Showing results 11 to 20 out of 21
International Interns' Day 2015 (Brussels)
10 Nov - 12:30 PM
Brussels, Belgium
Part I:
12.00 - 2.30: Political Hackaton:
- Political Hackathon: Develop best ideas for change and challenge directly decision-makers to answer them
- Get together and lunch
- Co-creation workshops to develop best ideas on: “How to make internships truly useful to get a job”
- Design of demonstration signs
2.30 - 3.30: Demonstration and speeches in front of the European Parliament
Part 2:
3.30 - 4.00: Registration at the European Economic & Social Committee
4.00 - 6.00: Political Hackaton Continued :
Present young people’s best ideas & debate with Members of the European Parliament, private sectors, civil society and trade unions representatives
Organisations: European Youth Forum, InternsGoPro, JCI, Bingo, Project 668
Interns Day 15 is happening all over the world:
JOIN US in Brussels, Paris, Geneva, Sydney and Milan on Tuesday 10th of November!
More info here:
Internships have become a prerequisite to getting a job. All over the world, millions of young people are doing internships with the hope of accessing full-time employment. This is essential as interns are the new generation of workers that will have to face the ever more complex political, social, economic and environmental challenges.
Unfortunately, the majority of internships do not fulfil their role. They are, for the large part, unpaid and badly designed, with little learning content and supervision. This causes social inequality in accessing them and forces young people into a trap of never getting enough work experience to actually start working.
We cannot accept a situation where young people, even after studies, have to work for free or are stuck for years in an uncertain transition to the labour market. This stops them from building their life and contributing to society.
This is why we call on you to stand up for youth employment and interns rights on the first International Interns Day.
The idea behind the day is to join forces internationally to act around two main objectives:
1) empowering the interns’ community and
2) achieving concrete political change.
The programme is open source such that everyone can get ownership of it and bring their own actions to the day taking place simultaneously across the world both online & offline.
You can find the programme per city below, on and on twitter
30 Oct - 06:00 PM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Join forces in Amsterdam with other creative innovators and large Dutch organizations during the most inspiring weekend of the year!
30 Oct - 12:00 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
30 OCT - 1 NOV
€15,000 PRIZE POOL
Join forces in Amsterdam with other creative innovators and large Dutch organizations during the most inspiring weekend of the year!
Get your hands dirty with datasets and APIs provided by the partners, choose the track that inspires you the most and get creative!
One goal to keep in mind: make life easier.
October 30th - Hackathon day 1
17:00 : Round table (open to everyone)
18:00 : Hackathon launch: welcome & participants check-in
19:00 : Hackathon presentation: objectives, challenges, partners and datasets
19:30 : Pitch ideas
20:30 : Team building & mentoring
21:00 : Start hacking
October 31th - Hackathon day 2
9:00 : Breakfast
12:00 : Hackathon do's & don'ts
13:00 : Lunch
14:00 : Afternoon... Hacking goes on
19:00 : Dinner.. Hacking goes on
November 1st - Hackathon day 3
9:00 : Breakfast
10:00 : Technical rehearsals
12:00 : Lunch
14:00 : Semi-final demos
16:00 : Selected teams announced, Final demos
18:30 : Winners announcement
19:30 : End of the hackathon
AEC Hack - Let's build the future now!
24 Oct - 09:00 AM
Eindhoven, Netherlands
For this hackathon we bring together the brightest minds in the built environment industry with hackers, coders, UI/UX-designers, robotica experts and more. In one weekend, we build new tools for the building industry, using open data and open standards.
How do you evaluate building designs? Can we optimise the exchange of building information? Can a building talk to you, or adapt to your wishes and needs? Can a building be open source?
Let’s combine digital Architecture, Construction and Engineering with Smart Cities, the Internet of Things, Robotics, Big Data and Augmented Reality to make dreams come true.
Come hack with us and be part of the future!
More info on
Hack de Herfst - Mini Hack-a-Thon (dinsdagmiddag)
20 Oct - 02:00 PM
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Deze herfstvakantie is het weer tijd voor de tweede editie van Hack de Herfst!
Tijdens Hack de Herfst! kunnen kinderen van 9-12 jaar hun creativiteit de vrije loop laten. Iedereen kan op zijn of haar eigen niveau meedoen. Er zijn verschillende game ontwerp workshops zoals Scratch, Minecraft of Makey Makey. Verder zijn er weer Mini-hack-a-thons en introduceren we een Virtual Reality-workshop!
Via Eventbrite is het mogelijk te reserveren voor een specifieke workshop. Alle tickets zijn geldig voor 1 kind en 1 workshop.
Hack de Herfst - Mini Hack-a-Thon (dinsdagochtend)
20 Oct - 10:00 AM
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Deze herfstvakantie is het weer tijd voor de tweede editie van Hack de Herfst!
Tijdens Hack de Herfst! kunnen kinderen van 9-12 jaar hun creativiteit de vrije loop laten. Iedereen kan op zijn of haar eigen niveau meedoen. Er zijn verschillende game ontwerp workshops zoals Scratch, Minecraft of Makey Makey. Verder zijn er weer Mini-hack-a-thons en introduceren we een Virtual Reality-workshop!
Via Eventbrite is het mogelijk te reserveren voor een specifieke workshop. Alle tickets zijn geldig voor 1 kind en 1 workshop.
Hackathon at the tranSMART Foundation 2015 Annual Meeting
19 Oct - 09:00 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
During the meeting, a hackathon will take place for developers to work an a few proof of concepts innovations around tranSMART, also preparing for the future 2.0 version of the platform.
