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Diabetes 2 Hackathon by The Dandelion Project
19 Mar - 12:00 PM
St Peter Port, Guernsey
Come and take part The Dandelion Project together with BBC1's Dr Rangan Chatterjee and Jon Robson from Meta Medicine USA to try and tackle Diabetes 2 in Guernsey within 2 years and to see if together we can solve Guernsey's most expensive healthcare cost! This event is open to everyone!
HackJsy (it's all) Hack & Games
18 Mar - 07:00 PM
St Helier, Jersey
This hackathon focuses on fun and games - whether that's sport, hobbies, entertainment or gaming - it's all about having fun! A 38 hour event based around leisure activities, which will be judged by a panel of industry experts with a range of prizes for winning submissions.
The Dandelion Project Community Hackathon
20 Feb - 12:30 PM
Guernsey, Guernsey
A Community Hackaton in conjunction with The Digital Greenhouse with objective to create a legacy and to start forming teams to solve problems in the community. Some of the TEDxStPeterPort speakers will be on hand to offer expertise and guidance. Solve problems in Guernsey, get involved as a project, show your skills and make something really meaningful happen!