Sowing results 9 out of 9
100100 Talks
  27 Nov - 10:00 AM
  Vicenza, Italy
Coders, mechatronic engineers, makers, designers, students, marketers! Come and participate in the 100100 Challenge EVolution! You'll participate in a team compete with like-minded individuals to solve Internet of Things challenges. The 100100 EVolution Challenge is focused on technology such as the Internet of Things, Industry 4.0, and smart mobility. Your team will get the opportunity to create an innovative solution and compete for prizes in one of three challenge categories: Acquired Disability, Electric Mobility, or Culture and Smart City.
Hackathon "100100 Challenge EVolution"
  26 Nov - 09:30 AM
  Province of Vicenza, Italy
The 100100 Challenge EVolution hackathon is the first hackathon organized by Confartigianato Vicenza and will be focused on the Internet of Things. IoT has defined a new paradigm in which information communication and technology surround us at all times; tightly integrated with the real world by smart objects which have capacity of interaction with the surrounding environment and of data processing. These objects are interconnected so that they can gather, exchange and process information.
Hackathon Bolzano
  15 Oct - 10:00 AM
  Bolzano, Italy
Come and participate in Bolzano Hackathon. This year, the focus is on what can you do to make the region you are living in more innovative and at the same time sustainable? In this edition you can play with some cool gadgets — Oculus VR, Google Glasses, IoT lamps, wearable sensors, and RasperryPis.
IEEE ISC2 Smart City Hackathon
  13 Sep - 09:00 AM
  Trento, Italy
Coders with a mind for social responsibility! Sign up for the IEEE ISC2 Smart City Hackathon. Collaborate with like-minded individuals on one of two tracks: -> Help develop mobility apps for the implementation of Trento Smart City -> Develop smart and original mobile phone apps to help people in Southern Africa Come along and contribute! All you need to bring is yourself, your laptop, your enthusiasm, and your coding skills.
HACK FOR NEEDS - hackathon
  02 Sep - 09:00 AM
  Solesino, Italy
Are you interested in helping solve the problems of people with disabilities? Then participate in the HACK FOR NEEDS Hackathon. Designers, developers, prototyping and automation enthusiasts are invited to a day of collaboration to solve one of the following five needs of people with disabilities: 1. TURN ON - OFF: Develop switch activated by limited body movements 2. COMMUNICATE: Develop instruments to express YES / NO; I'M THIRSTY - I WOULD LIKE COFFEE; I WANT TO GO OUT; I WANT TO REST. 3. MARK TIME: Develop tools to indicate the time, its passing and to guide the sequence of activities, times of the day. 4. MOVE YOURSELF: Develop tools which identify obstacles and give indications of full / empty. 5. RECEIVE SENSORY INPUTS: Create visual, auditory, and tactile inputs through technology that the person can choose and experiment.
#HackBofrost, l'Hackathon powered by Bofrost!
  25 Jun - 09:00 AM
  Pordenone, Italy
#HackBofrost is a hackathon organized by Bofrost. Teams will consist of 4-6 people with different profiles: Designers, Developers and Business Developers. The developers will be asked to take care of the code writing, the designers of the product presentations, and the business developers of the business plan.
Google I/O Extended at Fabrica
  21 May - 09:00 AM
  Catena di Villorba, Italy
This is a 2-day event created to connect young talents in the field of design, engineering and entrepreneurship with innovation opportunities presented by major Italian companies. The event will include a vision of the Google Keynote I/O and a 24-hour hackathon in which participants will compete to find the best creative new solutions to business cases proposed by Google and a number of Italian companies including the famous illy!
Hacking the Museum Experience
  17 Mar - 09:00 AM
  Venezia, Italy
A Hackathon focused on building new solutions to improve the museum experience, enhancing contents, engaging audience and improving to the educational experience. A two-day event where you and your team will work with contents provided by E-SPACE partners directly and through the Technical Space to reinvent the potential of pre-existing open data resources. Participants will discuss with museum experts about audience’s and museum’s needs, from the marketing and educational perspectives, and learning valuable information on how these institutions operate.
  10 Mar - 10:00 AM
  Trento, Italy
This is a 30-hour Hackathon where young and passionate lovers of computing come together for a collaborative planning session. The aim is to test the groups with experience that entertain them and allow their ability to work in teams. Developers are asked to create an application with the support of experts and researchers in the field. You will then have the opportunity to work on important issues with the University of Trento and FBK Studies.