Showing results 1 to 10 out of 31
The Big Date
10 Dec - 09:30 AM
Eindhoven, Netherlands
Professionals and students in open data, hacking, coding and design! Interested in how technology can help improve public health? GGD Hart van Brabant invites you to participate in The Big Date, and event where you'll collaborate to conceive and prototype a state-of-the-art public health application for tomorrow? Working with like-minded techies and health professionals, you'll be challenged to develop innovative ways to leverage open data and digital information to change the way the public lives, works and plays.
Logistics of the Future - Port Edition '16
09 Dec - 04:15 PM
Antwerpen, Belgium
Interested in transportation and logistics? Interested in ports? Come and participate in Logistics of the Future - Port Edition '16. This event is a logistics hackathon aimed at creating innovations to improve operational efficiency of the Port of Antwerp. Collaborate to create solutions that address one of the folliwng themes:
»Smart Tech
»Import and export
»Logistics and Infrastructure
Donders Hackathon 2016
26 Nov - 10:00 AM
Nijmegen, Netherlands
Neuroscientists, education scientists, teachers, programmers, and designers! Are you interested in the educational potential of apps and games? Come and participate in the Donders Hackathon 2016. You'll collaborate with like-minded professionals to develop innovative software solutions for education based on fundamental neuroscience knowledge. Showcase your skills and understanding to build a state-of-art educational app or tool.
Hack4Sports Hackathon
18 Nov - 06:30 PM
Leuven, Belgium
Join sports enthusiast hackers from around the world to work on your sports themed ideas in an amazing venue with food and drink! Network, work, and spitball ideas with individuals and business leaders with similar interests to you.
Redesigning the Paid Experience - Hackathon mit Design-Thinking-Workshop
18 Nov - 10:00 AM
Düsseldorf, Germany
Manager, marketers, engineers, developers, hobbyists, artists! Interested in the economics behind digital media? Come and participate in the Redesigning the Paid Experience hackathon. Bring your expertise, skills and meet other participants from various sectors and disciplines. Work with like-minded individuals on innovative ideas to create reader willingness to pay for the work of digital media journalists.
PCM16 Hackathon
11 Nov - 08:00 PM
Antwerp, Belgium
Pentaho data integration and business analytics professionals! Attend this year's Pentaho Community Meeting (PCM2016). Participate in the PCM2016 hackathon to build and present impressive solutions with PDI, Mondrian or CTools.
Onderwijsdata onder de loep: Hackathon
11 Nov - 04:30 PM
Utrecht, Netherlands
Interested in education? Come and participate in the Hackathon: Education Data Scrutinized! Showcase your development skills! Create an innovative app using DUO's new API for education, to visualize education data in an understandable way! Show how pressing questions from parents, students, teachers and school administrators can be answered through access to the available open educational data. In what creative ways can the available data be presented so that the quality of education can be even better?
The Ultimate RoboCode Tournament by METRO
05 Nov - 09:30 AM
Düsseldorf, Germany
AI hackers! Are you competitive and do you like programming and artificial intelligence? Think you can build a winning, unbeatable robot? Then The Ultimate RoboCode Tournament is the event for you! Participate and demonstrate your creativity and technical expertise! You can work alone, but ideally, you will collaborate with one or more like-minded techie in teams of 2 to 3.
FashTech of the future
04 Nov - 06:00 PM
Antwerpen, Belgium
Innovators, entrepreneurs, fashionistas, developers, graphic designers! Have an idea that could change the way we experience technology combined with clothing? Do you have an idea around smart textiles, wearables, retail or sustainability? Is your idea one that could impact the global retail system? Participate in FashTech and test your idea with real potential customers, receive coaching from experienced entrepreneurs and industry professionals, and win prizes that will help you take your venture to the next level!
Hackathon Redesign The Netherlands
25 Oct - 09:30 AM
Eindhoven, Netherlands
Developers, hackers, artists, designers, psychologists, and marketers! Consider a new Netherlands, where from 2019, the management of the whole physical environment has been merged and simplified into one Environmental Planning Act. But now technology is needed to help realize the goals of this new law. Come participate in the ‘Redesign the Netherlands in 48 hours’ hackathon and create ideas to make the Netherlands more pleasant and livable! You will work with data from the province of North Brabant, Municipality of Eindhoven and DataLand to solve one of four specific challenges.