Showing results 41 to 50 out of 96
Open Dag Praktijkcentrum voor Precisielandbouw Reusel 5 SEPT
05 Sep - 09:00 AM
Reusel, Netherlands
Voor wie? Toeleveranciers die kansen pakken of willen testen in de volle grond teelt. Professionals in de teelt die zichzelf willen laten informeren over Precisielandbouw. Agrofood Studenten die aan de slag willen met bodem en bodemleven, ketenoptimalisatie, Controlled Traffic Farming of zelf in de toekomst data gedreven willen gaan boeren. HighTech Studenten die het lab uit willen en in het buitengebied met sensoren, software, drones en ‘schaapgrote’ robots willen experimenten.  OP 5 SEPTEMBER 2018 komt 10 jaar volle grond ervaring samen, heten we nieuwe (mogelijke) spelers welkom en wordt de verbouwing van de ontvangst, demo en trainingsruimte feestelijk geopend. Locatie: Postelsedijk 15 Reusel De open dag bestaat uit de volgende programma onderdelen: PRESENTATIESDiverse presentaties waaronder een toekomstvisie op het Praktijkcentrum voor Precisielandbouw door Jacob van den Borne. RONDGANGVerschillende onderdelen m.b.t. duurzaamheid zijn op het bedrijfsterrein te bezoeken. DEMONSTRATIESIn het veld worden diverse technologische hoogstandjes gedemonstreerd aan het publiek. TECHNOLOGIE HALDe loodsen worden omgetoverd tot een ware technologiehal waar technologiebedrijven die iets aan te bieden hebben op het gebied van precisielandbouw een gratis stand krijgen en de mogelijkheid hebben om hun innovatie te demonstreren. WORKSHOPS VOOR INNOVATIEGROEPEN PVPLDit is een programma onderdeel voor de deelnemers van de innovatiegroepen van de Proeftuin voor Precisie Landbouw. -       PVPL ZWG4 t/m ZWG7  9.30-10.00 uur -       PVPL ZWS1 t/m ZWS3  10.30-11.00 uur -       PVPL NLIMB, DLIMB, OB9 en OB10  13.00-13.30 uur -       PVPL BMKW1, BMKW2,  Fruit1 en EXC8  13.30-14.00 uur Voor deelname: Meld je even aan bij OPEN SOURCE EN DATA De afgelopen 5 jaar is er veel geëxperimenteerd in o.a. hackathons met bestaande software, open source mogelijkheden, sensoren en hardware. Waar liggen de grassroots kansen in Open Teelten? Aanmelden bij voorkeur voor 25 augustus a.s. Om zicht te krijgen hoeveel bezoekers we kunnen verwachten, stuur een mail naar of zet direct in je agenda met een ical event via deze Eventbrite Link (tickets hoeven niet geprint te worden)   Proeftuin voor Precisielandbouw De proeftuin bestaat uit twee fysieke locaties in Colijnsplaat en Reusel. Het is een samenwerkingsverband tussen ZLTO, Van den Borne, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Proefboerderij Rusthoeve en Delphy. WUR en HAS Hogeschool. Centraal staan de innovatiegroepen met akkerbouwers, boom- en fruitkwekers, vollegrondsgroenten telers en overige open teelten.  Interesse om deel te nemen als technologiebedrijf aan de open dag met een gratis stand in de technologiehal en/of demonstratie in het veld…. Meld u aan vóór 1 augustus a.s. door een mail te sturen naar of
    Stupid Hackathon Amsterdam 2018
    01 Sep - 09:00 AM
    Amsterdam, Netherlands
    Come and make something STUPID in Amsterdam! Stupid Hackathon Amsterdam 2018 is a 1-day event where participants conceptualize and create projects that have no value whatsoever. You don't have to be a coder to have a dumb idea, although having coding experience may make for a better experience. Work in a group or be dumb on your own. Either way, it's no use competing, because there are no prizes...your participation is a prize in itself.
