Showing results 21 to 30 out of 50
eiOS HACKATHON: Mindfulness for sustained wellbeing
12 Sep - 05:45 PM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
The subject: Mindfulness for sustained wellbeingIn a nutshell: Come with a full mind, leave mindfulThe Date: Wednesday, September 12, 17:45 - 21:00
This module is about achieving and sustaining clarity about what is important to you and a deeper understanding of the world around you. Clear away the trivia and needless worries about unimportant things, nurture passion for your work and compassion for others.
Join a community of like-minded individuals, determined to make a difference in their wellbeing by improving their Emotional Intelligence. Learn a new technique which will help you thrive. Meet new people, network and grow together.
PART 1:----------17:45 – 18:00: Welcome18:00 – 19:30: Mindfulness for sustained wellbeing19:30 – 19:45: Break & Networking
PART 2:Part 2 is a Collaborative, Social Learning exercise where we work on improving Emotional Intelligence.----------19:45 – 20:45: Emotional Intelligence (EI): Interpersonal relationships
Annual Recruitment BBQ
11 Sep - 05:00 PM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Hello dear recruitment friends!
After a huge success of the recruitment Hackathon & BBQ last summer - hosted by bloomon and organised by a bunch of Recruitment slackers, now it’s time for a second edition.
Grab your recruitment buddies, colleagues, mentors, friends and join us for an evening of delicious BBQ, rooftop vibes and cold drinks!
Looking forward!
More info - coming soon!
For questions: For now refer to Adriaan (Zamro) & Teddy (bloomon). The whole organisation committee will be mentioned soon.
DISCLAIMER: Above mentioned event is meant as a save place for TA’s, Talent managers, internal recruiters, corporate recruiters and everyone who does something with sourcing, recruitment, internally for companies. NOT for recruitment agencies!
Stupid Hackathon Amsterdam 2018
01 Sep - 09:00 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Come and make something STUPID in Amsterdam! Stupid Hackathon Amsterdam 2018 is a 1-day event where participants conceptualize and create projects that have no value whatsoever. You don't have to be a coder to have a dumb idea, although having coding experience may make for a better experience. Work in a group or be dumb on your own. Either way, it's no use competing, because there are no prizes...your participation is a prize in itself.
Rehive | Fintech Hackathons | Amsterdam
04 Aug - 10:00 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Developers, entrepreneurs, and designers in the Netherlands! If you're interested in fintech and blockchain, then you're invited to participate in the Rehive | Fintech Hackathons | Amsterdam. Come and work with the Rehive team to design and build an awesome fintech solution! You'll get to showcase your skills and compete for a pool of over $100k in prizes for the best fintech projects.
Identify Zwolle-ID Data Innovation Hackathon
07 Jul - 08:30 AM
Zwolle, Netherlands
Social media and data science types in the Netherlands! Data Science Zwolle and the Municipality of Zwolle invite you to participate in the Identify Zwolle-ID Data Innovation Hackathon. You'll be challenged to mine social media and other data sources to create a profile of citizens and visitors to Zwolle in order to find ways to make the city more attractive to visitors.
Intelligent Shopping: predict customers grocery basket datathon
29 Jun - 09:00 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Shopping for your groceries online is not the most delightful experience. It is often time consuming and includes boring, repetitive tasks, ie searching for products and adding them to your basket - one by one. Nevertheless, it is predicted that in 10 years, a third of all food will be ordered online. At IceMobile, we build recommendation systems for retailers and on intelligent shopping solutions. IceMobile envisions a future in which your supermarket apps knows you. It knows what you want to buy and when you need it. With a click of a button you order all items you want this week. Using artificial intelligence, you only need a number of clicks to fill your basket with dozens of products.In this datathon / hackathon you will get the opportunity to show your Machine Learning skills on a real retailer dataset containing transactional data. Your task will be to predict which products will be in each customer's next basket (ie what they will buy in their next visit). There will be two prizes that you can win. First prize is for the best performing model, being the model with the highest F1 score on our IceMobile leaderboard. The other prize is the best idea and presentation.
