Showing results 1 to 10 out of 23
Accenture Digital Hackathon
26 Nov - 09:00 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Connect. Collaborate. Create.
Today’s challenges are too complex to be solved by any individual person or nation. The solutions of the future will require the creativity and innovation of us all, because only by working together will we be able to create a better world. This is the challenge that has been set for the upcoming Accenture Digital Hackathon; which will go beyond The Netherlands to also involve the United Arab Emirates, Germany, Italy, Spain, Great Britain, Czech Republic and Turkey.
It is to be Accenture’s first connected hackathon! An exceptional opportunity to come together with other talents in a challenge of international scope, sharing ideas and experimenting with the latest technologies and innovations.
What is in it for me?
Apart from working together in a dynamic and vibrant setting and at the intersection of business and technology, winning teams will be awarded with the following prizes:
1st place team: 1 voucher in the amount of € 500 for each team member
2nd place team: 1 voucher in the amount of € 300 for each team member
3rd place team: 1 voucher in the amount of € 200 for each team member
The top three teams overall will also receive the following prizes:
1st place team: 1 voucher in the amount of € 1000 for each team member to be used at Amazon
2nd place team: 1 voucher in the amount of € 600 for each team member to be used at Amazon
3rd place team: 1 voucher in the amount of € 400 for each team member to be used at Amazon
During the Hackathon, free food, beverages and a goodie bag will be distributed as well!
Background and theme
The main theme of the 24-hour hackathon is, “Connect, Collaborate, Create.” Participants will be asked to use digital technologies in creative, innovative ways to benefit people and the environment with a view to offering solutions in a range of fields. The goal of this challenge is to create prototypes of products, services and ideas that are able to generate social and economic value for the community by hacking common objects and using open data, open-source libraries, public APIs, frameworks for fast prototyping and software development, microcontrollers, sensors, and other hardware (e.g. 3D printers, beacons, wearables, etc.).
Sub-Themes of the hackathon are Opportunity, Mobility and Sustainability.
Participation and teams
Participation is entirely free of charge and open to both individuals and teams of between 3 to 5 people. The teams will have 4 different roles:
Marketing Specialist;
Data Analyst / Data Scientist.
If you sign up as a full team, please reach out to
Agenda and program
Application: October 15th, 2016 – November 22nd, 2016 Evaluation of applications: November 15-22nd, 2016 Announcement of the Hackathon 2016 participants: November 18th, 2016
Check out for more Questions and Answers!
Robots at your Service
18 Nov - 06:00 PM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Interested in how robotics can help the elderly? Come and participate in the Hack for Active & Healthy Ageing. This event is a hackathon where multi-disciplinary “hackers” will collaborate to design and develop solutions that can prolong independent living, and improve the quality of home care for the elderly. You'll be able to test your prototype directly in 2-3 simulated elderly living areas equipped with sensors, devices, development kits and robots.
Amsterdam Chapter Launch
20 Oct - 05:00 PM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Come join us as we celebrate the launch of the Amsterdam Chapter of the VR/AR Association, a global organisation designed to foster research, develop standards, and promote and connect members working in the virtual and augmented reality industries.
Our inaugural event, sponsored by StartupAmsterdam, includes introductions by the VR/AR Association along with exciting updates from two pillars of the Amsterdam VR ecosystem, VRBase and VR Days Europe.
5:00-5:45pm - Registration.5:45-6:00pm - Opening by Amir-Esmaeil Bozorgzadeh, Amsterdam Chapter President at the VR/AR Association.6:00-6:15pm - Intro to the VRackathon by Robert Breton, Co-founder and CEO of the VR App Store.6:15-6:30pm - Conference updates by Benjamin de Wit, Festival Director at VR Days Europe.6:30-6:45pm - Intro to the Global WebVR Hackathon by Amir-Esmaeil Bozorgzadeh, Co-founder at Virtuleap.6:45-7:30pm - Networking over drinks & snacks.
Please RSVP as soon as possible in order to ensure your seat.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Amir-Esmaeil BozorgzadehAmsterdam Chapter PresidentVR/AR Association
Building a Citizen Web: The Internet of Things Meets Blockchain
14 Oct - 09:00 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
This hackathon is about building a Citizen Web that would collect data in a crowd-sourced way for everyone’s benefit. The open source Nervousnet platform is trying to offer a participatory platform allowing everyone to collect data, mine data, and create their own Internet of Things app. The Hackathon is trying to connect Nervousnet with LoraWAN and The Things Network with a comfortable software platform and Blockchain technology (for security, privacy, and decentralized control, pluralistic payment and incentive systems, smart service contracts, ...).
Hackathon Circulaire Economie
08 Oct - 09:00 AM
Emmen, Netherlands
Passionate about sustainability? Come and participate in a hackathon with the theme "Steps towards a circular economy ". Collaborate and imagine solutions for a global shift towards a waste-free, sustainable and environmentally friendly Circular Economy.
Hyperledger Hackathon
01 Oct - 07:00 PM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Developers, hackers, tech students, local and international blockchain community and FinTech companies! Are you passionate about blockchain? Come and participate in the first Hyperledger Hackathon. Showcase your skills, learn from like-minded mentors and experts and most of all have fun while making awesome stuff.
IBC Hackfest Powered by AngelHack
10 Sep - 09:00 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
You've already seen the rise of smart cities, from Barcelona to London to Nairobi and beyond. IoT, VR, and AI have made massive strides in the past few years. Come collaborate and demonstrate how our lives are going to change in the future. Hack one of the following topics:
»Education: How does the rise of AR/VR change the classroom?
»Entertainment: What does the future living room look like?
»Sports: What does the future of football viewing look like?
Stupid Hackathon Amsterdam
13 Aug - 09:00 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
This is a 24hour event for you to come and participante in making projects that have no value whatsoever. The categories include: Sexy Machine Learning, Freemium Decommodification, Design Like It's 1999, Lamefication, Buzzwords, #Disruptive Browser Plugins, Internet of Poop, Disrupting Dykes, Offline Markov Chain ChatBots, Radical Exclusion Social Hacking, Queueing Modulation, Monetizing Esoteric Languages, Snack Driven Development. There are no limits to your creations but spaces are limited so sign up today!
TEDxAmsterdam Hackathon
16 Jul - 09:00 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
In spirit of this year's theme ‘New Power’ -- developers, designers and creatives are invited to unite! This year TEDxAmsterdam is working on a TEDx Open Source project for the new website and as a kick off is hosting their first hackathon to create awesome things for TEDxAmsterdam! That doesn't mean you'll be building a website!'re invited to show off your awesome building skills. The journey should include lots of fun! The final program and location are still being worked on, but you'll enjoy a fun day, with cool people and lots of awesome stuff to be made! Who knows, if your hack is that awesome, maybe you’ll see it back on TEDxAmsterdam!
NSCoderNight 2016
29 Jun - 01:00 PM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
CococaheadsNL is organising the first Dutch NSCoderNight with many to follow. This is a day for having fun with other Cocoaheads, food, drinks and coding. This is not a corporate hackathon, there are no prices to be won and the event is for developers only. The cost of ticket will cover your diner and some of the basic costs. Drinks will be on your own account. This is a non-profit who are not making any proceeds on this, their year long community sponsors allow them to cover most of the expenses of this event.