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CODED Hackathon
06 Dec - 03:30 PM
Free Trade Zone, Kuwait
The CODED Hackathon is an event where a team of coders and designers build tech solutions. The goal of CODED hackathon is to bring together the best minds in coding and design in an intensively collaborative environment to bring out the best in them through a challenging format.
Who can Participate :
Developers looking to improve their skills or expand their horizons.
Students and developers that want to learn and work with other highly motivated individuals.
Designers of all skill-sets.
Entrepreneurs that can add value to teams.
Kuwait Finance House & Zain are proudly sponsoring the CODED Hackathon as strategic partners. Without their support, this event would not have been possible.
Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences will be rewarding a number of top candidates from the Hackathon with an exclusive scholarship into a speclized CODED Bootcamp. More information to follow.
Top Place: 1,000 KWD
Second Place: 500 KWD
Third Place: 250 KWD
Extra superlative awards for the Hackathon's winners and participants to be announced at a later time.
Friday, Dec. 6th,
15:30 - 17:00 Check-In, Team Formation, & Networking
17:00 - 18:00 Opening Ceremony & Hackathon Guidelines
18:00 - 18:00 CODING TIME*
18:00 - 19:00 Closing Remarks & Awards Ceremony
19:00 - 20:30 Dinner & Networking
*Coding continues throughout the second day, Dec. 7th till 18:00
Rules & Guidelines*:
Each team must consist of a minimum of 1 member, and a maximum of 6.
Once your team is formed, no member is allowed to switch teams.
Each team will use their own laptops and equipment.
Check-in closes at 5:00pm sharp.
Participants MUST remain in the venue for all 24 hours. Only female participants are allowed to checkout at 9:30 pm at the earliest and check back in by 7:00 am at the latest.
Participants may leave for short periods of time (15 minutes every now and then), but you're not allowed to take your laptop with you.
The CODED team will be doing regular random checks at team stations to see which members are present. If a member is not back at their station for a prolonged period of time, they risk being disqualified.
* Extra rules & guidelines will be explained during the event's opening ceremony, including the competition's details. Participants should check this page regularily for any updates to the guidelines, on top of following CODED on instagram for any potential announcements.
What CODED wil provide:
Food and Beverages.
Comfortable seating.
Internet Access.
Prayer Areas.
(Note: the word “Hack” and “Hackathon” pertain to “hacking” at a problem, which means finding a creative solution with limited resources. It is widely used by the coding and tech community to express creative problem solving through programming and design.)
Once you step into the CODED Campus, you're part of our family and community, and we hope to create another memorable moment together.
Instagram: @joincoded
IWD Hackathon for social good - IWD 2019
30 Mar - 07:00 AM
Khaldiya, Kuwait
Saturday March 30th
Come and create web and mobile applications for local Non-profits! Prizes for top three winning teams.
Why not give back to the community if you have the skills? Developer, designer, business background, got ideas?
Choose your team or not and we will find one for you!
Fill the following with your background details and we will be in touch with you soon:
*Note: Those who completes iOS beginners or Android workshops can join as developers!
7:00am Hackathon for social good Problem Pitches (Abolish 153/Eithar and The Blind Association)
Come and solve issues related to domestic abuse or develop games and solutions to help our Arabic speaking blind society.
7:30am -7:00pm Hackathon for social good starts (12 Hours)
7:00pm Judging
7:30 Awards
8:00pm Dinner and closing
Sign up! Don't miss it!
Our Instgram & Twitter account: wtmgdgkuwait
Data Agility Hackathon: VIP-Only Opening Event
24 Mar - 06:30 PM
Shuwaikh, Kuwait
Can Kuwait’s brightest young minds solve its biggest problems in just four days? The Data Agility Hackathon will put them to the test. Facilitated by MIT Media labs, the Data Agility Hackathon is a one of a one-of-a kind event that has teams of the country’s sharpest young people racing the clock to crack our toughest problems with high-powered analytical tools and technology.
Please join us, as one of our select VIP guests, to our opening ceremony.
Opening Ceremony:
Dr. Youssef Al-Ibrahim: Chairman of the Supervisory Committee of KAFO Project
Ambassador Lawrence Silverman: Ambassador of the United States of America to the State of Kuwait
Abdulrahman Al-Otaibi: PhD Candidate, MIT Media Lab
Kevin Hu: Doctoral Student, MIT Media Lab
Eduardo Castello: Postdoctoral Fellow, MIT Media Lab
Hosted By
Tarek Sultan: CEO & Vice Chairman, Agility
The Data Agility Hackathon takes place 25 – 28 March 2019. Data for the hackathon was donated by the Public Authority for Civil Information and Agility. The hackathon is in partnership with the Kuwait Foundation for Arts and Sciences and Kuwait's Achievers for Future Opportunities.
For more information about the hackathon, visit
Data Agility: A Hackathon by MIT Media Lab
24 Mar - 09:00 AM
Al Kuwayt, Kuwait
This event will be a week-long Hackathon - a Hackathon is typically held in a large group setting, and participants work on real-world problems in a concentrated amount of time - coming up with innovative solutions for certain challenges. This Hackathon will be an excellent opportunity for you to build on your technical skills and get to interact with the best and brightest MIT Media Lab visitors, who are experts in data science, AI, and machine learning algorithms.