Albert Heijn Data director Caroline Fluit, Head of data from IceMobile Arnoud Andeweg and Rick Swinkels- Head of data BrandLoyalty will be sitting at the judges table!
BYOL: Participants are required to bring their own laptop. We will provide a server environment with languages Python and R, GPU support and almost all machine learning libraries you can think of.In case you want to code in a different language you are very welcome, but we are unfortunately not able to provide similar support.
09.00-09.30 Welcome
09.30-09.45 Kick off- Intro Ice
09.45-10.00 CBI team preso- what we do
10.00-10.15 Business Case
10.30 Start!
12.30- Lunch and pecha kucha workshop
13.00-16.00 hacking
16.15 Pitch your ideas
Hackathon "de circulaire Woonwijk"
23 Jun - 10:00 AM
Emmen, Netherlands
Als je wonen in een huis, in een straat, in een woonwijk, opnieuw zou mogen uitvinden.Hoe zou dan de woonwijk van morgen er uit zien?
Een woonwijk waar op nieuwe manieren wordt omgegaan met water, energie en afval.Waar we zoveel als maar mogelijk onze eigen energie opwekken en gebruiken. Waar we zo efficiënt mogelijk omgaan met ons drinkwater, regenwater, rioolwater. Waar goed nagedacht wordt over hergebruik van goederen en afval niet bestaat. Waar wonen met elkaar, werken met elkaar, delen met elkaar en zorgen voor elkaar centraal staan.
Ontwerp, met een team in 30 uur deze circulaire woonwijk en probeer liefst met werkende modellen onze jury te overtuigen waarom jouw team met één van de mooie prijzen naar huis zou moeten gaan.
We werken vanuit tracks:
Energie:In Emmen gebruiken we veel energie. Onze woningen en relatief grote industrie en glastuinbouw zijn hiervoor de belangrijkste oorzaken. Hiermee dragen wij meer dan gemiddeld bij aan de CO2-uitstoot in Drenthe. Daarnaast neemt de werkgelegenheid af en nemen we te vaak afscheid van jong talent dat de regio verlaat. Dit moet anders!
Wij Emmenaren zijn doeners en doppen het liefst onze eigen boontjes. Daarom willen we onze energie lokaal en duurzaam produceren. We leiden onze eigen mensen op, creëren lokale werkgelegenheid en zorgen voor een schone, betaalbare en betrouwbare energievoorziening. Dit biedt ook kansen om onze dorpen en buurten nog mooier en leefbaarder te maken.Bedenk hoe je lokaal (in je woonwijk) anders met energie om kunt gaan. Opwekken, opslaan, transporteren en gebruiken.
Water:Al staan we er niet altijd bij stil: Water speelt een ongelooflijk belangrijke rol in ons leven. Het water om ons heen heeft vele verschijningsvormen: drinkwater, regenwater en rioolwater. Water is krachtig en bevat energie: heeft een temperatuur om te koelen of te verwarmen. Maar zonder goede beheersing en controle kan water ook gevaar opleveren (overstromingen) en aanzienlijke schade veroorzaken (iets wat de laatste tijd vanwege klimaatverandering nog wel eens voorkomt).Bedenk hoe je water in jouw nieuwe woonwijk een belangrijke (nieuwe) rol kunt laten spelen.
