Showing results 11 to 20 out of 57
#EECHack Blockchain in der Energiewirtschaft EARLY BIRD
19 Oct - 02:30 PM
Essen, Germany
Du wolltest immer schon tiefer in die Blockchain Technologie einsteigen, die Technologie anwenden oder ein Geschäftsmodell damit bauen? Dann hast Du jetzt die einmalige Chance innerhalb eines Hackathons mit anderen Studenten sowohl mit Blockchain-Entwicklern aus der Praxis als auch mit Experten für Geschäftsmodellierung tiefer in die Materie einzusteigen und spannende Challenges von Unternehmen aus der Energiewirtschaft zu lösen. Daneben kannst Du die teilnehmenden Unternehmen kennen lernen und sie von dir überzeugen. Knüpfe Kontakte zu anderen Studenten und hab Spaß mit der Blockchain-Technologie in der Energiehauptstadt Essen. Die Sponsoren und Challanges werden auf der Internetseite des Events veröffentlicht (in Bearbeitung). Sichere Dir jetzt eins der 30 kostenfreien EARLY BIRD Tickets und sei Ende Oktober dabei!Vorraussetzung ist, dass Du ein eingeschriebener Student einer deutschen Hochschule der Informatik, Wirtschaftsinformatik oder UX-Design bist. 
    d-fine Hackathon
    19 Oct - 12:00 PM
    Düsseldorf, Germany
    Du liebst es Daten zu analysieren und daraus innovative Ideen zu entwickeln? Du bist interessiert an den neuesten Entwicklungen und Trends in den Bereichen Bilderkennung, Natural Language Processing und Neuronale Netze? Du hast bereits Erfahrung in datengetriebener Modellierung? Dich erwartet ein spannendes Wochenende zusammen mit vielen motivierten Talenten in einem anregenden Umfeld. Triff interessante Leute, tausch Dich aus und miss Dich mit ihnen in einem Wettstreit um attraktive Preise.
    DÜSSELDORF: DCI Hackathon #2
    19 Oct - 09:00 AM
    Düsseldorf, Germany
    Hey fellow hackers, We are delighted to host our first exciting hackathon in Düsseldorf. The event is hosted by Digital Career Institute. Outsiders are most welcome! Join us for a day full of interesting teamwork, building your own projects and coding! Even if you are not experienced with programming, still join – there will be something to do for everyone, from beginner to expert! Hackathon Program: 09:00 – 10:00   Introduction to the format, pitches and team formation 10:00 – 18:00   Designing, coding and building the projects 18:30 – 19:00   Hackathon presentations and award ceremony 19:00 – 20.00   Food and afterparty If you still have questions please get back to: Sergio Cardeal at
      Future of Insurance
      12 Oct - 05:00 PM
      Düsseldorf, Germany
      Spannende Aufgaben, eigene Visionen umsetzen, tolle Leute treffen und in einer inspirierenden Location coden. Lass Dich überraschen und mache mit beim ersten Hackathon der Provinzial Rheinland in Düsseldorf. 50 Hacker kämpfen in Teams um die besten Ergebnisse.
      HackerGames! - Business Meets Tech Hackathon at IdeaLab! Aachen
      03 Oct - 07:00 PM
      Aachen, Germany
      ++ Apply now! ++ We invite YOU to the Business Meets Tech HackerGames! on 4th-6th October 2018. Take part at the hackathon and join IdeaLab! - Europe’s premier student-led startup conference after your demo in front of top investors. Your experience includes Talks from founders like Scott Chacon (Github) or Adora Cheung (Y Combinator) Amazing career opportunities with Amazon, FreightHub & Co Opportunity to win prizes worth 5.000 Euro (in cash) IdeaLab! Ticket incl. 3 days accommodation, food & drinks at boat party 24h of hard work, awesome people & lots of fun Enjoy 24h of HackerGames! - powered by wibas etarate AND 48h of IdeaLab! - Europe’s premier student-led startup conference at WHU on 4th-6th October 2018 in Vallendar near Cologne, Germany. Only a limited amount of tickets are available. ++ Apply now in under 3 minutes! ++
        HackerGames! - Business Meets Tech Hackathon at IdeaLab! Cologne
        03 Oct - 07:00 PM
        Cologne, Germany
        Cash prizes worth € 5.000
        Student hackers in and around Cologne! You're invited to apply to participate in HackerGames! - Business Meets Tech Hackathon at IdeaLab! in Vallendar, Germany. You'll get to design and build an innovative mobility project and present your prototype to a panel of top investors at Europe’s premier student-led startup conference. Compete to win cash prizes worth € 5.000 and showcase your skills for career opportunities with Amazon, FreightHub & Co, and others.