On-site and remote access will be possible. Details will be sent to registered attendees.
There will be two main topics during this hackathon, one catering to backend and one more to frontend developers. The topics are: - building a POC around using SparkR on Amazon EC2 as a computational backend for tranSMART 1.3 - improving the visual analytics in tranSMART, by updating or adding analytics workflows in the SmartR plugin
The reason for choosing these topics are: - For SparkR: Spark is the most active project in data science at the moment, with a lot of innovation and big names behind it. It makes sense to explore how we can optimally leverage this in the next version of the tranSMART platform. For this hackathon, a specific proposal has been prepared to use SparkR on top of the tranSMART core API to take advantage of the parallelization and lazy execution capabilities of Spark. - For Visual Analytics: the analytics in tranSMART are useful to get a quick overview of the data available in the platform, and one of the most visible and useful capabilities for early adopters to understand the value of the platform. The recently developed SmartR plugin (presented elsewhere in the meeting) provides already a few interactive analytics workflows, improving those and adding new ones is identified as a good opportunity for the hackathon.
Ideas for specific analytics workflows to work on are most welcome, and of course we are looking forward to welcome again both beginners and tranSMART developer ninja's in this years' sessions!
19 Oct - 09:00 AM
Brussels, Belgium
!! 5,000€ prizepool !!
A 48-hour hackathon with MIRACLE open to devs, startups and students
You have 48 hours to create any kind of app or solution following only two criteria : Using MIRACLE & dealing with age labels (parental control, remote, adult content...). Join a team and bring your own expertise (you don't have to be a dev to bring your own value to the group). The perfect occasion for you to meet experts, to network and get new contacts.
Create entertainment apps : as devs and students, mix and match media-related APIs with Miracle-based APIs : be creative ! As startupers find new ways to rethink entertainment.
Help distributors such as Netflix : as an entertainment startup, make life easier for content providers. Make this new common data model cross borders...
Improve parental control : as startupers, devs and students, create new services or plugins to protect youth online life.
You got it : make age labellisation grow up !
Whether you are a developer, a designer, a student, a startuper, an engineer... or just curious about Hackathons, join us! The event is open to everyone: you can come with friends, colleagues or meet people on-site to build your own team.
Découvrons ensemble le crowdfunding dans l'économie collaborative
17 Oct - 07:00 PM
Saint-Gilles, Belgium
Venez rejoindre notre communauté autour d'une soirée informative pour découvrir le crowdfunding dans l'économie collaborative et surtout, avoir l'opportunité de se faire de nouveaux amis dans une ambiance conviviale.
Pour cette évènement nous aurons une terrase ouverte, un bar et une salle de réunion d'une capacité de 35 personnes à notre disposition.
Si vous souahitez en savoir plus sur notre communauté nous vous invite à nous rejoindre :
Nous vous proposons l'agenda suivante :
• 19h00 - 19h20 : Rencontre au bar (les boissons sont payantes mais à un prix raisonnable ex: Bière [1,8€ - 3,0€]; Soft 1,8€
• 19h20 - 20h00 : Présentation du crowdfunding dans l'économie collaborative.
• 20h00 - 20h30 : Ice Break / discution ouverte autour du crowdfunding.
• 20h30 - 20h45 : Tour de Table (commençons à mettre un nom aux jolis visages autour de nous et découvrons qui ils sont)
• 20h45 - 21h30 : Networking au bar ou à la terrasse.
Si ce planning vous plaît, nous nous ferons un plaisir de vous rencontrer vous et votre bonne humeur.
Attention : Cette évènement se déroulera en français.
Information : Si vous avez un projet ou une idée à partager et souhaitez faire un "pitch" de 5min sur le sujet abordé, nous vous invitons à rejoindre notre communauté et de le faire savoir à l'organisateur pour voir si une adaptation du planning peut être possible.
LoraWAN IoT Technical Hack Meetup
10 Oct - 01:00 PM
Eindhoven, Netherlands
LoraWAN IoT special Technical Hackathon meetup: 10 October 13.00 - 18.00
A number of people in Eindhoven are already getting ready to build a free and open city-wide sensor network using LoraWAN technology. This is intended to enable citizens to have their own sensors connected to an open network, and use data, information and apps via the network. We are collaborating with the Things Network community in Amsterdam to build upon shared technology. For the Eindhoven community network to become functional there is first a need for specialist and technical expertise: - The industrial grade "Kerlink IoT Gateways” have to be hacked to function as needed - Local nodes need to be developed - Sensors need to be developed (such as the Grove modular SODAQ Ngogo) - Applications need to be built on this platform - data management, API’s - etc A special IoT Hacking Meetup is being organised in the Van Abbehuis on October 10, from 13.00 till 18.00. This hacking meetup has limited spaces, requires technical skills, and is specifically aimed at getting the Eindhoven LoraWAN network up and running. Do you have the technical skills and are you interested in joining this initiative? As space is limited this is not an open meetup please mail to express your interest, or ask questions, give hints etc. and support the launch of the network. This special Technical Hackathon meetup will be part of a week long MAD IoT lab/expo in the Van Abbehuis from October 3 -11 (open 13.00-17.00). If all goes well on the technical side of things we then hope to show and kick-off the LoraWAN network during Dutch Design Week (17 - 25 October) as part of the MAD IoT exhibition in VDMA MATCH. With a new Eindhoven Internet of Things meetup to be planned during this week We hope you will join this new IOT adventure!