Afval:De wijze waarop we leven en werken zorgt ervoor dat we nogal wat afval produceren. Afval dat wellicht gebruikt kan worden als grondstof voor nieuwe dingen (circulaire economie). De beste manier het afvalprobleem te lijf te gaan is ervoor te zorgen dat we er minder van hebben. Dat kan bijvoorbeeld door producten anders te verpakken of zo lang mogelijk te laten functioneren (door als het kapot is te repareren in plaats van weg te gooien) Met het afval dat we produceren moeten we verantwoord omgaan en zorgen dat we het goed kunnen verwerken. Één van de meest hardnekkige afvalproblemen in een woonwijk is bijvoorbeeld zwerfafval. Het ontsiert de wijk, stinkt, kan voor knaagdierenoverlast zorgen en kost veel geld om het op te ruimen.Bedenk een nieuwe manier hoe we in een woonwijk tegen afval aan kijken en met afval zouden kunnen omgaan.
eiOS HACKATHON: Emotional Intelligence Operating System Upgrade (eiOS)
19 Jun - 06:00 PM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
1 journey. 8 weeks. 8 modules. 8 human behavior experts. 1 quest: become a #WellbeingChampion. 1 mission: #MakeWellbeingGoViral.
The happier that you are as an individual, the more that we start to thrive as a collective and the stronger that the psychological immunity of our human race becomes.
The eiOS is a framework. Together with 8 experts in the field of human behavior - we call them, Wellbeing Technicians, we have put together a wholistic program which takes you on an 8-step journey, over the period of 8 weeks. On this journey we will take you on some wild adventures through the realms of your Mind, Heart & Spirit.
Your quest on this journey is to turn into a wellbeing technician yourself - into a Wellbeing Champion. To come out at the other end not only feeling better - but also equipped to sustain and spread the wellbeing bug around. We are making wellbeing go viral!
The program is grounded in a robust body of science on Emotional Intelligence, and that is going to be our route - the GPS coordinates for our journey.
The eiOS is not a workshop, not a training, not a class - it’s an experience! We don't teach or inspire you. We're there to ENABLE you.
rent24 coworking is our home-base because this is where the entrepreneurial ecosystem is based. This is where innovation and creativity lives. And we will leverage that to charge and energize our journey.
Program (for a detailed overview please visit:
1: CLEAN OUT THE CLOSET OF YOUR MIND - 19 June 20182: WORK FROM THE HEART - 4 July 20183: HACK YOUR PURPOSE - 18 July 20184: DEFY YOUR LIMITS - 15 August 20185: UNLEASH YOUR GENIUS - 29 August 20186: SUSTAINABLE WELLBEING - 12 Sept. 20187: KNOW YOUR EQ - 19 Sept. 20188: UPGRADE YOUR EQ - 26 Sept. 2018
What if I can't make it to one, or more of the modules?
It’s holiday period so we have accounted for some people not being able to make all the modules.
Here are the options:
1) you will have an accountability partner on the program who will be able to fill you in on the practical assignments
2) our mentors are available throughout the program to support with anything: coaching, debriefing, questions. In some cases, one-on-one with the coaches will be offered to ensure you're up to speed.
3) you can join the module at an upcoming program in the future
4) Depending on which module you will miss, we might either have streaming in place which means that you can take the module online. Having said that, should more people have conficts with one of the modules, we’ll look to change the date.
How can I contact the organizer with any questions?
Email us any time at:
All modules will be hosted from 6 pm to 9 pm
adidas Hackathon Amsterdam
09 Jun - 09:00 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Dutch engineers, coders, and hackers! If you're passionate about the intersection of sport and eCommerce, then you're invited to participate in the adidas Hackathon Amsterdam. You'll be challenged to develop a solution that provides customers with a personalized, next-generation shopping experience. Compete for a chance to go to the final competition at adidas HQ!
Rehive | Fintech Hackathons | Amsterdam
02 Jun - 10:00 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Rehive Fintech Hackathon
This 24 hour pop up event forms part of a series of hackathons leading up to the final Rehive Fintech Challenge. Throughout the series sponsors will give away over $100k in prizes for the best projects in fintech.
There will be awesome prize money up for grabs on the day!
Who can join?
All developers, entrepreneurs and designers welcome! If you are new to hackathons, don't stress. The Rehive team will be there to guide you through the day. Read more about our previous hackathons here.
We are super excited to start building fintech solutions with you. See you there!
If you would like to sponsor one of our upcoming hackathons, please feel free to contact us.