Sowing results 2 out of 2
  30 Sep - 02:00 PM
  Province of Palermo, Italy
Sign up today to be one of the forty participants lucky enough to particpate in the HacktheSun hackathon, in which teams will develop proposals for the optimization of solar energy systems. Each team of 4 will work to create an idea for one of 3 topics, a system for the verification of the correct alignment of the solar collector mirrors, optimization of system operation cycles connected to the conditions of clear sky, development of a dashboard of data coming from the solar thermometer. In addition there will be seven mentors, with special expertise in the various disciplines, who will help participants to develop their projects.
Hackathon Food | University of Palermo
  30 Sep - 09:00 AM
  Province of Palermo, Italy
Learn to work in teams with support from hacking experts to develop a creative solution for companies to use to grow their business through the use of technology. Ideas will be judged by a panel of experts, with the best ideas moving on to participate in Lean Startup Machine. Lean Startup Machine will then in turn help to continue developing the start up as well as providing access to funding and investors.