Showing results 1 to 10 out of 12
Develop a Successful Fashion Entrepreneur Tech Startup Business Today! Tokyo - Women - Entrepreneur - Workshop - Hackathon - Bootcamp - Virtual Class - Seminar - Training - Lecture - Webinar - Conference - Course
20 Dec - 01:00 PM
Tokyo, Japan
Develop a Successful Fashion Tech Startup Business Today!
Always wanted to start an Tech Startup? Now we have a complete blueprint for you start your own Fashion Tech Startup. During our tech startup program you will learn and navigate through tools, software, hardware, platforms, resources, projects, processes, methods and strategies to penetrate your own Fashion Tech Startup into the market.
Accomplish 10X Performance Results compared to other Startups
Receive 10X Return Of Investment (ROI) than a college education
Our Tech Startup Program contains jam-packed with practical market & industry insights
Our team has done the market/industry research so you won't need to,
Save 10X of Your Time
Learn to Develop a Six-Figure Tech Startup from Scratch
Discover the Potential with Emerging Technologies
Get a foot into a Billion Dollar Industry
Full Tech Startup Mentorship
Tech Entrepreneurship Certification/Diploma
Go From Beginner To Advanced Entrepreneur in No Time
Step by Step Instructions
Complete Tech Startup Business Setup: From Zero To Hero In No Time
No Previous programming or tech background needed except an open mindset
Generate sales in a B2B environment
Get a holistic overview of different tech startup processes
Discover new strategies and perspectives on developing your startup
Increase Your Creativity & Innovation IQ
During This Fashion Tech Startup Workshop We Will Cover:
Session 1: Fashion Tech BasicsDuring this session we will explore the very foundation and the basic systems and platforms for you to integrate into your own tech startup process.
Fashion Tech Hardware
Fashion Tech Software
Fashion Tech Platforms
Fashion Tech Projects
Fashion Tech Systems
Fashion Tech Blueprint
Fashion Tech Tools
Fashion Tech Resources
Session 2: Tech Startup IdeasDuring this session we will explore tech startup ideas for you to implement and integrate into your own tech startup or use them as an inspirational source for developing your own products, projects, prototypes or services in your tech startupFashion Tech Ideas
Shoe IoT Sensors
Jacket Cooling
T-Shirt Warming
LED Bracelet
Cloth Temperature Sensors
VR/AR Fashion Lab
AR Cloth Metrics App
Fashion Wearable
Holiday Digital Texture
E-Textile Tie
LED Sneakers
Gym Sensors T-Shirt
Biometric Gloves
Wearable BioProfile Analytics
Webcam Teddy Bear
DIY Muscle Sensors
Touchscreen Gloves
E-Textile Christmas
LED Dress
Session 3: R&DDuring this session we will explore the research process, how you can research a specific niche industry, the market and tech trends.
R&D Tools
Startup Tools
Market Research
Consumer Analytics
Market Analytics
Industry Analytics
Trends Researching
Session 4: Creativity
During this session we will explore the creativity process, how to increase your own creativity intelligence and implement quality tech ideas into your own tech startup process.
Creativity Tools
Creativity Techniques
Creativity Strategy
Mind mapping
Idea Exploring
Idea Blender
Key-Point System
Problem Solving Strategy
Creative intelligence
Outside the Box Thinking
Lateral Thinking
Productivity Tools
Mind Relaxation
Higher Consciousnesses
Inspiration Tools
Idea Storage
Session 5: Capital/FundingDuring this session we will explore the capital and funding process of your tech startup. How to raise capital and make systematic attempts to penetrate into the market.
Capital/Funding Tools
Capital/Funding Strategy
Venture Capitalists
Angel Investors
Seed Funding
Accelerator Programs
Capitalization Table
Business Trade Fairs
Session 6: Clients/CustomersDuring this session we will explore the client acquisition process. Find your first clients and customers for your tech startup and implement the right tools, methods and strategies for creating an successful sale system for your specific niche industry/technology.
Client Acquisition Strategy
Client Acquisition Process
PR Strategies
Social Media Marketing
Competitive Analysis
E-Mail Marketing
Digital Marketing
Ad Systems
Competitor Research
Sale System
Sale Strategy
Growth Hacking
Sales Funnel
Email Hunting
Session 7: Business PlatformDuring this session we will explore the business organizing process. How to implement an organized and professional platform for your tech startup for creating efficient workflow.
Business Automation
Business Process
Business Strategy
Business Model
Business Management
Human Resources (HR)
Project Management
Document Management
Customer Support
Business Automation Tools
Session 8: Business FormationDuring this session we will explore the business formation process. Which platforms, models and tools to integrate into your tech startup formation for creating an successful launch process.Business Formation
Business Model
Corporate Structure
Payment Platforms
Payment Gateway
Invoicing System
Credit Cards/Payments
Pricing Strategies
Office Space
Virtual Address
Virtual Phone
Virtual Office
Remote Office
Virtual Assistant
Virtual Receptionist
Virtual Support
Product Demo
Product Launch
Session 9: Startup CodingDuring this session we will explore the coding process of your tech startup.Coding/Programming
Code Analysis
Data Visualization
Programming Platforms
Programming Tools
Agile Development
Software Code Management
Session 10: Startup Hardware/PrototypingDuring this session we will explore the hardware and prototyping process of your tech startup. Using different tools and platform to innovate and integrate your own tech startup projects.
