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CREA BPM Hackathon
16 Dec - 10:00 AM
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Slovenian hackers! BEST Ljubljana and CREA invite you to participate in the CREA BPM Hackathon. This 24-hour hackathon is focused on the use of technology applied to Business Process Management. The choice of technology for your project is all yours! You can elect to address one of two challenges -- the Best Business Process Management Artifical Intelligence, or the Best Business Process Management User Experience.
BajtaHack 2017
25 Nov - 08:30 AM
Ljubljana, Slovenia
BajtaHack 2017 je prvi hackathon s tehnologijo SRM modulov usmerjen v kreativne inovacije na področju interneta stvari (IoT), avtomatizacije domov in okolice. Potekal bo 25.-26. novembra v Ljubljani na Fakulteti za računalništvo in informatiko (UL FRI). Dogodek organizira Laboratorij za podatkovne tehnologije pod sponzorstvom mednarodnega podjetja U-blox. Na dogodek vabimo vse, ki ste entuziasti, inovatorji ali imate podjetniške ideje na področju interneta stvari (IoT). Še posebej vabimo študente in diplomante tehničnih, naravoslovnih in družboslovnih smeri. V interdisciplinarnih skupinah bodo udeleženci spoznali nove tehnologije, način njihove uporabe in "brainstormali" o poslovnih priložnostih, ki jih te omogočajo. Sklad za nagrade obsega 2500 EUR finančnih nagrad in preko 3500 EUR nagrad v obliki strojne opreme. Vsaka skupina, ki bo oddala in predstavila svoj izdelek, bo za nagrado dobila svoj paket strojne opreme. Najboljše ekipe pa bodo še dodatno finančno nagrajene: 1. mesto: 1500 EUR + oprema v vrednosti 200 EUR 2. mesto: 800 EUR + oprema v vrednosti 200 EUR 3. mesto: 200 EUR + oprema v vrednosti 200 EUR ostali: oprema v vrednosti 200 EUR Pohiti z registracijo, saj je število mest omejeno. :) Za dodatne informacije nas obiščite na:
    07 Oct - 07:00 AM
    Ljubljana, Slovenia
    The hackathon HackElect, Hack The Electricity will be held from 7 - 8 October 2017 at the Faculty of Computer and Information Science in the capital of Slovenia, Ljubljana. The hackathon is free of charge and we would like to invite anybody who is interested in solving practical challenges within the power engineering segment, whether they are hacksperts, students of electrical engineering, computer sciences, philosophy, biology,....or have a steady job already. You can apply as an individual or as a team!Which are the topics covered? - Thermography and IR processing- Lightening Scalar web and mobile application- Scalar backend system implementation- IoT aware intelligent IP network’s behavior prediction- Smart metering electricity data analyticsWhat are the benefits of being a part of the HackElect? - 10.000 € fund for first three teams;- Job opportunities;- Develop advanced solutions;- Create new products;- Master your skills;- Strenghten the community. Register today and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any additional questions!  We also invite you to join our community on Twitter and Facebook! HackElect team info@hackelect.comP.S. Share the news about the hackathon if you have a friend or two who might be interested in attending! :)