    chainPORT hackathon 2018 - Port of Antwerp tour
    28 Aug - 10:30 AM
    Antwerpen, Belgium
    Intro The Port of Antwerp hosts an exclusive tour in the port for (potential) participants to the chainPORT hackathon, taking place in Antwerp Expo from 11-13 October 2018. Subscribe now for this tour to be optimally prepared to tackle one of the six challenges at the hackathon! The guided bus tour will be conducted in English and will take about 3-4 hours. The tour takes place August 28th, and starts at 10.30AM and ends around 2PM. Note: if you would like to learn more on the challenge “Document and process flow”, we kindly invite you to a separate tour taking place in the 2nd half of September. Due of the nature of this challenge we can only allow participants working on this challenge at the hackathon, to this tour. Thank you for your understanding. If you would like to be part of this tour, let us know at and we’ll get in touch! Participation is free of charge but subscription is mandatory. We kindly ask that, if you register, to also show up for the tour. About the Port of Antwerp The Port of Antwerp is the leading integrated maritime and logistical hub of Europe and the second largest European seaport. Because of its central location in the heart of Europe, and thanks to a widespread network of multimodal connections, the port is optimally connected with the economic centers over all of Europe. Innovation, one of its most important key drivers, makes sure the port of Antwerp is always looking one step further than the current supply chain needs. Next to economic development, the port attaches great importance to the development of social as well as sustainable management. Brief tour description Albert canal: Inland shipping as a sustainable transport mode (challenge: mobility). Main hub: maritime rail terminal to bundle outgoing traffic of multiple maritime terminals to diverse destinations in the (inter)national hinterland + same organization for ingoing traffics from the hinterland (challenge: mobility). Pipelines and their positive influence on environment and mobility: in the field of transport emissions, noise disturbance, congestion, negative visual effects, pipelines score the best (challenge: mobility). Renewable energy: windmills, solar panels, LNG and methane. The port is home to one of the biggest windmill parks on land in Belgium. We also get to see the closed waste heap Hooge Maey. Via pipings, energy is being produced and so it doesn’t end up in the atmosphere. Solar panels also deliver electricity to be used in the port (challenge: sustainability).  Scanners and Amoras: on-site and mobile scanners from Customs, to control containers. Amoras stands for “Antwerpse Mechanische Ontwatering, Recyclage en Applicatie van Slib”. This project is a solution for the storage and processing of maintenance dredging (challenge: safety & security).
      Rehive | Fintech Hackathons | Amsterdam
      04 Aug - 10:00 AM
      Amsterdam, Netherlands
      Developers, entrepreneurs, and designers in the Netherlands! If you're interested in fintech and blockchain, then you're invited to participate in the Rehive | Fintech Hackathons | Amsterdam. Come and work with the Rehive team to design and build an awesome fintech solution! You'll get to showcase your skills and compete for a pool of over $100k in prizes for the best fintech projects.
      Peace connect: working better together to prevent conflict
      02 Jul - 09:00 AM
      Den Haag, Netherlands
      *Please note - this event has been postponed until later in 2018. Check back for detail on a new date Codes, peace-builders, developers, social designers, in the Netherlands! Do you want to employ your skills for the social good? The Hague Humanity Hub and International Alert invite you to participate in the Peace Connect hackathon, to collaborate to design a system that brings the UN, development partners and local actors together to identify, analyse and respond to conflict risks. You'll be challenged to come up with an innovative tech solution that can help prevent conflict, help build peace in conflict-affected societies, or bring people together to tackle potentially hostile situations!
      Peace connect: working better together to prevent conflict
      02 Jul - 09:00 AM
      Den Haag, Netherlands
      *Please note - this event has been postponed until later in 2018. Check back for details on a new date! Codes, peace-builders, developers, social designers, in the Netherlands! Do you want to employ your skills for the social good? The Hague Humanity Hub and International Alert invite you to participate in the Peace Connect hackathon, to collaborate to design a system that brings the UN, development partners and local actors together to identify, analyse and respond to conflict risks. You'll be challenged to come up with an innovative tech solution that can help prevent conflict, help build peace in conflict-affected societies, or bring people together to tackle potentially hostile situations!
      PHIND Hackathon
      30 Jun - 10:00 AM
      's-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands
      PHIND is organising a hackathon on June 30, 2018! Do you want to be one of the first to go hands on with the game and win a nice prize to boot? Register now. This event is organized for developers of all ages and competence levels who want to participate in our yet to be released game. GoalThe goal for this hackathon is to write the best bot you can for our new game. During the day you will get time to write the bot. At the end of the day the bots will challenge each other in the tournament. The winner goes home with the prize: a voucher with the value of € 500,-. PrizeTo be announced. Schedule10:00 - 10.30: Welcome10.30 - 10:45: Game unveiling10:45 - 14:00: Start hackathon14:00 - 14:30: Lunch break18:00 - 19:00: Start tournament18:00 - 19:00: Dinner19:00 Announcement winner FAQ Can I participate as a team? You can participate in the hackathon as an individual or as a team. If you’re participating as a team, each team member needs to have a ticket. Do I need to bring anything? Bring your own computer, we’ll make sure there’s a LAN connection, WiFi, food and drinks for everyone. About food and drinks We’ll provide food and drinks for the day, lunch and dinner will be made available. If you have any allergies please send an email to Not sure if writing an AI is something for you? Check out the one of the competitions at The how to play page will help you get started. Should you have any questions, you can send a mail to Register for a great experience, a fun day and an awesome prize! Follow us on Facebook for the latest updates!