Raspberry Pi
Hardware Boards
Hardware Tools
Hardware Platform
3D Design
3D Models
3D Printing
DIY Tech
Tech Lab
Embedded Systems
Session 11 : Startup IT OperationsDuring this session we will explore the IT infrastructure process of your tech startup. Which platforms to use for setup an organized database system, cloud system and other technical solutions for your tech startup to work efficiently
IT Infrastructure
Remote Access
Technical Documentation
Data Recovery
Log Management
Session 12 : Startup ConsultingDuring this session we will explore the consulting process for your tech startup. An strategic approach, where you can receive more experience before you launch your own specific products/projects.
Tech Startup Consulting
Tech Consulting Services
Tech Consulting Structure
Tech Consulting Approach
Tech Consulting Strategy
Tech Consulting Contracts
Tech Consulting Referrals
Tech Consulting Portfolio
Tech Consulting ISO
Tech Consulting Integration
Tech Consulting Projects
Session 13 : Startup ManagementDuring this session we will explore management process of your tech startup. How to manage your internal and external environments for increasing the probability of your tech startup to succeed.
Tech Startup Management
Motivational Skills
Time Management
Team Management
Leadership Skills
Learning Skills
Goal Setting Skills
Decision Making Skills
Stress Management
Communication Skills
Procrastination Hacks
Productivity Hacks
Confidence Hacks
Growth Mindset Skills
Problem Solving Skills
Analytical Skills
Strategic Thinking Skills
Learning Management
Session 14: Tech WorkshopsDuring this session we will explore tech trends, emerging markets and disruptive technologies and future workshops
Future Workshops
Disruptive Technologies
Emerging Markets
Emerging Industries
Tech Trends
For more detailed information go to our website
[This is an Online Web Workshop]
Workshop Curriculum
Basic Edition: Tech Tools/System, Tech Startup Ideas, R&D, Startup Creativity, Startup Formation, Startup Automation. Session 1-5.4 Hour Tech Startup Workshop
Business Edition: Tech Tools/System, Tech Startup Ideas, R&D, Startup Creativity, Startup Formation, Startup Automation, Startup Capital/Funding, Startup Clients/Marketing, Startup Programming, Startup Prototyping/Hardware, Startup IT OperationsSession 1-12.12+ Hours of Tech Startup Workshops,On-Demand 30 Days Streaming Access
Premium Edition: Tech Tools/System, Tech Startup Ideas, R&D, Startup Creativity, Startup Formation, Startup Automation, Startup Capital/Funding, Startup Clients/Marketing, Startup Coding/Programming, Startup Prototyping/Hardware, Startup IT Operations, Startup Management, Startup Consulting, Startup Workshops.Session 1-14. ALL Sessions.16+ Hours of Tech Startup Workshops,On-Demand 6 Months Streaming Access24/7 VIP SupportCertification/DiplomaTech Entrepreneurship Bonus Material
Gold Edition: Everything included in the Premium Edition + Entrepreneur Starter Kit (1000+ PR Contact List PDF, 1000+ Journalists/Tech Blogs Contact List PDF, 1000+ Tech/Startup Slack Communities List PDF, 2500+ Potential Customers/Clients Contact List PDF, 2000+ Venture Capital/Startup Funding List PDF, 1700+ Startup Accelerators List PDF)
"Atechup Startup Workshops is the most valuable business workshop we have EVER purchased." - Johnny M.
"Not able to tell you how HAPPY I am with Atechup Startup Workshops." - Elisabeth F. T.
"Atechup Startup Workshops, is a visionary product, shaping FUTURE tomorrow" - Cohen. A
"I am completely blown away by the QUALITY and generous material. Thank you very much" - Steven D.
"Your company is TRULY upstanding and UNIQUE. I have gotten at least 50 times the VALUE from your Workshops." - Xinye T.
"I have FUNDED my Startup with Series A for the first time and its all THANKS to Atechup workshops" - F. Martinez
For more detailed information go to our website
[This is an Online Web Workshop]
Develop a Successful FinTech Entrepreneur Startup Business Today! - Tokyo - Finance - Entrepreneur - Workshop - Hackathon - Bootcamp - Virtual Class - Seminar - Training - Lecture - Webinar - Conference - Course
13 Dec - 01:00 PM
Tokyo, Japan
Learn to Develop a Successful FinTech Startup Company Today!
Always wanted to start an FinTech Startup? Now we have a complete blueprint for you start your own FinTech Startup. During our tech startup program you will learn and navigate through tools, software, hardware, platforms, resources, projects, processes, methods and strategies to penetrate your own FinTech Startup into the market.
Accomplish 10X Performance Results compared to other Startups
Receive 10X Return Of Investment (ROI) than a college education
Our Tech Startup Program contains jam-packed with practical market & industry insights
Our team has done the market/industry research so you won't need to,
Save 10X of Your Time
Learn to Develop a Six-Figure Tech Startup from Scratch
Discover the Potential with Emerging Technologies
Get a foot into a Billion Dollar Industry
Full Tech Startup Mentorship
Tech Entrepreneurship Certification/Diploma
Go From Beginner To Advanced Entrepreneur in No Time
Step by Step Instructions
Complete Tech Startup Business Setup: From Zero To Hero In No Time
No Previous programming or tech background needed except an open mindset
Generate sales in a B2B environment
Get a holistic overview of different tech startup processes
Discover new strategies and perspectives on developing your startup
Increase Your Creativity & Innovation IQ
During this Fintech startup workshop we will cover:
Session 1: Fintech BasicsDuring this session we will explore the very foundation and the basic systems and platforms for you to integrate into your own tech startup process.
