Showing results 21 to 30 out of 87
Hackathon Netwerk Brandweer - powered by VIAS & EYnovation™
17 Oct - 07:00 AM
Antwerp, Belgium
Pre-registration: Netwerk Brandweer HACKATHON - Powered by VIAS and EYnovation™
Netwerk Brandweer, the Vias institute and EY, organize a hackathon aimed at future-proofing fire departments. “Toekomstvisie Brandweer 2030” is a program of the Belgian fire departments, looking at emerging technologies and innovations, and how these can be applied to benefit citizens across the country.
During approximately 24 hours, your team will have the opportunity to create digital and innovative solutions relevant for the fire departments. A diverse and dedicated team of experts and coaches will assist you during the process.
Who are we looking for?
For this Hackathon, EYnovation is looking for startups, scale-ups, established organizations, developers, UX/UI designers who want to grab the opportunity to contribute to the future of public safety by improving the fire service operations in a connected world. More specifically, the teams will work on one of the challenges below.
The Challenges
We are specifically looking for teams that can hack together innovative and disruptive solutions in one of the following areas
Smart Homes and Buildings Challenge: How can we use SMART technology in buildings to our advantage to help the Fire Department in fire detection and prevention?
Smart Mobility Challenge: How to track and allocate firefighting resources in the most efficient way possible given the challenges in mobility (electric transport, mobility as a service, automation and smart infrastructure, etc.)?
Smart Fire Service Challenge: How can emerging technologies (VR, AR, Drones, Wearable technologies, etc.) assist the firefighter in carrying out their job on-site?
How to apply?
Register now and fill in the registration form. Either you can subscribe to this hackathon individually (and will be paired with other participants), or with your own team.
What's in it for you?
Winners of the challenges present their MVP at the Back2theFuture annual conference 18th of October in front of experts and industry decision-makers.
Overall winner to present their fine-tuned product @ ISES conference 19th of November in front of an international audience.
Dedicated diverse team of coaches with different expertise (field experience, business expertise, technical skills, etc.).
Opportunity to contribute to the future of public safety with like minded people.
Support after the event for the relevant MVPs and ideas
Application process and timeline of Hackathon
Registrations are open
29/09/19: Registrations close and selection of the participants
04/10/19: Pre-hackathon event – Detailed Explanation of the Challenges and formation of teams
17/10/19: 24h hack at EY Wavespace Antwerp Office
18/10/19: Winning teams will present their solution at the Back2TheFuture Brandweercongres @ Campus Vesta
Afterwards, all teams can present their solution/findings at Brandweer kazerne Antwerpen.
REGISTER NOW FOR YOUR EARLY BIRD TICKET (Participation, healthy food, drinks incl.)
We’ll look forward to reviewing your application
See you there!
PS: For more information feel free to contact the EYnovation team
VLAIO (Vlaams Agentschap voor Innoveren en Ondernemen) attaches great importance to topics such as these. Therefore this workshop is part of our EYnovation program execution for VLAIO and is as such open to all Flanders-registered start-ups. In function of the audience, the workshop will be given in Dutch or English.
IoT Hackathon Rotterdam 2019
12 Oct - 09:00 AM
Rotterdam, Netherlands
We are excited to announce our tenth hackathon!
Join us on 12-13 October 2019 in Rotterdam!
Learn more and apply
Application deadline: 9September 2019
TADHack Global 2019 - hackathon
12 Oct - 09:00 AM
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Want to compete for a $34k prize in a laid-back developer event? Meet us at TADHack Global 2019 and become part of a weekend that draws an inspiring group of technologists and telecommunication leaders from all over the world!
Join the hack
Date and time
12 - 13 October 2019
9:00 - 18:00 CEST
In Belgrade, Berlin, Johannesburg, London, Romania, Kuala Lumpur, Sri Lanka, Chicago and Popayán. Remote entry from another location is also possible. The event will be streamed live on YouTube.
To hack with us at our location:
IoT Academy
Scheepsbouwweg 8
3089 JW Rotterdam
View map
About TADHack Global
TADHack Global is a yearly worldwide hackathon about the latest internet, IT and telecoms technologies. The idea of the hackathon is to help people learn about existing technologies and work together in teams towards solving problems that matter in work, home and community life.