Participants will have a chance to work on a particular problem/challenge in a team of up to 5 people.
Teams will work daily from 9 am to 4 pm (official hours) and have the option to continue working afterwards. We understand that participants may have commitments during the week (classes/meetings) but we expect participants to keep these at a minimum -- we want you to really benefit from the Hackathon setting. Lunch will be served on-site for the participants.
On the final day of the Hackathon, the visitng MIT Meda Lab guests will serve as a judging panel for each team. Teams will present the challenge they worked on, their approach, what issues they faced, and the final output of their work. Top teams will be given an award.
Participants will be expected to bring their own laptops.
Data Agility: a Hackathon by MIT Media Lab
24 Mar - 09:00 AM
Data Agility Hackathon: a hackathon by MIT Media lab
CPES Hackathon
02 Feb - 09:00 AM
Al Kuwayt, Kuwait
Please Download The File Below For Event Details
CPES-Hackathon guide.pdf
CPES offers the opportunity to take part in the CPES Hackathon, its a competition between groups of developers and designers and It will be an open platform application development and it will be on the participating team’s discretion whether to develop a web application or mobile application or any kind of software on the provided theme. Participants can feel free to use any type of computer programming languages to compete with.The Hackathon competition will be 10 hours of designing and coding.
Hackathon Goal
Meeting people with a similar mindset, figuring out a new technology to learn, and getting support from others. Collaborating with other participants towards a common goal. Competing against other teams and trying to be the best. Hackathons provide a unique environment where you can focus on what’s important to YOU
A participant can be from the below:
An iOS developer only
Android developer only
Front-end web apps developer
Back-end developer.
A participant can use any programing language he/she wishes and any framework.
You can participate alone, without a team
If you are alone, and you want a team, we will form teams for individual particiapnts on the Hackathon day.
you can provide your own team with following requirement
Team can be formed from 1 up to 5 member per team.
1 designer per team.
Project Details are provided by the Experts
Participants will be asked to do more than one project based on the team capabilities.
Each project has levels needed to be completed before proceeding to the next level.
Each level has its own credit points.
After completing a set of levels, the judge will assist your work and credited.
After completing the competition, the team with the highest points will be the winner team and will be awarded with a Grand Prize.
Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event?
Everyone is welcomed
How can I contact the organizer with any questions?
Contact us on our twitter DM or Whatsapp: +96596996578
:حمّل الملف التالي لمزيد من التفاصيل
CPES-Hackathon guide.pdf
تتيح جمعية هندسة الكمبيوتر الفرصه للمطورّين والمصممين للمشاركة في
CPES Hackathon
وهي مسابقة بين افرقة من المصممين والمبرمجين باستخدام اي برنامج او تطبيق متاح، يمكن للفريق ان يختار إما إنشاء تطبيق للهاتف او تطبيق للويب، كما ان المشاركين لهم حق اختيار اي لغة برمجة لإنشاء تطبيقاتهم، مدة المسابقه هي عشرة ساعات من التصميم والبرمجة.
اهداف المسابقة
مقابلة أشخاص بعقلية متشابهة ، واستكشاف تقنيات جديدة للتعلم ، والحصول على الدعم من الآخرين. بالاضافه الى التعاون مع المشاركين الآخرين نحو هدف مشترك. والتنافس ضد الفرق الأخرى، تتيح هذه المسابقه الفرصه على حصول بيئه يتوفر فيها التركيز على ما هو مهم.
يمكن للمشارك أن يكون مطور لأحد أوعدد من البيئات التالية
مطوّر iOS -
مطوّر Android-
مطور واجهات تطبيقات الويب Frontend -
- مطور سيرفرات Backend
يمكن استخدام اي اطار بيانات و اي لغة برمجه مفضله لديه
يمكنك التسجيل مع فريقك او التسجيل شخصياً، يمكن اضافتك مع فريق لاحقاً
يمكنك التسجيل مع فريقك طبقاً للشروط التاليه
عدد الاعضاء بين ١ الى ٥-
يجب ان يتوفر مصمم واحد في الفريق-
سيطلب من المشاركين القيام بأكثر من مشروع بناءً على قدرات الفريق-
يحتاج كل مشروع إلى إكمال المراحل قبل الانتقال إلى المرحلة التالي-
بعد الانتهاء من جميع المراحل،سوف يعرضالمشروع على لجنة التحكيم للتحكيم والتقييم-
بعد اكمال التحكيم، سوف ينم اختيار الفريق الفائز وهوالفريقالحاصل على اعلى نقاط-
أسئلة وأجوبة
هل هناك معرف أو متطلبات الحد الأدنى للسن لدخول الحدث؟
الجميع هو موضع ترحيب
كيف يمكنني الاتصال بالمنظم بأي أسئلة؟
@cpesq8 تواصل معنا عن طريق تويتر
Whatsapp: +96596996578