Fintech Hardware
Fintech Software
Fintech Platforms
Fintech Projects
Fintech Systems
Fintech Blueprint
Fintech Tools
Fintech Resources
Session 2: Tech Startup IdeasDuring this session we will explore tech startup ideas for you to implement and integrate into your own tech startup or use them as an inspirational source for developing your own products, projects, prototypes or services in your tech startupTech Ideas:
Fintech System
FinTech Chatbot
FinTech Automated AI
FinTech VR/AR Platform
Blockchain Virtual FinCard
Cryptocurrency Crowdfunding Platform
Fintech Portfolio App
Fintech Niche Wearable
Cryptocurrency Stock Market
Fintech On Demand
Accounting App Platform
Tax Calc App
Telepresence Fintech Consulting
Invoicing & Payments Management
Banking AI Platform
Cryptocurrency Big Data
Business Based Currency
Traffic CV AI Fintech
Cryptocurrency Classifieds
Cryptocurrency E-Commerce
Cryptocurrency AI
Cryptocurrency Telematics
Advertising Platform
Cryptocurrency ATM
Software Cryptocurrency Retail
Cryptocurrency Ad Networks
Cryptocurrency IoT
Financial Smart Contracts
Fintech Cybersecurity
Fintech Metrics Platform
Fintech IT Infrastructure
Session 3: R&DDuring this session we will explore the research process, how you can research a specific niche industry, the market and tech trends.
R&D Tools
Startup Tools
Market Research
Consumer Analytics
Market Analytics
Industry Analytics
Trends Researching
Session 4: Creativity
During this session we will explore the creativity process, how to increase your own creativity intelligence and implement quality tech ideas into your own tech startup process.
Creativity Tools
Creativity Techniques
Creativity Strategy
Mind mapping
Idea Exploring
Idea Blender
Key-Point System
Problem Solving Strategy
Creative intelligence
Outside the Box Thinking
Lateral Thinking
Productivity Tools
Mind Relaxation
Higher Consciousnesses
Inspiration Tools
Idea Storage
Session 5: Capital/FundingDuring this session we will explore the capital and funding process of your tech startup. How to raise capital and make systematic attempts to penetrate into the market.
Capital/Funding Tools
Capital/Funding Strategy
Venture Capitalists
Angel Investors
Seed Funding
Accelerator Programs
Capitalization Table
Business Trade Fairs
Session 6: Clients/CustomersDuring this session we will explore the client acquisition process. Find your first clients and customers for your tech startup and implement the right tools, methods and strategies for creating an successful sale system for your specific niche industry/technology.
Client Acquisition Strategy
Client Acquisition Process
PR Strategies
Social Media Marketing
Competitive Analysis
E-Mail Marketing
Digital Marketing
Ad Systems
Competitor Research
Sale System
Sale Strategy
Growth Hacking
Sales Funnel
Email Hunting
Session 7: Business PlatformDuring this session we will explore the business organizing process. How to implement an organized and professional platform for your tech startup for creating efficient workflow.
Business Automation
Business Process
Business Strategy
Business Model
Business Management
Human Resources (HR)
Project Management
Document Management
Customer Support
Business Automation Tools
Session 8: Business FormationDuring this session we will explore the business formation process. Which platforms, models and tools to integrate into your tech startup formation for creating an successful launch process.Business Formation
Business Model
Corporate Structure
Payment Platforms
Payment Gateway
Invoicing System
Credit Cards/Payments
Pricing Strategies
Office Space
Virtual Address
Virtual Phone
Virtual Office
Remote Office
Virtual Assistant
Virtual Receptionist
Virtual Support
Product Demo
Product Launch
Session 9: Startup CodingDuring this session we will explore the coding process of your tech startup.Coding/Programming
Code Analysis
Data Visualization
Programming Platforms
Programming Tools
Agile Development
Software Code Management
Session 10: Startup Hardware/PrototypingDuring this session we will explore the hardware and prototyping process of your tech startup. Using different tools and platform to innovate and integrate your own tech startup projects.
Raspberry Pi
Hardware Boards
Hardware Tools
Hardware Platform
3D Design
3D Models
3D Printing
DIY Tech
Tech Lab
Embedded Systems
Session 11 : Startup IT OperationsDuring this session we will explore the IT infrastructure process of your tech startup. Which platforms to use for setup an organized database system, cloud system and other technical solutions for your tech startup to work efficiently
IT Infrastructure
Remote Access
Technical Documentation
Data Recovery
Log Management
Session 12 : Startup ConsultingDuring this session we will explore the consulting process for your tech startup. An strategic approach, where you can receive more experience before you launch your own specific products/projects.
Tech Startup Consulting
Tech Consulting Services
Tech Consulting Structure
Tech Consulting Approach
Tech Consulting Strategy
Tech Consulting Contracts
Tech Consulting Referrals
Tech Consulting Portfolio
Tech Consulting ISO
Tech Consulting Integration
Tech Consulting Projects
Session 13 : Startup ManagementDuring this session we will explore management process of your tech startup. How to manage your internal and external environments for increasing the probability of your tech startup to succeed.