        Intelligent Shopping: predict customers grocery basket datathon
        29 Jun - 09:00 AM
        Amsterdam, Netherlands
        Shopping for your groceries online is not the most delightful experience. It is often time consuming and includes boring, repetitive tasks, ie searching for products and adding them to your basket - one by one. Nevertheless, it is predicted that in 10 years, a third of all food will be ordered online. At IceMobile, we build recommendation systems for retailers and on intelligent shopping solutions. IceMobile envisions a future in which your supermarket apps knows you. It knows what you want to buy and when you need it. With a click of a button you order all items you want this week. Using artificial intelligence, you only need a number of clicks to fill your basket with dozens of products.In this datathon / hackathon you will get the opportunity to show your Machine Learning skills on a real retailer dataset containing transactional data. Your task will be to predict which products will be in each customer's next basket (ie what they will buy in their next visit). There will be two prizes that you can win. First prize is for the best performing model, being the model with the highest F1 score on our IceMobile leaderboard. The other prize is the best idea and presentation. Albert Heijn Data director Caroline Fluit, Head of data from IceMobile Arnoud Andeweg and Rick Swinkels- Head of data BrandLoyalty will be sitting at the judges table!  BYOL: Participants are required to bring their own laptop. We will provide a server environment with languages ​​Python and R, GPU support and almost all machine learning libraries you can think of.In case you want to code in a different language you are very welcome, but we are unfortunately not able to provide similar support. Program: 09.00-09.30 Welcome 09.30-09.45 Kick off- Intro Ice 09.45-10.00 CBI team preso- what we do 10.00-10.15 Business Case 10.30 Start!  12.30- Lunch and pecha kucha workshop  13.00-16.00 hacking 16.15 Pitch your ideas 
          eiOS HACKATHON: Emotional Intelligence Operating System Upgrade (eiOS)
          19 Jun - 06:00 PM
          Amsterdam, Netherlands
          1 journey. 8 weeks. 8 modules. 8 human behavior experts. 1 quest: become a #WellbeingChampion. 1 mission: #MakeWellbeingGoViral.    The happier that you are as an individual, the more that we start to thrive as a collective and the stronger that the psychological immunity of our human race becomes.  WHAT IS THE eiOS? The eiOS is a framework. Together with 8 experts in the field of human behavior - we call them, Wellbeing Technicians, we have put together a wholistic program which takes you on an 8-step journey, over the period of 8 weeks. On this journey we will take you on some wild adventures through the realms of your Mind, Heart & Spirit. Your quest on this journey is to turn into a wellbeing technician yourself - into a Wellbeing Champion. To come out at the other end not only feeling better - but also equipped to sustain and spread the wellbeing bug around. We are making wellbeing go viral! The program is grounded in a robust body of science on Emotional Intelligence, and that is going to be our route - the GPS coordinates for our journey. WHAT THE eiOS IS NOT? The eiOS is not a workshop, not a training, not a class - it’s an experience! We don't teach or inspire you. We're there to ENABLE you.  WHY RENT24 COWORKING  rent24 coworking is our home-base because this is where the entrepreneurial ecosystem is based. This is where innovation and creativity lives. And we will leverage that to charge and energize our journey.  Program (for a detailed overview please visit:   1: CLEAN OUT THE CLOSET OF YOUR MIND - 19 June 20182: WORK FROM THE HEART - 4 July 20183: HACK YOUR PURPOSE - 18 July 20184: DEFY YOUR LIMITS - 15 August 20185: UNLEASH YOUR GENIUS - 29 August 20186: SUSTAINABLE WELLBEING - 12 Sept. 20187: KNOW YOUR EQ - 19 Sept. 20188: UPGRADE YOUR EQ - 26 Sept. 2018 FAQs What if I can't make it to one, or more of the modules? It’s holiday period so we have accounted for some people not being able to make all the modules. Here are the options: 1) you will have an accountability partner on the program who will be able to fill you in on the practical assignments 2) our mentors are available throughout the program to support with anything: coaching, debriefing, questions. In some cases, one-on-one with the coaches will be offered to ensure you're up to speed. 3) you can join the module at an upcoming program in the future 4) Depending on which module you will miss, we might either have streaming in place which means that you can take the module online. Having said that, should more people have conficts with one of the modules, we’ll look to change the date. How can I contact the organizer with any questions? Email us any time at: All modules will be hosted from 6 pm to 9 pm     
            Crack the Material: Concrete Waste
            15 Jun - 10:00 AM
            Rotterdam, Netherlands
            Students, designers, scientists, makers, or just enthusiasts in and around Rotterdam! If you are interested in the circular economy, then you're invited to participate in the Crack The Material | Concrete Waste hackathon. You'll get to collaborate with subject matter experts to come up with an innovative way to reuse concrete waste into a valuable product -- for example, paper, jewelry, or building foam!