Showing results 21 to 30 out of 81
Hack Global Goals
21 Sep - 09:00 AM
Eindhoven, Netherlands
A 2 day Hackathon to solve social challenges regarding Diversity and Inclusivity, Sports and Technology or the digital skill gap
    Mobility of the Future '19 - The hackathon
    20 Sep - 09:30 AM
    Hasselt, Belgium
    Mobility of the future is back, this time in Hasselt! The hackathon, which will take place from September 20-21, will tackle multiple challenges in the wide field of mobility. We’ll work together with industry partners who will bring forward challenges and who’ll also be present during the hackathon to give you guiding & coaching! Note: The hackathon is free of charge. When subscribing, we ask a no-show fee of 25€ which will be refunded upon participation. Food & drinks are on us! We aim at bringing together entrepreneurs, students and innovators to address one of these challenges and to come up with creative solutions! During the Award ceremony on Saturday afternoon, winners will be chosen and prizes will be given to the teams. Next to a money prize, you can win trainings, tech gadgets and much more! You can subscribe as an individual or as a team. The hackathon is free of charge. When subscribing, we ask a no-show fee of 25€ which will be refunded upon participation. Food & drinks are on us! We have limited sleeping places available on a first come, first serve basis. Questions? Let us know at Check it out on! 
      Blockchain Hackathon - Hyperledger Fabric
      12 Sep - 11:00 AM
      Rotterdam, Netherlands
      Join us in this Hackathon, Unfolding Blockchain with Hyperledger Fabric. Two days Blockchain training on how to build new solutions with Hyperledger Fabric presented by the IBM developer team. With this quick-start, you'll learn more about how to build your Blockchain solution with hyperledger fabric, some important use cases and how its disrupting businesses. This hackathon is hosted @Venture Café Rotterdam and is completely free to participate, also, there will be a great prize for the winning team. The hackathon is split into two sessions. Starting with the first session on Thursday September 5th from 10:00 HR - 15:00 HR and ending with the second session on Thursday September 12th, 2019 from 11:00 HR - 17:00 HR.  Who should attend? Developers writing on Java, Golang, Node.js DevOps engineers Everyone who wants to start their Blockchain PoC Why to participate in this hackathon? Get your hands on and experience how to get started with Hyperledger Fabric and practice on a real blockchain implementation. Pre-requisites and skills: All attendees work on their laptops Knowledge of Golang, or Java, or JavaScript Contact us if you have any questions: Don't forget to get your tickets! See you there! #blockchain #hyperledger #techmeetup #tech #meetup #rotterdam #netherlands
        Hackathon for Peace, Justice, and Security vol.2
        14 Jun - 07:00 PM
        Den Haag, Netherlands
        Registration is now open for thé Hackathon for Peace, Justice and Security ( which we co-organize together with the Data Science Initiative in the Hague. From 14th till 16th June, teams will use their technical skills to help solve real-world challenges.We are calling all developers, data scientists, AI and ML experts, business developers, legal professionals, and other techies and do-gooders! Make an actual impact with your work and compete for great prize money at the same time.You and your team can be helping:- UNICRI Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics- Translators Without Borders- The National Rapporteur on Trafficking in Human Beings and Sexual Violence against Children- 510 Red Cross - The Netherlands- Space4GoodWinner per challenge €2.000 ** Global winner €3000For more information about the challenges, partners and to register to participate, please visit or message us! Are you are a recruiter? You can introduce your open data science positions to the 150 participants. Be quick and get a recruitment ticket as we have very few spots available.
          Vue Storefront Hackathon #11 @ Netherlands
          06 Jun - 09:00 AM
          Deventer, Netherlands
          On Thursday 6 june, VS Core Partner VENDIC is hosting the 11th Vue Storefront Hackathon. What makes this hackathon stand out even more is the workshop presented by VS onsite. You can also join this event remotely.  Official website: Sign up via Eventbrite!Contact Vue Storefront: Contact Vendic: marketing@vendic.nlVue Storefront is a standalone PWA storefront for your eCommerce. It allows you to connect with any eCommerce backend (eg. Magento, Pimcore, Prestashop or Shopware) through the API. Vue Storefront is open source, anyone can use and support the project. We want it to be a tool for the improvement of the shopping experience. ➡️ The VS core front-end team will be available for questions on the Slack channel. Invite link; #vuestorefront #vshackathon #Magento
            Hackathon: Spine AI - Detecting Scoliosis with Machine Learning
            05 Jun - 10:00 AM
            Amsterdam, Netherlands
            Spine AI: detecting scoliosis in ordinary pictures using machine learning and image processing Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine that develops during growth. This abnormality occurs in 1-3% of the children and worsens in 0.3 to 0.5% of all children so eventually an operation is necessary. This operation in children is necessary because these severe scolioses can continue to increase in later life, cause lung problems and can seriously affect the quality of life. On the other hand, smaller scoliosis usually remains stable in the rest of life. Because scoliosis has the greatest risk of becoming more severe during the growth spurt, further curvature can be prevented in children with brace treatment. That is why it is very important to discover scoliosis early. In the past, screening for scoliosis was part of the standard youth health care. The costs of this screening were estimated at about 3.5 million euros per year in the Netherlands in 2002. Because the screening for scoliosis turned out to be insufficiently effective, it has now been abolished in many countries, including the Netherlands. For Youth health care (JGZ) institutions in the Netherlands, screening is no longer mandatory and is no longer part of standard care. That is why scoliosis must now be noticed by parents. The outward characteristics of scoliosis become increasingly clear as the severity of the curvature increases. To be able to discover a mild curve, someone must be trained. Parents, however, are not trained in recognizing scoliosis. Therefore, our goal is to improve the feasibility of developing an app for the mobile phone or tablet to support both caregivers and parents in discovering mild scoliosis. In this hackathon, we will focus on detecting scoliosis in an anonymized set of ~400 pictures taken at OLVG of patients against a uniformly-colored background. The set was anonymized by extracting only the image gradients and foreground/background color distributions; the original imagery remains at OLVG. The gradient and color features may serve as rudimentary input to machine learning algorithms.  A set of challenges will be formulated, with varying difficulty levels. Also, there will be challenges, solving certain subtasks, that may not involve image processing but only analysis and modeling of structured data.