Tech Startup Management
Motivational Skills
Time Management
Team Management
Leadership Skills
Learning Skills
Goal Setting Skills
Decision Making Skills
Stress Management
Communication Skills
Procrastination Hacks
Productivity Hacks
Confidence Hacks
Growth Mindset Skills
Problem Solving Skills
Analytical Skills
Strategic Thinking Skills
Learning Management
Session 14: Tech WorkshopsDuring this session we will explore tech trends, emerging markets and disruptive technologies and future workshops
Future Workshops
Disruptive Technologies
Emerging Markets
Emerging Industries
Tech Trends
For more detailed information go to our website
[This is an Online Web Workshop]
Workshop Curriculum
Basic Edition: Tech Tools/System, Tech Startup Ideas, R&D, Startup Creativity, Startup Formation, Startup Automation. Session 1-5.4 Hour Tech Startup Workshop
Business Edition: Tech Tools/System, Tech Startup Ideas, R&D, Startup Creativity, Startup Formation, Startup Automation, Startup Capital/Funding, Startup Clients/Marketing, Startup Programming, Startup Prototyping/Hardware, Startup IT OperationsSession 1-12.12+ Hours of Tech Startup Workshops,On-Demand 30 Days Streaming Access
Premium Edition: Tech Tools/System, Tech Startup Ideas, R&D, Startup Creativity, Startup Formation, Startup Automation, Startup Capital/Funding, Startup Clients/Marketing, Startup Coding/Programming, Startup Prototyping/Hardware, Startup IT Operations, Startup Management, Startup Consulting, Startup Workshops.Session 1-14. ALL Sessions.16+ Hours of Tech Startup Workshops,On-Demand 6 Months Streaming Access24/7 VIP SupportCertification/DiplomaTech Entrepreneurship Bonus Material
Gold Edition: Everything included in the Premium Edition + Entrepreneur Starter Kit (1000+ PR Contact List PDF, 1000+ Journalists/Tech Blogs Contact List PDF, 1000+ Tech/Startup Slack Communities List PDF, 2500+ Potential Customers/Clients Contact List PDF, 2000+ Venture Capital/Startup Funding List PDF, 1700+ Startup Accelerators List PDF)
"Atechup Startup Workshops is the most valuable business workshop we have EVER purchased." - Johnny M.
"Not able to tell you how HAPPY I am with Atechup Startup Workshops." - Elisabeth F. T.
"Atechup Startup Workshops, is a visionary product, shaping FUTURE tomorrow" - Cohen. A
"I am completely blown away by the QUALITY and generous material. Thank you very much" - Steven D.
"Your company is TRULY upstanding and UNIQUE. I have gotten at least 50 times the VALUE from your Workshops." - Xinye T.
"I have FUNDED my Startup with Series A for the first time and its all THANKS to Atechup workshops" - F. Martinez
For more detailed information go to our website
[This is an Online Web Workshop]
Develop a Successful Artificial Intelligence Entrepreneur Tech Startup Business Today! Tokyo - AI - Entrepreneur - Workshop - Hackathon - Bootcamp - Virtual Class - Seminar - Training - Lecture - Webinar - Conference - Course
09 Dec - 01:00 PM
Tokyo, Japan
Learn to Develop a Successful AI Startup Company Today!
Always wanted to start an tech startup? Now we have a complete blueprint for you start your own Artificial Intelligence (AI) Startup. During our tech startup program you will learn and navigate through tools, software, hardware, platforms, resources, projects, processes, methods and strategies to penetrate your own Artificial Intelligence (AI) Startup into the market.
Accomplish 10X Performance Results compared to other Startups
Receive 10X Return Of Investment (ROI) than a college education
Our Tech Startup Program contains jam-packed with practical market & industry insights
Our team has done the market/industry research so you won't need to,
Save 10X of Your Time
Learn to Develop a Six-Figure Tech Startup from Scratch
Discover the Potential with Emerging Technologies
Get a foot into a Billion Dollar Industry
Full Tech Startup Mentorship
Tech Entrepreneurship Certification/Diploma
Go From Beginner To Advanced Entrepreneur in No Time
Step by Step Instructions
Complete Tech Startup Business Setup: From Zero To Hero In No Time
No Previous programming or tech background needed except an open mindset
Generate sales in a B2B environment
Get a holistic overview of different tech startup processes
Discover new strategies and perspectives on developing your startup
Increase Your Creativity & Innovation IQ
During this Artificial Intelligence Startup workshop we will cover:
Session 1: AI Basics
During this session we will explore the very foundation and the basic systems and platforms for you to integrate into your own tech startup process.
AI Hardware
AI Software
AI Platforms
AI Projects
AI Systems
AI Blueprint
AI Tools
AI Resources
Session 2: Tech Startup IdeasDuring this session we will explore tech startup ideas for you to implement and integrate into your own tech startup or use them as an inspirational source for developing your own products, projects, prototypes or services in your tech startup
Agricultural AI
Retail Analytics
AI Sensors
Recognition Systems
Management Automation
Home AI
Industrial AI
Speech Recognition
AI Assistance
AI Ads
Tourism AI
Health Diagnosis
and much more
Session 3: R&DDuring this session we will explore the research process, how you can research a specific niche industry, the market and tech trends.
