Showing results 11 to 12 out of 12
Hack de Herfst - Mini Hack-a-Thon (dinsdagochtend)
20 Oct - 10:00 AM
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Deze herfstvakantie is het weer tijd voor de tweede editie van Hack de Herfst! Tijdens Hack de Herfst! kunnen kinderen van 9-12 jaar hun creativiteit de vrije loop laten. Iedereen kan op zijn of haar eigen niveau meedoen. Er zijn verschillende game ontwerp workshops zoals Scratch, Minecraft of Makey Makey. Verder zijn er weer Mini-hack-a-thons en introduceren we een Virtual Reality-workshop! Via Eventbrite is het mogelijk te reserveren voor een specifieke workshop. Alle tickets zijn geldig voor 1 kind en 1 workshop.
    LoraWAN IoT Technical Hack Meetup
    10 Oct - 01:00 PM
    Eindhoven, Netherlands
    LoraWAN IoT special Technical Hackathon meetup: 10 October 13.00 - 18.00 A number of people in Eindhoven are already getting ready to build a free and open city-wide sensor network using LoraWAN technology. This is intended to enable citizens to have their own sensors connected to an open network, and use data, information and apps via the network. We are collaborating with the Things Network community in Amsterdam to build upon shared technology. For the Eindhoven community network to become functional there is first a need for specialist and technical expertise: - The industrial grade "Kerlink IoT Gateways” have to be hacked to function as needed - Local nodes need to be developed - Sensors need to be developed (such as the Grove modular SODAQ Ngogo) - Applications need to be built on this platform - data management, API’s - etc A special IoT Hacking Meetup is being organised in the Van Abbehuis on October 10, from 13.00 till 18.00. This hacking meetup has limited spaces, requires technical skills, and is specifically aimed at getting the Eindhoven LoraWAN network up and running. Do you have the technical skills and are you interested in joining this initiative? As space is limited this is not an open meetup please mail to express your interest, or ask questions, give hints etc. and support the launch of the network. This special Technical Hackathon meetup will be part of a week long MAD IoT lab/expo in the Van Abbehuis from October 3 -11 (open 13.00-17.00). If all goes well on the technical side of things we then hope to show and kick-off the LoraWAN network during Dutch Design Week (17 - 25 October) as part of the MAD IoT exhibition in VDMA MATCH. With a new Eindhoven Internet of Things meetup to be planned during this week We hope you will join this new IOT adventure!