              DuPont - Hackathon: Data Driven Enzyme Design
              04 Jun - 09:00 AM
              Amsterdam, Netherlands
              Data-driven Enzyme Design Enzymes are natural molecular machines that can perform the amazing feat of enabling and accelerating chemical reactions without themselves being consumed in the process. All living organisms on Earth depend on enzymes to process nutrients, to grow and to reproduce. Thanks to the development of modern biotechnology, enzymes can also be produced in large quantities and employed to speed up all kinds of industrially important reactions, ranging from stain removal by detergents to production of food, feed, and biomaterials. As our requirements for lower resource use get more demanding, we continuously need to improve our enzymes to make them more stable and effective. At DuPont Industrial Biosciences, we routinely screen thousands of enzymes to obtain models of the relationship between the sequence of amino acid residues that make up the enzyme, its 3D structure, and the observed performance.  In this hackathon, we will provide representative data for our challenge, describe the problem and discuss different approaches of how to employ techniques like deep learning to support enzyme optimization process. Join and help us design the enzymes of tomorrow!
                Future of Mobility Hackathon Eindhoven
                03 Jun - 08:00 AM
                Eindhoven, Netherlands
                The plan for participants is to: • Analyse data provided by HERE Student Sample Data and Eindhoven municipality • Create a map with HERE XYZ • Use our HERE Developer Portal for final solution related to the future of mobility with applicable API's and SDK's Technical support will be provided!! From 18:00, Tuesday 4th of June, we will move to the Your Future Festival to announce and reward the winners of the best solution from the hackathon! Prizes: iPads, drones and 360 camera to win!
                Bosch Embedded Systems Hackathon, Eindhoven, the Netherlands
                24 May - 02:00 PM
                Eindhoven, Netherlands
                Pick one of the challenges we face on a daily basis and create a new software application to resolve this issue. You and your team get 24 hours to realize this. We will provide food, drinks, (chill)rooms, and if needed a laptop, all at our office location in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Register as a team, or register individually to become part of this ultimate event. Assignments based on SAST OS for security camera's, Bosch conference systems and Bosch Industry 4.0.
                Impact Now - On the road to positive change
                20 May - 01:30 PM
                Antwerpen, Belgium
                Impact Now is een reeks lokaal verankerde evenementen gericht op bedrijven, organisaties en individuen die streven naar positieve verandering in België. De evenementen zijn gewijd aan het thema ‘impact’ en de Sustainable Development Goals zijn de rode draad. Impact Now is ontstaan vanuit de urgentie om te handelen voor onze planeet en onze samenleving. We kunnen de uitdagingen waarvoor de mensheid staat enkel oplossen als we impact centraal stellen in elke actie, op alle niveaus, van burgers tot bedrijven, instellingen en influencers. Als u net als ons denkt dat we samen sterker zijn, dan is Impact Now iets voor u. DEEL #1 De namiddag is gericht op commerciële en sociale ondernemingen, investeerders, academici en publieke autoriteiten. Het doel is om samen te bouwen aan een duurzame transitie. 14u: Verwelkoming 14u30: Conceptualisatie van het thema ‘impact’ 14u45: Uitleg over hoe u een B-corp certificaat kunt verkrijgen 15u: Een hackathon, waarbij we zoeken naar manieren om de samenwerking tussen de verschillende actoren van het ecosysteem te verbeteren De hackathon is georganiseerd rond vier clusters die gelinkt zijn aan de Sustainable Development Goals. U kunt op uw ticket de cluster aanduiden die het best overeenstemt met uw activiteiten of interesses. 'Decarbonisatie': hernieuwbare energie, energie-efficiëntie, koolstofafvang 'Circulaire economie':  reduceren, hergebruiken, herstellen, recycleren 'Menselijk kapitaal': kwalitatief onderwijs, fatsoenlijke banen, welzijn, duurzame economie 'Slimme steden': slimme gemeenschappen, stromen, data, bodem(bestemming), duurzaamheid DEEL #2 In het avondprogramma komt u te weten hoe u - als individu, onderneming, instelling of organisatie - kan bijdragen aan de Sustainable Development Goals. 17u30: Verwelkoming 17u45: Diverse workshops 18u45: Ronde tafel 'Investeren in de Sustainable Development Goals' 19u10: Keynote door Gunter Pauli & Piet Colruyt 19u40: Pitches door lokale impactvolle ondernemingen 20u00: Een Tuin van Verandering, met een innovatiemarkt waar u inspirerende Impact Makers kan ontmoeten en kan deelnemen aan een live crowdfunding