R&D Tools
Startup Tools
Market Research
Consumer Analytics
Market Analytics
Industry Analytics
Trends Researching
Session 4: Creativity
During this session we will explore the creativity process, how to increase your own creativity intelligence and implement quality tech ideas into your own tech startup process.
Creativity Tools
Creativity Techniques
Creativity Strategy
Mind mapping
Idea Exploring
Idea Blender
Key-Point System
Problem Solving Strategy
Creative intelligence
Outside the Box Thinking
Lateral Thinking
Productivity Tools
Mind Relaxation
Higher Consciousnesses
Inspiration Tools
Idea Storage
Session 5: Capital/FundingDuring this session we will explore the capital and funding process of your tech startup. How to raise capital and make systematic attempts to penetrate into the market.
Capital/Funding Tools
Capital/Funding Strategy
Venture Capitalists
Angel Investors
Seed Funding
Accelerator Programs
Capitalization Table
Business Trade Fairs
Session 6: Clients/CustomersDuring this session we will explore the client acquisition process. Find your first clients and customers for your tech startup and implement the right tools, methods and strategies for creating an successful sale system for your specific niche industry/technology.
Client Acquisition Strategy
Client Acquisition Process
PR Strategies
Social Media Marketing
Competitive Analysis
E-Mail Marketing
Digital Marketing
Ad Systems
Competitor Research
Sale System
Sale Strategy
Growth Hacking
Sales Funnel
Email Hunting
Session 7: Business PlatformDuring this session we will explore the business organizing process. How to implement an organized and professional platform for your tech startup for creating efficient workflow.
Business Automation
Business Process
Business Strategy
Business Model
Business Management
Human Resources (HR)
Project Management
Document Management
Customer Support
Business Automation Tools
Session 8: Business FormationDuring this session we will explore the business formation process. Which platforms, models and tools to integrate into your tech startup formation for creating an successful launch process.Business Formation
Business Model
Corporate Structure
Payment Platforms
Payment Gateway
Invoicing System
Credit Cards/Payments
Pricing Strategies
Office Space
Virtual Address
Virtual Phone
Virtual Office
Remote Office
Virtual Assistant
Virtual Receptionist
Virtual Support
Product Demo
Product Launch
Session 9: Startup CodingDuring this session we will explore the coding process of your tech startup.Coding/Programming
Code Analysis
Data Visualization
Programming Platforms
Programming Tools
Agile Development
Software Code Management
Session 10: Startup Hardware/PrototypingDuring this session we will explore the hardware and prototyping process of your tech startup. Using different tools and platform to innovate and integrate your own tech startup projects.
Raspberry Pi
Hardware Boards
Hardware Tools
Hardware Platform
3D Design
3D Models
3D Printing
DIY Tech
Tech Lab
Embedded Systems
Session 11 : Startup IT OperationsDuring this session we will explore the IT infrastructure process of your tech startup. Which platforms to use for setup an organized database system, cloud system and other technical solutions for your tech startup to work efficiently
IT Infrastructure
Remote Access
Technical Documentation
Data Recovery
Log Management
Session 12 : Startup ConsultingDuring this session we will explore the consulting process for your tech startup. An strategic approach, where you can receive more experience before you launch your own specific products/projects.
Tech Startup Consulting
Tech Consulting Services
Tech Consulting Structure
Tech Consulting Approach
Tech Consulting Strategy
Tech Consulting Contracts
Tech Consulting Referrals
Tech Consulting Portfolio
Tech Consulting ISO
Tech Consulting Integration
Tech Consulting Projects
Session 13 : Startup ManagementDuring this session we will explore management process of your tech startup. How to manage your internal and external environments for increasing the probability of your tech startup to succeed.
Tech Startup Management
Motivational Skills
Time Management
Team Management
Leadership Skills
Learning Skills
Goal Setting Skills
Decision Making Skills
Stress Management
Communication Skills
Procrastination Hacks
Productivity Hacks
Confidence Hacks
Growth Mindset Skills
Problem Solving Skills
Analytical Skills
Strategic Thinking Skills
Learning Management
Session 14: Tech WorkshopsDuring this session we will explore tech trends, emerging markets and disruptive technologies and future workshops
Future Workshops
Disruptive Technologies
Emerging Markets
Emerging Industries
Tech Trends
For more detailed information go to our website
[This is an Online Web Workshop]
Workshop Curriculum
Basic Edition: Tech Tools/System, Tech Startup Ideas, R&D, Startup Creativity, Startup Formation, Startup Automation. Session 1-5.4 Hour Tech Startup Workshop
Business Edition: Tech Tools/System, Tech Startup Ideas, R&D, Startup Creativity, Startup Formation, Startup Automation, Startup Capital/Funding, Startup Clients/Marketing, Startup Programming, Startup Prototyping/Hardware, Startup IT OperationsSession 1-12.12+ Hours of Tech Startup Workshops,On-Demand 30 Days Streaming Access
Premium Edition: Tech Tools/System, Tech Startup Ideas, R&D, Startup Creativity, Startup Formation, Startup Automation, Startup Capital/Funding, Startup Clients/Marketing, Startup Coding/Programming, Startup Prototyping/Hardware, Startup IT Operations, Startup Management, Startup Consulting, Startup Workshops.Session 1-14. ALL Sessions.16+ Hours of Tech Startup Workshops,On-Demand 6 Months Streaming Access24/7 VIP SupportCertification/DiplomaTech Entrepreneurship Bonus Material
Gold Edition: Everything included in the Premium Edition + Entrepreneur Starter Kit (1000+ PR Contact List PDF, 1000+ Journalists/Tech Blogs Contact List PDF, 1000+ Tech/Startup Slack Communities List PDF, 2500+ Potential Customers/Clients Contact List PDF, 2000+ Venture Capital/Startup Funding List PDF, 1700+ Startup Accelerators List PDF)
"Atechup Startup Workshops is the most valuable business workshop we have EVER purchased." - Johnny M.