This year’s hack
This year’s hackathon runs across 10 to 15 cities around the world. Remote entries are also allowed, which means participants may also hack from the comfort of their own home.
Teams can already look up the sponsored technologies in telecommunications that will be used during the global TADHack 2019 and think about which to use. KPN and KPN partners' APIs will also be available in the Netherlands. Our partner VoIP Innovations, for instance, will sponsor voice and webRTC technologies.
The best hack will win a cash prize of $ 34.000! The best team of Rotterdam will be rewarded credits for at the API Store as well.
Past hack inspiration
Hacks in previous years included many interesting sponsor technologies such as programmable telecoms (voice, video, messaging), internet of things, cloud computing, robotics, machine learning, speech and face recognition, mobile payments, enterprise communications, decentralized web, blockchain, encryption and open source. In 2015, a dancing robot was among the many exciting developments made with existing technologies.
Check out websites of previous hacks from 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 and 2014, or watch the 5 year TADHack anniversary movie.
Join the hack
You are very welcome to join us in Rotterdam for the weekend. Have some fun and free food, meet cool people and at the same time, have a chance at winning a cash prize!
Register your team
De Warmste Hackathon
11 Oct - 06:00 PM
Realdolmen organiseert in oktober 2019 de Warmste Hackathon. Na een succesvolle eerste editie, de R-IoT games, willen we met jullie hulp het nog grootser aanpakken! Er wordt op verschillende locaties 24 uur lang gestreden voor de eer, mooie prijzen, goede karma én geld voor jullie zelf gekozen goede doel. Heb jij een uitmuntend idee en bovendien de juiste skills om een prototype te bouwen of een geniaal concept uit te denken? Ga dan de uitdaging aan en schrijf je samen met je team in voor de Warmste Hackathon!
“Maak van onze maatschappij een betere plek.”
Gemakkelijker gezegd dan gedaan. Je mag dit heel breed zien, zolang er maar een bepaalde groep binnen onze maatschappij beter van wordt. Zie je bepaalde problemen bij jongeren, ouderen, VZW's, of misschien wel bij dieren? Of zie je eerder manieren om bepaalde processen veel eenvoudiger of sneller te maken? Denk outside the box, zolang de maatschappij er maar op een bepaalde manier z’n voordeel uit haalt.
De ingeschreven teams worden uitgenodigd in ons Realdolmen kantoor te Kontich, Gent en Odisee Brussel om in 24 uur hun idee uit te werken. De Hackathon zal van start gaan op 11 oktober 2019 om 18:00 en duurt tot 12 oktober, 22:00 uur.
Wij voorzien gedurende 24uur verschillende coaches, een heleboel fun events en eten en drinken voor een klein leger wereldverbeteraars.
Het volk en een jury kiezen uiteindelijk de terechte winnaars!
De verschillende teams zullen tijdens de hele Hackathon strijden tegen elkaar. Op verschillende manieren kunnen jullie credits verdienen door op een tactische manier de juiste competenties in te zetten. Daarnaast zal er tijdens de Hackathon ook een Social Voting systeem worden opengezet waarbij jullie ook geld gaan inzamelen voor het goede doel. De 10 ploegen met de meeste credits zullen uiteindelijk naar de finale gaan en hun idee/concept voorleggen aan het Realdolmen Management Comité dat ook Credits zal uitdelen. De ploegen die de meeste credits binnenhalen vallen in de prijzen.
Meer informatie & wedstrijdregelement beschikbaar op
** Op het evenement wordt beeldmateriaal gemaakt, Video en Foto. Deelnemen aan de wedstrijd geeft ons toestemming om dit beeldmateriaal te gebruiken. Indien u toch niet wenst in beeld te komen, gelieve dit aan te geven aan de start van het evenement.
Hack Global Goals
21 Sep - 09:00 AM
Eindhoven, Netherlands
A 2 day Hackathon to solve social challenges regarding Diversity and Inclusivity, Sports and Technology or the digital skill gap
Mobility of the Future '19 - The hackathon
20 Sep - 09:30 AM
Hasselt, Belgium
Mobility of the future is back, this time in Hasselt!
