori e artisti che lavorano insieme allo sviluppo di videogiochi.
La Global Game Jam ritorna al Politecnico di Milano per la sesta volta!
Unitevi a noi in un incredibile fine settimana di sviluppo di video giochi!
Se siete artisti, grafici, programmatori, musicisti, hobbisti, studenti interessati allo sviluppo di videogiochi, la Global Game Jam è l'evento che non dovete assolutamente perdere! È divertente e vi da l'occasione di conoscere tantissime persone che lavorano o sono semplicemente interessate allo sviluppo di videogiochi. L'evento è ovviamente completamente gratuito ma richiede la registrazione sul sito internazionale ( e un biglietto da prenotare sulla pagina Eventbrite dell’evento.
CAMBIARE CAMBIANDO | 1° Hackathon Cooperativo | Milano
12 Jan - 09:00 AM
Milano, Italy
1° Hackathon Cooperativo - Milano