"Not able to tell you how HAPPY I am with Atechup Startup Workshops." - Elisabeth F. T.
"Atechup Startup Workshops, is a visionary product, shaping FUTURE tomorrow" - Cohen. A
"I am completely blown away by the QUALITY and generous material. Thank you very much" - Steven D.
"Your company is TRULY upstanding and UNIQUE. I have gotten at least 50 times the VALUE from your Workshops." - Xinye T.
"I have FUNDED my Startup with Series A for the first time and its all THANKS to Atechup workshops" - F. Martinez
For more detailed information go to our website
[This is an Online Web Workshop]
Ontology x Microsoft Global Hackathon @ Tokyo
08 Dec - 09:00 AM
Tokyo, Japan
Hello everyone, Ontology, a new high-performance public blockchain project and a distributed trust collaboration platform, is inviting you all to join us at our Tokyo Hackathon from December 8th to 9th.
While developers are necessary for each team, anyone is welcome. UX/UI designers, marketers, business developers, or even if you’re just interested in trying a hackathon for the first time, anyone can participate and be a part of a team.
December 8th, Saturday
9:30 - 9:40: Opening Ceremony by Microsoft
9:30 - 9:45 Opening speech by Ontology Founder Lijun
9:45 - 10:00 Microsoft opening speech
10:00 - 10:15 LayerX speech
10:15 - 10:45 Hackathon Introduction
11:00 - 12:00 Team Assignment
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch
13:00 Hackathon time
17:30 Middle Presentation
18:30 - 22:00 Happy Hacking
December 9th, Sunday
9:30 - 9:40 Second day Openning speech
9:40 - 12:00 Happy Hacking
12:30 - 13:00 Middle Presentation (2)
13:00 - 17:30 Happy Hacking
17:30 - 18:45 Final Presentation & Demo
18:45 - 19:00 Audience Voting
19:00 - 19:15 Judging Time
19:15 - 19:30 Awards Ceremony
19:30 Photo Session
19:45 After Party
The Next Wave of Distributed Tech
06 Dec - 06:30 PM
Shibuya-ku, Japan
This is Perlin's first event in Tokyo! With previous events hosted at Google HQ in Singapore and Polychain Capital's Penthouse in San Francisco, this is not one to be missed.
6:30 - 6:45: Registration and Light Refreshments
6:45 - 7:00: Presentation by Dorjee Sun (Co-founder & CEO, Perlin)
7:00 - 7:30: Presentation by Kenta Iwasaki (Co-founder & CTO, Perlin)
7:30 - 8:00: Discussion Panel on 'The Next Wave of Distributed Tech'
8:00 - 9:00: Networking, Food and Refreshments
Event Details:
"The Next Wave of Distributed Tech. Where do we see the market heading?"
The markets are down. So where is the market heading? The market is signalling for a change in focus from blockchain-based projects and a change in sentiment by the community, investors and traders. The discussion panel will consist of high-profile speakers discussing key topics on where we think the market is heading, what projects should be focused on and the current leading trends.
Perlin (, who received investment from Global Brain and 150+ strategic investors, will be providing an exclusive insight into their progress tech by the CEO Dorjee Sun and CTO Kenta Iwasaki. Perlin is the first project to develop a practical DAG using the Avalanche consensus protocol with added smart-contract functionality. In parallel, the team is also releasing a decentralized cloud computing layer to leverage off underutilzed computing power in everyday smart devices and has partnered with the likes of the Indian Government and Telkomsel (Indonesia's Largest Telco).
Presentation by Dorjee Sun (Co-founder & CEO, Perlin)
Dorjee is a serial social entrepreneur who has co-founded 20 startups with 2 acquisitions and 4 exits. Dorjee was also named a TIME Hero of the Environment for his work on Carbon Conservation and a World Economic Forum (WEF) Young Global Leader where his work has been on the front page of Wall Street Journal, TIME magazine, Fortune, Forbes and other media outlets.
Dorjee Sun, will present Perlin's vision to bring economic incentives to aid mainstreaming by renting their mobiles and under utilised compute devices as well as creating the marketplace that can direct benefit to cancer research, ocean big data computation and even forest conservation.
Presentation by Kenta Iwasaki (Co-founder & CTO, Perlin)
Kenta is an outstanding software engineer with a heavy research background on distributed systems, cryptography, mathematics and AI/ML. Kenta previously worked as the Lead AI Researcher at Naver Corp and has won over 20 internationally recognized hackathons at ETH Denver, EOS, IBM and others.
