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Seeds: Legendary GameFest
  13 Nov - 07:00 PM
  Vista, United States
Messages are Everywhere. Fanfare can be heard echoing through the hills and valleys beckoning us back to the village. The buzz resounds from the bees to the trees. We've arrayed out a sylvan stage so our most brilliant friends and allies can co-create the great work of our age. Join us on an ADVENTURE to unravel the MYSTERY that is SEEDS! To all the artists, the gamers, the beatmakers, the developers, the engineers, the doers and the makers who love our natural world.... NOW IS THE TIME TO PLAY!   NOVEMBER 13-15th Seeds the Game is ON! Are you ready to get into the GAME? Come play with us in the arcadian splendor of the Emerald Village– help us to stitch together a new reality in which our dreams can come to life! We will be combining our talents and our passions to cross-pollinate between the realms of Science & Technology, Art & Entertainment, Sustainability & Agriculture and Health & Wellness to boost one another to the next level of creation. The movement is gaining momentum. Bring your gifts, awareness, and talents to the grand table as we collectively address some of humanity and the globe's most pressing concerns. It is time. Come one, come all! Bring your most unique character and qualities to the fore and learn, play and be the change. Join us for our first collaborative Live-Action Game Event this November 13-15 At the Emerald Village, EVO in Vista, CA. Details below. (Health & Wellness) (Science & Technology) (Art & Entertainment) (Sustainability & Agriculture) We welcome you to join us for the first @GrowGames Legendary Gamefest, our pilot test of Seeds the Game at the Emerald Village. This includes: * Bounties and awards for best game plays * Live music, DJs, experimental sounds and jam sessions * Flow Friday: learn new flow arts and spin with friends! * Farm to Table Dinner and Advisory Council & Benefit Corporation strategy meeting * Build the Game: Share and create Tools to Terraform in our Planetary Game Jam and Hackathon * Global symposium on Citizen Science, Social Impact Gaming, and Game Theory Saturday afternoon We are hacking the ecosystem together through game missions in the physical world - growing food, catching water and learning to play with the planet. Seeds the Game missions are designed for families to play together, encouraging both collaborative play and friendly competition to win prizes from great sponsors....and there are LOTS of hidden treasures to be discovered! Special thanks to Dr. Bronners, Growcology, Kavanagh Community and The Emerald Village for helping us host this event! To join us as a sponsor, contact our CEO Nick Heyming to get your products and services on the prize table. TICKETS ARE VERY LIMITED TO THIS EVENT. RSVP now for the Early Bird friends and family discount
    AT&T Mobile App Hackathon (IoT) San Diego - Hack-o-ween with CyberTECH
      24 Oct - 11:00 AM
      San Diego, United States
    JOIN US FOR HACK-O-WEEN! Join us for Hack-o-ween, a Mobile App Hackathon produced by the AT&T Developer Program and CyberTECH.  Hackathons are coding competitions, where individuals and teams build mobile apps from scratch over a 24 hour period.  The apps are then pitched to judges and prizes award for the best apps.   Hackathons are a great opportunity to learn new technologies, network with fellow developers, enjoy some food, most importantly have some fun! The Hackathon will be held in downtown San Diego at CyberTECH's cybersecurity incubator and shared workspace, CyberHive, starting Saturday, Oct 24 and ending Sunday Oct 25 approximately 5pm.  See the full schedule below. We Supply: Quick presentations that help to bootstrap your effort, food to keep you going, and caffeine to keep you awake. We will have technical senseis to assist you in building faster, smarter, and with new tools. And no IoT event would be complete without Loaner Hardware: MediaTek LinkIt™ ONE Harman Omni 10 Harman Adapt Gimbal Series 10 Beacon Gimbal Series 21 Beacon Myo Armband GoPro 4 SunFounder Kits Raspberry Pi mBed Board In addition, 3D printing will be available at the San Diego Library (330 Park Blvd, San Diego, CA 92101) on Saturday from 12PM-5PM. This is a great chance to add try out 3D printing and add something cool to your project! You Bring: Your laptop, mobile device, skills & ideas. Come with a collaborative, team focused mindset and/or team up in advance on Twitter/Facebook/Google+ via the #atthack hashtag. Whether you are a cloud developer, designer, entrepreneur, student, or just interested in tech; you are invited to attend this event. Every group needs a good balance of talent and your development skills are needed! Event Schedule.  The following is a list of the weekend's agenda: Day 1 11AM - Kickoff event with lunch and people networking which leads into idea pitches and team formation. 12PM - Lightning Talks from speakers and sponsors (please see below for list).  Lunch is served. 1PM - Pitch ideas and form teams 7PM - Dinner is served. Day 2 9AM - The fun continues with breakfast served in the morning! Work with the teams from Day 1 to complete the app spec’d. Mentors will be available to help you code your project. Please sign up your teams to present via this link: TBD 12PM - Lunch is served.  All teams should be registered. 2PM - Keyboards down. Fast Pitches start promptly at 2PM and are limited to three (3) minutes per team.  Slides are discouraged.  If used, limit to one introduction slide. Prizes. The following prizes will be awarded after the fast pitches are completed and the judges have convened: Best Hackathon Overall App  1st Place - $1000 in Gift Cards for the team (Must be a two or more person team to receive full prize.  Single person team will receive $600.). Best Use of MediaTek  1st Place - $1000 in Gift Cards for the team (Must be a two or more person team to receive full prize.  Single person team will receive $600.). Best Use of Harman APIs  1st Place - Harman Dev Kit for each team member (max 5). Best Use of Gimbal Beacons  1st Place - iPad Mini (1 for the team). Community Choice Award 1st Place - $250 in Gift Cards for the team This is awarded after the event based on comments on the AT&T Developer Program blog AT&T Developer Program Registration  One (1) Sphero Ollie or alternate prize to one (1) randomly selected person who registered for the AT&T Developer Program during the event. Judging Criteria. Apps will be judged based on the criteria below and weighted accordingly.   33% Weight - Ability to clearly articulate what your app does 33% Weight - Originality of idea 33% Weight - Creative use of technologies discussed at the event Hackathon Legal.  You must be 18 and over to register a team and win a prize.  Participants under 18 are allowed but must have an adult sponsor present at all times. AT&T General Terms and Conditions: Social Media.  Follow us @attdeveloper and @CyberHiveSD for live updates and photos from the event Use #atthack in your tweets Like us on Facebook   Speakers   Darin Andersen is a distinguished Internet of Things (IoT) and cybersecurity professional with over 15 years of experience in the security industry. In 2013, Mr. Andersen founded CyberTECH (CyberHive and iHive Incubators), a global cybersecurity and IoT network ecosystem providing cybersecurity and IoT resources, strategic programs and quality thought leader IoT Forums across the nation. Darin is also founder of CyberUnited, a cybersecurity, big data and predictive analytics firm that applies a behavioral psychology framework via machine learning, data, analytics and inferential algorithms to determine and prevent identity and insider threats within the enterprise, academic and government organizations. Before founding CyberUnited, Darin was the GM, North America for Norman Shark, a forensics malware analytics company, recently acquired by Blue Coat Systems. Prior to Norman Shark, Darin was the Chief Operating Officer (COO) at ESET, an award winning and antivirus solutions company, where he was a leading driver in growing the company to over 800 employees worldwide and building an extensive network of malware research centers in 9 countries as well as a network of partners spanning more than 180 countries. While COO at ESET, Darin created the “Securing Our eCity” initiative. The initiative, now an independent Foundation, was recognized by The White House as the “Best Local/Community Plan” DHS National Cybersecurity Awareness Challenge.   Mr. Andersen was recently named a Distinguished Fellow by the Ponemon Institute, a research center dedicated to privacy, data protection and information security policies. He received the Internet of Things award at the 2014 Cybersecurity Awards and was named Top Influential by The San Diego Daily Transcript for 2015. Darin received an MBA in Finance and Operations Management and 2nd Masters in Information Systems and Operations Systems both from University of Southern California. Greg Rose is a Developer Marketing Manager for MediaTek Labs ( Greg has extensive hands-on experience representing technology companies at hackathons, speaking at meetups, and demoing the latest technology at industry events. Greg is most happy when he is creating developer focused marketing content including blog posts, YouTube tutorial videos, and keeping the IoT and Wearable communities updated through the MediaTek Labs social media channels. Greg has been a part of various Developer Communities for over 8 years representing both software and hardware companies and strives to put the developer first and represent their voice when it comes to product feedback getting looped back to companies at the Executive level. Greg has attended many industry events, but enjoys hackathons the most, as the energy and creativity that come out of these events is always top notch. Stop by the MediaTek Labs table and say hello! Steven Si is a Technical Director at MediaTek Labs, a developer centric ecosystem for Wearables & IoT. Prior to MediaTek Labs, Steven was a Senior Technical Consultant and the Global Technical Team Lead at the NAVTEQ Network for Developers. Steven has also worked as a Principle Staff Engineer for Wireless Network platform development at Motorola. Rich Dunbar is the Developer Community Manager at Harman Kardon International. Rich has been active in online community development for nearly a decade. His experience spans multiple platforms and companies. He has built and published apps in several app stores as well as lead national teams in developer engagement. He’s done work for companies such as Palm, HP, Nokia, Microsoft, IBM, Qualcomm, Amazon and currently Harman. Sora Sung is a Customer Engineer with Gimbal Inc. Sora works with many high profile companies in retail, entertainment, sports, etc in integrating their mobile app with Gimbal SDK. Additionally, she helps clients understand the Gimbal Platform and helps advise on best practices and use case driven requirements to implementation. Her education and professional experiences varies from mobile engineering in both iOS and Android platform to technical project management. Her past positions include software engineering at SAIC to Technical Product Management at Disney. With a BA, MBA, PMP and with a mobile app development certificate to boot, she has a deep understanding and appreciation for how an engineer or a project managers may approach tasks and helps ensures the success of their app development. Ed Donahue, Sr. Product Marketing Manager at AT&T, is based out of sunny Seattle! She is passionate about enabling developers and hackers to create awesome stuff! She's a huge supporter of women in tech and encourages everyone to try programming.   Sponsors          
      Oct 24, 2015 Women's Hackathon at Cal State San Marcos
        24 Oct - 08:30 AM
        San Marcos, United States  Our next Women's Hackathon will be held on Saturday, October 24. Register today!