        GROWTH SPRINT OCTOBER | by Pirate Skills
        01 Oct - 11:00 AM
        Köln, Germany
        Welcome to the Growth Sprint here in Cologne.  The idea is simple:- WORK one day per month on your growth challenges- Have MENTORS around to help with problems- No distracting talks .. just sweet HUSTLEThe Plan:09:30 - 11:00 Startplatz Breakfast - Define your growth challenge (optional, but included in the price)11:00 - 18:00 Growth Hackathon  - Short intro and then work, work, work18:00 - 19:00 Networking - Now you can start talking again19:00 - 21:00 Pirate Skills Meetup - A/B Testing for Pirates - It's like a treasure hunt on your websitePrepare:- Define up to 3 GROWTH CHALLENGES you have right now- SEND them to or bring them to the event- Get RESOURCES from Ben to prepare for the challengesLocation:- STARTPLATZ Cologne- Im Mediapark 5, 50670 Cologne, Germany- 3rd Floor, Room Cologne + Bonn- Send an email to Send a message to you there,Ben
          photokina CEWE Hackathon “Reinvent the World of Pictures”
          28 Sep - 10:00 AM
          Köln, Germany
          To all photography enthusiasts and creative minds! Are you a developer, designer, photographer or just full of ideas?   Challenge: How do you imagine your perfect photo app?  You have the opportunity to create your own photo apps and contribute to the photo design of tomorrow. What can you expect Develop in a team or alone new ideas, realize them as a prototype within 5 hours. You can take part in other ideas or bring your own and introduce them at the beginning of the hackathon. Besides the hackathon you have the possibility to visit photokina for free on the days before and after the hackathon!    Everything is possible Extend your existing app or develop something completely new. There are no limits to your creativity! Our experts and mentors will provide you with the best possible support during the event!   Program 10:00 The gates open: Arrive and feel good10:30 Kickoff Hackathon & Keynotes by Dr. Reiner Fageth, Member of the Board of Management for Research & Development at CEWE and by Michael Darsow, Head of Internet at CEWE10:50 Vision Talk: A Photo Vision by Benedikt Iltisberger11:00 Pitches und Teambuilding 11:15 Start prototyping 16:00 Finish prototyping and present your results!18:00 Award ceremony – Let's end the evening in together!   Prices 1000 Euro for the winning team!!!! Experience: A visit to CEWE headquarters and production in OldenburgOpportunity: Further cooperation on the project if it is pursued by CEWE
            Work.Life.Future... Hackathon
            28 Sep - 10:00 AM
            Aachen, Germany
            Gestalte deine Zukunft mit uns! Erschaffe in Teams eine innovative Arbeitswelt, wo Digitalisierung immer wichtiger wird. Nehmt jetzt teil und tragt Euren Beitrag für eine bessere Zukunft. Die besten Ideen werden mit einem Visualisierungstraining im Wert von 380€ pro Person prämiert. Du kannst dich als Einzelperson oder Gruppe anmelden. Anmeldeschluss: 27.09.2018 um 23:59 Uhr. Design your future with us! Create in a group an innovative work space - where digitalisation merge more with the analog world. Participate now and contribute your ideas for a better future. The best ideas will be awarded with Visualization training worth 380€ per person. You can register as an individual or as a group. Registration deadline: 27th September 2018 at 11:59 p.m.
              Make Tech Social – hacking global goals
              21 Sep - 05:00 PM
              Eindhoven, Netherlands
              Hack Global Goals aims to create a special experience for creative, curious, and skilled people who are committed to solving global challenges. We invite all to participate.  We expect to see daring solutions that consists of a perfect combination of Tech and Social, Global and Local, Mind and Matter.  –     Technical, creative a/o business professionals will be part of a team who work together to solve a local challenge. –     Along two days, ground-breaking concepts are developed into proof-of-concepts, prototypes or demos.  –     The 'invention game' is concluded in a pitch for a professional jury that awards serious prizes. –     The follow-up program gives a perspective on further development of the concepts.  The challenges. The challenges in this hackathon are social a/o environmental issues related to the Sustainable Development Goals framed by the UNDP. These are plugged by the partners that are involved: Colour Kitchen, High Tech Campus, Circulo, Hiber, and more.  Joining Eindhoven Maker Faire for free. Included in the program are presentation and access to the Eindhoven Maker Faire weekend on 29 and 30 September. A special booth will present the results of the winners of the hackathon. So your participation includes a full weekend pass to Eindhoven Maker Faire!  The program:  Friday 21 - Kick off of the event and warm up session start at 17:00 Saturday 22 – start hackathon at 10 o'clock. Sunday 23 – event ends at 18:00.  Sign up for this challenge and experience the best weekend of the year! The inspiring location Grand Café Colour Kitchen at High Tech Campus offers you an excellent environment, including great free food and drinks. You do not lack anything... Register now to assure your place!  Frequently Asked Questions Do you need an ID or is there an age limit? Everyone from the age of 16 is welcome. It is an English-spoken event, so the unique requirement is that you able to communicate in this language. What are the transport/parking options for the event? Good public transport from Eindhoven Centraal Station and other towns around. There is free parking. More info What can I bring to the event? Your laptop, smartphone, chargers, sleeping bag, electronics, tools. How can I reach the organizer if I have questions? Contact MAD emergent art center