With close to 1 year of technical dev, the Perlin tech team has been dilligently hitting our tech milestones. Kenta will be providing an exclusive insight into Perlin's core offerings;
(1) Wavelet, the first practical Directed-Acyclic-Graph (DAG) bootstrapped with the Avalanche consensus protocol and a novel implementation of proof-of-stake (PoS) with smart-contract functionality
(2) An exclusive live demo of Perlin's decentralized compute layer
Discussion Panel
The panel will consist of high-profile speakers on 'The Next Wave of Distributed Tech' who have been in this space for several years. The current market climate has signalled the need for a change in focus from blockchain-based projects and a change in sentiment by the community, investors and traders. Learn from key experts as to where the market is heading, what projects should be focusing on, the current leading trends and what the community, investors and traders should be focusing on.
DoraHacks Blockchain Hack @Tokyo
10 Nov - 09:30 AM
tokyo, Japan
日本語ページ [Peatix]
日本語ページ [Meetup]
With the mission to empower social innovation via cutting-edge technologies. DoraHacks is coming to Tokyo with a prize of $10,000 to reward the brightest and socially conscious minds who will join us on November 10-11. We are collaborating with local tech community such as NEO Japan, JEDA and ETH Japan to cultivate the brainy, playful and rewarding experiences!
As part of the Global Hack Series. Gathering 60 top Hackers around the world to join the 24-hour adventure in one of the most vibrant hubs on the planet, this hackathon focuses on the most sophisticated blockchain technology to develop the intriguing ideas connected to real-world problem-solving. It’s the to-go place for hackers who are looking for a great platform to connect with the like-minded individuals through hands-on, intense collaboration.
The events hosted by Dora are designed to serve hackers in the best possible ways. We are serious about finding the “nudges” for each individual hacker to learn from the “out-of-comfort-zones” experiences. We help the curious minds to find the mentors they desire for their career development and for happiness and fulfilment. Besides, you can always find free food and great live music on the site of all DoraHacks events!
➤Who should join this event?
We are looking for the brightest minds who are intrinsically motivated to solve the most pressing issues facing our industries and the greater society.
We are not talking about the nerds, but we are talking about folks with skills and empathy. And they can be:
iOS/Android/Web development engineeriOS/Android/Web frontendiOS/Android/Web backendiOS/Android/Web full stack engineerData Analyst / AI MasterBlockchain related engineers -decentralized wallet developmentBlockchain related engineers - smart contract developmentUnderstanding Hacker Economy and Blockchain Business Model HackerHacker familiar with mainstream blockchain source code (BCH/BTC/ETH, etc.)Understand the consensus protocol design of Hacker (POW/POS/PBFT/DPOS/CASPER/DAG/mixed consensus)Application layer security and security auditings experts such as wallets and smart contractsExpert in blockchain protocol security and security auditingProduct and UI/UX designer
➤What can hackers get out of this hackathon?
1)10,000USD prize pool divided according to the number of votes. All the contestants who have received the votes can get the corresponding bonus according to the number of votes.
2)Contestants who are qualified will share a special prize (TBA). Contestants who have been selected can be awarded the Excellent Hacker Prize of Creative Hacker and get the full/partial reimbursement of travel expenses.
3)The opportunity to access the learning materials provided by the sponsors/tech pioneer in the industry prior to the hack.
4)Present in front of the giant companies in tech-related fields (blockchain, AI and quantum computing, machine learning etc,).
5)Outstanding hackers will have the opportunity to participate in China's 2019 Dorahacks Global Hack finals.
➤How much should I pay to participate in this Hackathon?
This Hackathon is completely free for participants. We will provide three meals a day, along with snacks and coffee.
➤How many are the recruitment numbers?
Only 60 Hacker will be admitted on a rolling basis (there will be a total number of 500 registration quotas, applicants who passed the test will be noticed by email).
➤What rules do I need to follow when forming a team?
You should form a team of 3-6 people, either before the event or on-site.
➤Evaluation Criterion: 1. Practicality, skillsets, and creativity. 2. Increments within 24hours3. Hackers should have a basic understanding of the business model of the Token Economy and the blockchain. Familiar with the mainstream blockchain source code. Understanding the consensus protocol design. Application layer security and safety audit experts, such as wallets and smart contracts. Blockchain protocol security and security audit experts. IOS/Android/Web Development Engineer. Blockchain engineer, Products, and UI designers.
➤What’s the schedule look like?
09:30-10:30 Sign in10:30-12:00 Opening Ceremony (Technical support)12:30-13:30 Lunch Served13:30-18:00 Pitching & Team Building then Hack!18:00-19:00 Performance, Dinner19:00-20:00 Hacking20:00-21:00 Team Information collecting21:00-24:00 Hack, Midnight Snack
00:00-08:00 Overnight Hack08:00-08:30 Breakfast08:45 Demo Submission Deadline09:00-11:00 Demo fair, Voting11:00-11:30 Closing Ceremony & Cash & Crypto Awards!11:45-12:00 Group photo time
➤DoraHacks is a global hacker organization decentralized with the largest population of Hackers in China. In 2018 we’re branching out to global hubs including San Francisco, Paris, Tokyo, New York, Seoul, Boston, Berlin, Oslo and major cities in the world.DoraHacks' mission is to connect the most talented hackers around the world to solve the greatest problems we face in different industries and to overcome practical issues in our diversiform society. In 2018, Hackers Fund was founded by DoraHacks and BA Capital. Since its founding, Hackers Fund has concentrated on supporting Hackers’ to explore better, prettier and more applicable solutions for current industries and future world.
