Showing results 1 to 10 out of 15
  10 Nov - 05:00 PM
  Mexico, Mexico
Accenture Digital anuncia su primer ¡Accenture Global Connected Hackathon! Una gran oportunidad para estudiantes y graduados, diseñadores creativos, desarrolladores, analistas de datos y especialistas de marketing o de negocios para formar parte de un reto de alcance internacional, compartiendo ideas y experimentando con las tecnologías e innovaciones más recientes. Únete desde Ciudad de México para participar en esta experiencia global con diferentes localidades alrededor del mundo: Roma, Londres, Estambul, Dubai, Bangalore, Chicago, Monterrey, Shanghai, Manila y Singapur. Encuentra aquí toda la infomación del ACCENTURE GLOBAL DIGITAL HACKATHON. ¡No te pierdas de esta oportunidad! ¡Únete hoy! ¿Cómo registrarse? Con el fin de completar el proceso de inscripción, por favor llena el formulario y envíanos un email con tu CV adjunta al correo Especifica cuál de estos es el rol que más se acomoda a tu perfil: Diseñador Desarrollador Especialista de Marketing/negocios Data Analyst Por favor, envía la información antes del 6 de Noviembre. Para inscribirte como equipo, cada miembro debe llenar el formulario, indicando el nombre de su equipo.
      25 Oct - 08:00 PM
      Ciudad de México, Mexico
    It is focused on a biometric challenge. In this workshop will be announced all the elements and background needed to develop an API whose function will be to ensure that all fingerprints of Bancomer's new and existing customers are not duplicated. In order to do so, we will share topics such as: V alidation of the quality of the footprint and duplication (repeated fingerprints in the making), validation through a free licensing program, what is the NFIQ standard. At the end of the workshop, the complete description and details of the Footprint challenge will be given, as well as the criteria to be considered for selecting the champion. It is important to note that only those who bring their proof of enrollment to the Hackathon BBVA Bancomer 2017 (printed or digital), their registration to this workshop and an official identification (INE, IFE, passport, student ID with digital photograph. ENROLL HACKATHON BANCOMER AND KNOW ALL DETAILS AT ==>
        25 Oct - 06:30 PM
        Ciudad de México, Mexico
      CISCO   will showcase its technologies for participants to use during the event. They will explain what AWS is and give details of Amazon developer tools.  They will explain what Cisco Solution Maker is and what the Cisco developer tools are. It is important to note that only those who bring their proof of enrollment to the Hackathon BBVA Bancomer 2017 (printed or digital), their registration to this workshop and an official identification (INE, IFE, passport, student ID with digital photograph. ENROLL HACKATHON BANCOMER AND KNOW ALL DETAILS AT ==>
          25 Oct - 05:00 PM
          Ciudad de México, Mexico
        The background and necessary elements will be given to face the challenge for the Bmóvil channel. During this workshop, you will know by experts what is Bmovil ?, its process, the infrastructure that supports it, as well as the logs that are generated and used for monitoring. And finally the description and details to be able to be Champions of the Monitor Challenge. It is important to note that only those who bring their proof of enrollment to the Hackathon BBVA Bancomer 2017 (printed or digital), their registration to this workshop and an official identification (INE, IFE, passport, student ID with digital photograph, professional certificate). ENROLL HACKATHON BANCOMER AND KNOW ALL DETAILS AT ==>
            24 Oct - 08:00 PM
            Ciudad de México, Mexico
          This workshop will provide the necessary elements to meet the challenge that seeks to outline customers in social networks that are likely to buy investment or financing products. This will give a current picture of what Bancomer is currently doing to attract investment and financing clients by traditional and electronic methods, and will show Bancomer's catalog of financing and investment products. Knowledge of programming, machine learning methods, as well as statistics (descriptive and predictive) could give participants an advantage. At the end of the workshop, it will be detailed what criteria will be taken into account to select the Dart Challenge champion. It is important to note that only those who bring their proof of enrollment to the Hackathon BBVA Bancomer 2017 (printed or digital), their registration to this workshop and an official identification (INE, IFE, passport, student ID with digital photograph, professional certificate). ENROLL HACKATHON BANCOMER AND KNOW ALL DETAILS AT ==>
              24 Oct - 06:30 PM
              Ciudad de México, Mexico
            Amazon will showcase its technologies for participants to use during the event. They will explain what AWS is and give details of Amazon developer tools.  It is important to note that only those who bring their proof of enrollment to the Hackathon BBVA Bancomer 2017 (printed or digital), their registration to this workshop and an official identification (INE, IFE, passport, student ID with digital photograph. ENROLL HACKATHON BANCOMER AND KNOW ALL DETAILS AT ==>
                24 Oct - 05:00 PM
                Ciudad de México, Mexico
              Are you registered to participate in the BBVA Bancomer 2017 Hackathon? If so, then you're invited to attend this workshop on security in mobile banking. In preparation for the hackathon, you'll learn the necessary elements to develop the solution to ensure that the customer's cell phone number (SIM) is the same that is being registered for alerts (device). Note that you must be registered at the hackathon ( to attend this workshop!