The hackathon, which will take place from September 20-21, will tackle multiple challenges in the wide field of mobility. We’ll work together with industry partners who will bring forward challenges and who’ll also be present during the hackathon to give you guiding & coaching!
Note: The hackathon is free of charge. When subscribing, we ask a no-show fee of 25€ which will be refunded upon participation. Food & drinks are on us!
We aim at bringing together entrepreneurs, students and innovators to address one of these challenges and to come up with creative solutions!
During the Award ceremony on Saturday afternoon, winners will be chosen and prizes will be given to the teams. Next to a money prize, you can win trainings, tech gadgets and much more!
You can subscribe as an individual or as a team. The hackathon is free of charge. When subscribing, we ask a no-show fee of 25€ which will be refunded upon participation. Food & drinks are on us!
We have limited sleeping places available on a first come, first serve basis. Questions? Let us know at
Check it out on!
Blockchain Hackathon - Hyperledger Fabric
12 Sep - 11:00 AM
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Join us in this Hackathon, Unfolding Blockchain with Hyperledger Fabric.
Two days Blockchain training on how to build new solutions with Hyperledger Fabric presented by the IBM developer team. With this quick-start, you'll learn more about how to build your Blockchain solution with hyperledger fabric, some important use cases and how its disrupting businesses. This hackathon is hosted @Venture Café Rotterdam and is completely free to participate, also, there will be a great prize for the winning team.
The hackathon is split into two sessions. Starting with the first session on Thursday September 5th from 10:00 HR - 15:00 HR and ending with the second session on Thursday September 12th, 2019 from 11:00 HR - 17:00 HR.
Who should attend? Developers writing on Java, Golang, Node.js DevOps engineers Everyone who wants to start their Blockchain PoC
Why to participate in this hackathon? Get your hands on and experience how to get started with Hyperledger Fabric and practice on a real blockchain implementation.
Pre-requisites and skills: All attendees work on their laptops Knowledge of Golang, or Java, or JavaScript
Contact us if you have any questions:
Don't forget to get your tickets! See you there!
#blockchain #hyperledger #techmeetup #tech #meetup #rotterdam #netherlands
Hackathon for Peace, Justice, and Security vol.2
14 Jun - 07:00 PM
Den Haag, Netherlands
Registration is now open for thé Hackathon for Peace, Justice and Security ( which we co-organize together with the Data Science Initiative in the Hague. From 14th till 16th June, teams will use their technical skills to help solve real-world challenges.We are calling all developers, data scientists, AI and ML experts, business developers, legal professionals, and other techies and do-gooders! Make an actual impact with your work and compete for great prize money at the same time.You and your team can be helping:- UNICRI Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics- Translators Without Borders- The National Rapporteur on Trafficking in Human Beings and Sexual Violence against Children- 510 Red Cross - The Netherlands- Space4GoodWinner per challenge €2.000 ** Global winner €3000For more information about the challenges, partners and to register to participate, please visit or message us!
Are you are a recruiter? You can introduce your open data science positions to the 150 participants. Be quick and get a recruitment ticket as we have very few spots available.
Vue Storefront Hackathon #11 @ Netherlands
06 Jun - 09:00 AM
Deventer, Netherlands
On Thursday 6 june, VS Core Partner VENDIC is hosting the 11th Vue Storefront Hackathon. What makes this hackathon stand out even more is the workshop presented by VS onsite. You can also join this event remotely.
Official website:
Sign up via Eventbrite!Contact Vue Storefront:
Contact Vendic: marketing@vendic.nlVue Storefront is a standalone PWA storefront for your eCommerce. It allows you to connect with any eCommerce backend (eg. Magento, Pimcore, Prestashop or Shopware) through the API. Vue Storefront is open source, anyone can use and support the project. We want it to be a tool for the improvement of the shopping experience.
➡️ The VS core front-end team will be available for questions on the Slack channel. Invite link; #vuestorefront #vshackathon #Magento