➤About HackathonHackathon is a technology that originated and became popular in innovative places like Silicon Valley in the US. In the 24-hour hackathon, you are free to solve any problem of your choice or to participate in the prize-winning challenges. These challenges are provided by public chains which are supporting us during this event.
➤Who’s partnering with Dora in Tokyo?
Block72 is a global consulting firm specializing in blockchain and distributed ledger technology. Block72 is led by senior management coming from top investment banks and management consulting firms like McKinsey and Ernst & Young. We have multiple offices across the world including New York, Shanghai, Beijing, Seoul, and San Francisco.
Fenbushi Capital(
Founded in 2015, Fenbushi Capital is the first China-based venture capital firm that exclusively invests in Blockchain-enabled companies. Our mission is to accelerate the inevitable future of Blockchain economy by supporting as many companies as possible.
Huobi (
Founded in 2013, Huobi is the world's leading digital asset trading platform and currently offers trading and investment in more than 100 digital asset pairs.
BC College (
To find more information about the mentors, workshops and local partners, please go to DoraHacks@ Tokyo
Rakuten Hackathon 2018
20 Oct - 10:00 AM
Setagaya, Japan
(English follows Japanese)
今年の楽天テクノロジーカンファレンスでは、近日リリースされたばかりのRakuten RapidAPIのプラットフォームと、そこに用意された様々なAPIを用いたハッカソンを開催いたします。
コンセプトは「Rakuten technology × non-Rakuten technology」。参加者の皆さまにはRakuten RapidAPI及び楽天以外の技術やAPI、個々の技術や経験を組み合わせて社会的な問題の解決やイノベーティブなビジネスを実現していただきます。
10/20 (土) 10:30~21:00 (受付開始:10:00)
10/21 (日) 10:30~20:00 (受付開始:10:00) (任意参加)
10/24 (水) 18:15~21:30 (受付開始:18:00) (任意参加)
10/26 (金) 19:15~21:00 懇親会21:00~ (受付開始:19:00)
10/27 (土) 10:00~15:00 アフターパーティー18:00~ (受付開始:09:30)
英語 / 日本語
This year, Rakuten Tech Conference will include a Hackathon led by a small army of Rakuten employees.Newly launched Rakuten RapidAPI platform and its APIs are used to build transformative applications.
Participants will be tasked with solving an issue or innovating a business by using a Rakuten technology or API and combining/integrating it with a non-Rakuten technology or API. Through using the latest API technology, we hope to see the development lifecycle be accelerated for all participants.
20th Oct, Saturday [10:30 am ~ 09:00 pm] (Registrations from 10:00 am)
21st Oct, Sunday [10:30 am ~ 08:00 pm] (Registrations from 10:00 am) (Optional attendance)
24th Oct, Wednesday [06:15 pm ~ 09:30 pm] (Registrations from 06:00 pm) (Optional attendance)
26th Oct, Friday [07:15 pm ~ 9:00pm; Hackathon party from 09:00 pm] (Registrations from 07:00 pm)
27th Oct, Saturday [10:00 am ~ 03:00pm; Tech Conference after party from 06:00pm] (Registrations from 09:30 am)
English / Japanese
For latest details, please check our website.
The Arm Innovator Asia Tour - Tokyo
23 Jun - 12:00 PM
Arm technology is at the heart of a computing and connectivity revolution that is transforming the way people live and businesses operate.
Our advanced, energy-efficient processor designs are enabling the intelligence in 120 billion silicon chips and securely powering products from the sensor to the smartphone to the supercomputer. With more than 1,000 technology partners including the world's largest business and consumer brands, we are driving Arm innovation into all areas compute is happening inside the chip, the network and the cloud.
Join us on our Asia tour throughout June to learn more about Arm in AI, Security, the Arm DesignStart and Arm Innovator Programs.
Read more about the event series here:
Showcase your projects and you could become the next Arm Innovator!
The Arm Innovator Program is an initiative to help support the global ecosystem of Arm developers, highlight the impressive work happening around the world based on Arm technology and share key domain knowledge from top technical experts building solutions on Arm with a wider audience.
For more information on the innovator program, please visit
AngelHack Tokyo Hackathon 2018
19 May - 10:00 AM
Tokyo, Japan
Coders, designers, and entrepreneurs in Japan! AngelHack invites you to sign up to participate in the AngelHack Global Hackathon Series: Tokyo. Compete on your own, or collaborate as a member of a team to come up with an idea and turn it into a functioning prototype. This year’s theme is Seamless Technology -- and in Tokyo, the focus is on healthcare solutions for the aging society. You're not limited! Build an app that solves a social or environmental problem and positively impacts your local community -- you might win the Code For A Cause Impact Award. Use the Agora real-time-communications (RTC) platform and you might win the Agora RTC App Challenge Award. The AngelHack Grand Prize will be awarded to the project that is innovative without limits and brings positive change to the world.
2018 Tokyo Longhash Hackathon - in Blockchain We Trust
20 Apr - 12:00 AM
Minato-ku, Japan
200+ Invited Professional
20+ Companies Represented
70+ Media Coverage
10+ Countries Represented
During LongHash Tokyo Hackathon, we would like to invite blockchain-related experts and developers to have an open discussion and jointly develop new features around “Decentralization” and “Security.”
The application will be closed on sunday, April 1st before 11:59 PM Tokyo Standard Time.