              Hackapalooza Hackshop: Watson en Bluemix
                07 Sep - 07:00 PM
                Ciudad de México, Mexico
              Hackers in Mexico! Are you thinking of -- participating in HackaPalooza in Guadalajara? You'll first need to attend the Hackapalooza Hackshop: Watson on Bluemix? You can get introduced to IBM's Watson and Bluemix technologies and prepare for your project at HackaPalooza. Bring your ideas and your team -- or come on your own. Those with the best ideas -- that can transform banking, commerce, or society -- will be selected to go onward as participants at HackaPalooza. You'll get to present your project -- with technologies such as Blockchain, Watson, loT and High-Performance Computing to a panel of IBM executives and key IBM customers.
              Oracle 1st Innovation Hackathon
                31 Aug - 07:30 AM
                Coyoacán, Mexico
              ¿Te interesa ser parte del equipo que ayude a la transformación digital de las organizaciones mexicanas? Alianzas y canales de Oracle, CertificaTIC, MakingPIT, Mariachi IO y  la Facultad de Ingeniería de la UNAM invitan a programadores, diseñadores, innovadores, makers, emprendedores, Startups, partners y fábricas de software a generar soluciones que soporten la transformación digital de las organizaciones mexicanas utilizando Tecnologías Oracle Cloud. Este evento se llevará a cabo el día  31 de Agosto de 2017  en Facultad de Ingeniería UNAM. Durante este día los participantes se reunirán en Facultad de Ingeniería UNAM, edificio principal planta baja, Auditorio Javier Barros Sierra, Av. Universidad 3000, Ciudad Universitaria, Coyoacán, Cd. Mx., CP 04510 para eschuchar la bienvenida y posteriormente irán al Centro de Ingeniería Avanzada de la UNAM planta baja el cual se encuentra dentro del Anexo de ingeniería para que ahí puedan generar ideas innovadoras que ayuden a transformar a México en un país digital con la utilización de Tecnologías Oracle Cloud. La participación del Hackathon es completamente GRATUITA, sin embargo debes tomar en cuenta que sólo habrá lugar para 100 personas,  para participar deberás de completar tu registro haciendo click en: Registrar. ¡Regístrate ahora y participa! Haz que tus ideas y trabajos sean reconocidos!! ¿Tienes alguna pregunta? Revisa las bases aquí o envía un correo a NUESTROS PATROCINADORES
                AngelHack Global Hackathon Series: Mexico City
                  08 Jul - 09:00 AM
                  Ciudad de México, Mexico
                Coders, designers, and entrepreneurs in Mexico! AngelHack invites you to sign up to participate in the AngelHack Global Hackathon Series: Mexico City. Compete on your own, or collaborate as a member of a team to come up with an idea and turn it into a functioning prototype. You're not limited! You could build an app that delivers positive value to your community, a website that satisfies an unmet financial need, a virtual reality game, or whatever your imagination can conceive.