Showing results 11 to 20 out of 31
Build your first connected Xamarin mobile app using MvvmCross 5.0
19 Jul - 05:00 PM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Mobile developers of all levels in and around Amsterdam! XABLU invites you to sign up to participate in an event where you'll learn to build Azure-connected Xamarin mobile apps using MvvmCross 5.0. You'll first get to attend a workshop where you'll be introduced to Xamarin and MvvmCross, then you'll be challenged in a “Hack your first app” mini-hackathon with Xamarin and MvvmCross.
Smart Building Hackathon Zwolle
24 Jun - 09:00 AM
Zwolle, Netherlands
Developers, technicians, and designers, as well as facility managers, property managers, property developers, and entrepreneurs. If you're in or around Zwolle, then Launchlab - The Tech Start Community invites you to participate in the Smart Building Hackathon Zwolle. You'll be challenged to conceive, design and prototype smart technology solutions that use the SWYCS IoT platform to retrofit existing buildings to improve their indoor climate, comfort, safety, and durability.
Global AI Hackathon - Amsterdam
23 Jun - 07:00 PM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Designers, data scientists, neuroscientists, idea generators, and coders in the Amsterdam area! Are you passionate about artificial intelligence? invites you to participate in the Global AI Hackathon - Amsterdam. As part of a global hackathon event, you'll work on your own, or collaborate with a team of like-minded individuals from your community. So sign up now and you'll get to work on an AI challenge to be announced...and compete for terrific prizes.
SuperNET Meetup
16 Jun - 12:00 PM
Weesp, Netherlands
SuperNET is a decentralized platform and community that use blockchain technology.
We are a horizontally structured organization which is building decentralized open source solutions for anyone to use. Our community and team is a loosely formed group working tirelessly to make our vision a reality. Everyone is welcome to join us.
The offers
Earlybird Meetup (until the 21st February) 200 €: Food and accommodation, all inclusive.
Full Meetup 220€: Food and accommodation, all inclusive.
Extra night 15th-16th 50 €: one extranight in the ship before the meetup
Extra night 18th-19th 50 €: one extra night in the ship after the meetup
Simple meetup 140 €: Food and activities (no accommodation)
The SuperNET Meetup program
(Possibility to come on the 15th June)
Friday, 16th June,
11:00-13:00 : Welcome lunch (Sandwiches)
Afternoon : Forming groups for Hackathon, Businathon and Marketathon.
Sathurday, 17th June,
Breakfast/lunch: Selfservice Buffet
10:00-12:00: Presentation of SuperNET technology, how it works
Afternoon : working on the projects for the HBMthons
Diner : Restaurant
Night : Party in a club
Sunday, 18th June,
Breakfast/lunch: Selfservice Buffet
10:00-12:00: Presentation of the HBM projects and Awards "ceremony"
Afternoon : Toursistic visits in Amsterdam
(Possibility to stay until the 19th June)
Zig Hackathon: Hack de toekomst van woningcorporaties
14 Jun - 05:00 PM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Developers, designers, hackers in and around Amsterdam! Are you interested in applying technology for social good in the area of housing? Zig Websoftware invites you to sign up to participate in the Zig Hackathon, where you'll get to hack the future of housing associations. Come and showcase your skills for a good cause! Come and design and prototype your own innovative technology solution that can disrupt -- in a good way of course -- the world of housing.
Beyond Banking
09 Jun - 12:00 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Developers, customers, startups and bank employees in the Netherlands! Interested in banking technology? You're invited to sign up to experiment and explore scenarios for the future with other like-minded individuals and bank stakeholders. Come and participate in Beyond Banking at SugarCity. Following a full-day of subject matter expert speakers and deep dive sessions, you'll begin a 48-hour hackathon in which you'll compete to build the best new digital banking products.
Data Challenge Gemeente Amsterdam: Managing Crowds With Smart Data Solutions
07 Jun - 09:00 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Open data enthusiasts! Interested in helping ease the increasing over-crowdedness in Amsterdam? Come and participate in a one-day opportunity to work with Amsterdam's open data! You'll be challenged to come up with novel solutions that can predict when and where overcrowding will occur and suggest ways to ease or counter it. You'll be expected to design and build a model and data analysis engine that can deal dynamically with overcrowdedness and access the various open data sets, finding and leveraging patterns that you find between the sources.
Registration for workshops PhD Development Conference 2017
01 Jun - 01:00 PM
Groningen, Netherlands
The registration for the workshops and the hackathon of the PhD Development Conference 2017 is open now!
To see the timetable and a broader description of the workshops and the hackathon please go to:
Thank you for your registration! We kindly invite you to register for the workshop sessions. On June 1st we have two workshop sessions, you can either participate in one of the workshops or attend the parallel lectures. On June 2nd additional to the workshops and parallel lectures, we also offer the Healthy Ageing Hackathon. During this Hackathon you will get the opportunity to design Blue Zones in Groningen. The Hackathon is guided by professionals from the HANNN (Healthy Ageing Network Northern Netherlands) and the Municipality of Groningen. To give you plenty of time to use your creativity to develop Blue Zones, the Hackathon starts in the first workshop session and will continue during the second session (both on June 2nd).
FitBit Challenge
As a reward for your registration we give you the opportunity to win a FitBit. We still have tickets available for the conference and we therefore challenge you to convince as many colleagues to also sign up for the conference. Make sure your colleague mentions your name in the registration form and you will be in the running to win a FitBit! Whoever convinces most people, gets the newest Fitbit Alta HR! Additionally, your colleagues who registered thanks to you will also get a price.
Dinner registration
Some of you already registered for the conference dinner on Thursday June 1st, we're looking forward to a great dinner party! If you have not registered yet, but would like to join in please send an email to
Have a great day!
GSMS PhD Development Conference Committee
Kart hackathon - Women in IT
01 Jun - 09:30 AM
Huizen, Netherlands
Female techies in the Netherlands! Caesar Experts invites you to sign up to participate in the Kart hackathon - Women in IT. Come and collaborate with like-minded women in IT. Create innovative solutions around leading edge technologies like the Internet of Things, Big Data, Hololens, and more.
GSMS PhD Development Conference 2017
01 Jun - 08:00 AM
Groningen, Netherlands
GSMS PhD Development Conference 2017
Dear GSMS students,
We are pleased to announce that the Early Bird registration for our 3rd GSMS PhD Development Conference on 1 & 2 June has opened!!!
Are you wondering how you can guarantee yourself a great future career? Knowing what the future brings is half a success! During our conference we will discuss the upcoming developments in the healthcare sector, including factors that can revolutionize healthcare as we know it. Ronald van den Hoff will take us to the Society 3.0 and Lucien Hordijk (de Correspondent) will give us insider information on the role of industry in healthcare.
These inspiring keynote lectures are complemented by a wide variety of workshops; from “how to write an amazing paper” to “how to deal with stress”. Or maybe you have the greatest idea about how to create Blue Zones in Groningen? Show the invited companies what you’ve got during the Healthy Aging Hackathon on Friday June 2. There is also a possibility to meet with companies during our “Meet (Y)our future” lunch break on Friday. We have something for everyone!
PhD students who actively participate in the conference will be rewarded with 1 ECTS.
Be the first to register and benefit from a low registration fee, first choice of workshops and guarantee your seat at the conference dinner on Thursday evening at het Feithhuis. At this moment you can make an Early Bird registration for the conference and shortly you will be invited to sign up for the workshops.