Showing results 1 to 10 out of 38
Media Hack Day: Predicting Audiences
06 Dec - 09:00 AM
Hilversum, Netherlands
Predicting Audiences
    HACK TO THE FUTURE - Amsterdam City Hack
    02 Dec - 08:00 AM
    Amsterdam, Netherlands
    Join us and be part of the world's largest fintech hackathon, HACK TO THE FUTURE!
      Hackathon Sustainable Shopping
      29 Nov - 03:00 PM
      Amsterdam, Netherlands
      Werk jij mee aan een oplossing om winkelen duurzamer te maken? - Do you want to work on a solution to make shopping more sustainable?
        Hackathon Digitale Dienstverlening Gemeenten | 29 november 2019
        29 Nov - 09:00 AM
        Amsterdam, Netherlands
        Hackathon Digitale Dienstverlening Gemeenten Op 29 november a.s. organiseert de Publieksbalie (een projectgroep van traineeorganisatie DisGover) de hackathon Digitale Dienstverlening Gemeenten in de Openbare Bibliotheek van Amsterdam. Uitonderzoek is gebleken dat een groot knelpunt in de digitale dienstverlening van gemeente te maken heeft met de verwachtingen van inwoners en ondernemers. Ze willenop de hoogte gehouden worden van wat er met hun melding, klacht of vraag gebeurt. Op dit gebied is er voor gemeenten nog ruimte voor verbetering! Tijd voor verandering Wij geloven dat door middel van een multidisciplinaire aanpak eengamechangerbedacht kan worden om de digitale dienstverlening van gemeenten aan inwoners en ondernemerste veranderen. In de vorm van een hackathon Een hackathon is een evenement waarbij verschillende teams in korte tijd met elkaar de strijd aan gaan om een zo creatief en innovatief mogelijke oplossing te vinden voor het aangereikte vraagstuk. Als deelnemers met diverse achtergronden, expertisesen perspectieven samenwerken, kunnen ze samen tot een oplossingkomen. Praktische informatie Wanneer:vrijdag 29 november 2019 Hoelaat: 9:00 tot 19:00 uur (incl. afsluitende netwerkborrel) Locatie: De Werkvloer (1e verdieping Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam) Meld jehier aan! Voor vragen kun je terecht bij
        01 Nov - 02:00 PM
        Amsterdam & Berlin, Netherlands
        The Round Table Session is a great opportunity for investors and startups to meet!
          Voortman Hackathon
          19 Oct - 09:00 AM
          Rijssen, Netherlands
          Join the Voortman Hackathon 2019, a world of Industrial Automation and big machines. Build software to fuel the Steel Factory of the Future!
            Vue Storefront Hackathon Amsterdam (Second Edition)
            18 Oct - 09:00 AM
            Amsterdam, Netherlands
            On Friday 18th Oct, Get.Noticed and MultiSafepay are hosting the second Vue Storefront Hackathon at The Student Hotel Amsterdam West in Amsterdam. Or join us remotely on Slack (See below)! Official websites:  Get.Noticed: MultiSafepay: You might know Get.Noticed from our work on Major Rum, a webshop built on Vue Storefront with a Magento 2 backend and Mollie Payment integration. MultiSafepay is a collecting payment service provider which means they take care of the agreements, technical details and payment collection required for each payment method. You can start selling online today and manage all your transactions from one place. Signup via Eventbrite!Contact: support@getnoticed.nlVue Storefront is a standalone PWA storefront for your eCommerce. It allows you to connect with any eCommerce backend (eg. Magento, Pimcore, Prestashop or Shopware) through the API. Vue Storefront is open source, which anyone can use and support the project. We want it to be a tool for the improvement of the shopping experience. ⏰ Here’s the schedule:9:00–9:30 — Official welcome9:30-11:00 — Presentations from Get.Noticed, MultiSafePay and Vue StoreFront11:00–12:00 — Let the coding begin12:00-13:00 — Lunch break (Free Food and Drink)13:00–17:30 — Coding to be continued17:30 — Networking ➡️ The core front-end team will be available for questions on the Slack channel. Invite link; ➡️ Sander Mangel (Technology Leader and Magento Master) will be available in Amsterdam at the Hackathon for questions. Travel info Travel route from schiphol Travel route from Amsterdam Central Station #PWA #vuestorefront #vshackathon #amsterdam
              Hackathoners at the ADASS
              07 Oct - 03:00 PM
              Groningen, Netherlands
              Hackathon participants have the opportunity to attend the ADASS meeting and receive participation certificates.
                Vue Storefront Hackathon #11 @ Netherlands
                06 Jun - 09:00 AM
                Deventer, Netherlands
                On Thursday 6 june, VS Core Partner VENDIC is hosting the 11th Vue Storefront Hackathon. What makes this hackathon stand out even more is the workshop presented by VS onsite. You can also join this event remotely.  Official website: Sign up via Eventbrite!Contact Vue Storefront: Contact Vendic: marketing@vendic.nlVue Storefront is a standalone PWA storefront for your eCommerce. It allows you to connect with any eCommerce backend (eg. Magento, Pimcore, Prestashop or Shopware) through the API. Vue Storefront is open source, anyone can use and support the project. We want it to be a tool for the improvement of the shopping experience. ➡️ The VS core front-end team will be available for questions on the Slack channel. Invite link; #vuestorefront #vshackathon #Magento
                  Hackathon: Spine AI - Detecting Scoliosis with Machine Learning
                  05 Jun - 10:00 AM
                  Amsterdam, Netherlands
                  Spine AI: detecting scoliosis in ordinary pictures using machine learning and image processing Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine that develops during growth. This abnormality occurs in 1-3% of the children and worsens in 0.3 to 0.5% of all children so eventually an operation is necessary. This operation in children is necessary because these severe scolioses can continue to increase in later life, cause lung problems and can seriously affect the quality of life. On the other hand, smaller scoliosis usually remains stable in the rest of life. Because scoliosis has the greatest risk of becoming more severe during the growth spurt, further curvature can be prevented in children with brace treatment. That is why it is very important to discover scoliosis early. In the past, screening for scoliosis was part of the standard youth health care. The costs of this screening were estimated at about 3.5 million euros per year in the Netherlands in 2002. Because the screening for scoliosis turned out to be insufficiently effective, it has now been abolished in many countries, including the Netherlands. For Youth health care (JGZ) institutions in the Netherlands, screening is no longer mandatory and is no longer part of standard care. That is why scoliosis must now be noticed by parents. The outward characteristics of scoliosis become increasingly clear as the severity of the curvature increases. To be able to discover a mild curve, someone must be trained. Parents, however, are not trained in recognizing scoliosis. Therefore, our goal is to improve the feasibility of developing an app for the mobile phone or tablet to support both caregivers and parents in discovering mild scoliosis. In this hackathon, we will focus on detecting scoliosis in an anonymized set of ~400 pictures taken at OLVG of patients against a uniformly-colored background. The set was anonymized by extracting only the image gradients and foreground/background color distributions; the original imagery remains at OLVG. The gradient and color features may serve as rudimentary input to machine learning algorithms.  A set of challenges will be formulated, with varying difficulty levels. Also, there will be challenges, solving certain subtasks, that may not involve image processing but only analysis and modeling of structured data.