Sowing results 5 out of 5
15 Years Sopra Steria
13 Nov - 10:00 AM
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Developers from schools, startups, and private companies! Come and celebrate Sopra Steria's 15 year anniversary. Participate in a hackathon on the theme of security in banks! You'll also get the opportunity to learn about leading-edge technologies such as Lab Biz, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, IoT, etc. in discussions and presentations, which will be focused on the practical issues involved in their use.
MISP Hackathon
04 Aug - 08:30 AM
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Come to first ever Hackathon around MISP--the advanced platform for sharing, storing and correlating indicators of compromise (IoC) and cyber security threats! Get beneath the covers of MISP--API, docs, etc.--to store, share, collaborate on malware, and also to use the IOCs to detect and prevent attacks.
Hackathon Luxembourg on Sustainable Urban Development
10 Jun - 06:00 PM
Esch an der Alzette, Luxembourg
What is a 44-hour hackathon about Sustainable Urban Development focused on real-world challenges. The main aim of this event is for you to form a team and work together on a digital application, a Web site or any software product which you will then present as a prototype in front of a jury of professionals. Prizes will be awarded to best projects!
22 Apr - 12:00 AM
Sedan, France
This is the first hackathon in French Ardennes, you will be immersed in the French Ardennes tourist atmosphere: exceptional historic place, carousing and local beverages, accommodation in rooms of the fortified castle. A full weekend to become an unforgettable memory! Developers and graphic designers are invited to come together and realize an eTourism application.
Hack4Kids at Game of Code 2016
09 Apr - 02:30 PM
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Evènement organisé dans le cadre du Hackathon, Game of Code (
Event organised in parallel of the Hackathon, Game of Code (
Vos enfants ont entre 7 et 12 ans ?
Inscrivez les à Hack4kids pour découvrir la programmation. C’est gratuit !
Le nombre de places est limité ! Veuillez bien renseigner le nom de votre/vos enfant(s), un par un
Langues de l'évènement : FR, EN
Pour mieux assurer le déroulement de l'événement, il est conseillé aux parents d'accompagner leurs enfants lors de l'événement.
Plus d’information et programme à venir sur :
Your kids are between 7 and 12 years old?
Then they shouldn't miss the next Hack4Kids where they will discover the fascinating world of coding! It's free of charge.
Please register your children one by one.
Hurry up we only have a limited amount of tickets available.
Languages of the event: FR, EN
To guarantee a fun time, it is suggested that the parents join their kids during the conference.
More info and program coming soon on:
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