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Vertical Innovation Hackathon 2018
16 Nov - 12:00 PM
Bolzano, Italy
Vertical Innovation Hackathon Vertical Innovation Hackathon is a 24 hour event that brings together creatives and developers to conceive new ideas and projects. The event is realized by IDM Ecosystem ICT & Automation. Vertical Innovation Hackathon 2018 is supported by the project DAVINCI, funded by ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) program. 2 days, 24 hours, different topics to work on, one jury and amazing prizes. Inventors and creative people: developers, designers, data experts, entrepreneurs and enthusiasts. We welcome different ideas, backgrounds and competences. We always have in mind Open Data and Open Source projects, as we want to promote an open and innovative culture. Presentations and code will be published on a public git repository as Open Source prototype. More info on
    1st South-Tyrolean Night of Failure
    03 Aug - 07:00 PM
    Schenna, Italy
    LESSONS FROM ENTREPRENEURS WHO’VE FAILED AND SURVIVED At the 1st South-Tyrolean Night of Failure stories of failed business and projects are told, questioned and celebrated! In this very first edition, two successful local entrepreneurs share their stories of failure in an honest and funny way, discussing what they were working on, what went wrong and what they learnt. We believe that it is important to stop looking at failure in a negative way, but instead to embrace it as an opportunity to learn and grow. Join us for a laid back, inspirational evening among colleagues and friends. The evening is organized by the project MESTECH (Meran/o Smart Tech Community). It takes place during the Summer Hackathon (, which is hosted by IDM Südtirol. SpeakerOtto GludererFounder & CEO Onlinestore SPA AndDenis PellegriniFounder & Sales Director Zeppelin Group The event is free of charge, there are 30 tickets available. Hackers, Sponsors and Staff members can access the event without registration.
      Summer Lido Hackathon 2018
      03 Aug - 09:00 AM
      Scena, Italy
      Summer Lido Hacakthon is a 24 hour events that brings together creatives and developers to conceive new ideas and projects. The event is realized by IDM and in particular by the Ecosystem Film & Creative Industries together with the Ecosystem ICT & Automation. Summer Lido Hackathon 2018 is supported by the project DAVINCI, founded by ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) program.
        Summer Lido Hackathon 2018
        03 Aug - 09:00 AM
        Scena, Italy
        Summer Lido Hacakthon is a 24 hour events that brings together creatives and developers to conceive new ideas and projects. The event is realized by IDM and in particular by the Ecosystem Film & Creative Industries together with the Ecosystem ICT & Automation. Summer Lido Hackathon 2018 is supported by the project DAVINCI, founded by ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) program. Image already added
          eTourism Hackathon Seefeld 2018
          26 Apr - 08:00 AM
          Seefeld, Austria
          Motivated hackers in Austria! If you're interested in innovation related to tourism, you're invited to come and compete in the second 24-hour eTourism Hackathon Seefeld 2018. You'll get to collaborate with like-minded individuals and build something awesome that will help the tourist sector in Seefeld. Your project can be in one of the following categories -- data quality, maps, social media, chatbot, wiki, or voice assistant.
          Hackathon Smart Future @ICT Days 2018
          15 Mar - 01:30 PM
          Trento, Italy
          L'Hackathon “Smart Future” punta a cogliere le opportunità offerte dalle nuove tecnologie nel miglioramento della qualità della vita di ogni giorno. In città, in casa, nei luoghi di lavoro. E’ una maratona di programmazione collaborativa della durata di 24 ore ininterrotte, aperta a tutti gli studenti del settore ICT che frequentano i corsi di laurea triennale e magistrale e i corsi di dottorato. I gruppi di sviluppatori e sviluppatrici saranno messi alla prova in un'esperienza che permetterà di valorizzare talento, creatività e capacità di lavorare in squadra. Obiettivo, realizzare, testare e validare progetti ICT innovativi nell’ambito delle tematiche di dettaglio che saranno illustrate ai partecipanti all’inizio dell’Hackathon e a partire da dati e strumenti che saranno loro forniti. Sono previsti 50 partecipanti al massimo, che lavoreranno in gruppi di 4 persone al massimo. I risultati dei lavori verranno valutati da una giuria composta da esperti del mondo ICT. Vuoi partecipare? Registrati! In collaborazione con AlmavivA e Dell EMC AgendaMarch 15, 201813:30 Business & Challenge presentation14:00 GO!20:00 Dinner break March 16, 201807:30 Coffee break13:00 Stop!13:30 Lunch 15:00 Award ceremony Venue:  Room Garda/Ofek, Via Sommarive 5: Polo Ferrari 1 More info: