Sowing results 5 out of 5
Hack & Pitch "Devoxx" Hackathon By ScreenDy
01 Nov - 09:30 AM
Casablanca, Morocco
Web developers and hackers! Come and showcase your skills at the Hack & Pitch Hackathon "Devoxx" sponsored by CIH, Microsoft, and ScreenDy. You'll collaborate and compete with like-minded individuals to develop templates and plugins, using the ScreenDy platform API & SDK, and then to integrate them into the ScreenDy MarketPlace and implement them as part of a mobile application.
Hack & Pitch "Citizen 2.0" (Citoyen 2.0) Hackathon By ScreenDy
21 Sep - 09:00 AM
Casablanca, Morocco
Moroccan techies? Interested in ways of bringing citizens and elected representatives closer together? Come participate in the "Citizen 2.0" Hackathon and demonstrate the ingenuity and creativity of the Moroccan technical and creative community! Participants will collaborate using the ScreenDy mobile app development infrastructure to develop innovative apps that:
»Create interactive communication between citizens and their elected representatives
»Simplify the voting process
»Engage and involve citizens via the collection of their opinions and ideas
Hack & Pitch "Zéro Déchet" Hackathon By ScreenDy
06 Aug - 09:00 AM
Skhirat, Morocco
Come and participate in the Hack & Pitch "Zero Waste" Hackathon By ScreenDy. Participants will collaborate to develop "Green" mobile apps that motivate users to sort and recycle. The hackathon will utilize the ScreenDy rapid development platform to allow the greatest number to bring their city-oriented applications to life. It will highlight the ingenuity and creativity of the Moroccan technical community in developing added-value mobile applications.
Al Amal Hackathon - Smart City Connect Casablanca Powered By ScreenDy
17 May - 09:00 AM
Casablanca, Morocco
This is a hackathon for mobile app development for Sports Complex in Al Amal, organized by Casa Events & Animation in partnership with the Morocco Cluster Numeric. Your challenge will be to develop mobile apps responding to challenges of Smart City 2016 Casablanca: mobility, energy, urban transportation and any other subject that will provide a good impact on the city. You'll also be making use of the fast development platform ScreenDy, in order to give life to your mobile app.
ScreenDy Hackathon Akhawayn
02 Apr - 10:00 AM
Casablanca, Morocco
The ScreenDy Hackathon will be an opportunity for you to launch your mobile application projects via ScreenDy platform and to meet the leaders of the mobile development industry, investors and government agencies in Morocco. The main aim of this event is to educate young entrepreneurs and students about the problems of both technology but also business development inherent in entrepreneurship.