Showing results 61 to 65 out of 65
Hackathon Amsterdam 3D
18 Jan - 08:30 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Om burgers en ondernemers te betrekken bij de ontwikkeling van de stad zetten we gaming engine Unity in. Binnen Unity bouwen we Amsterdam in 3D na en voegen we allerlei functionaliteiten toe. Kan de tool slimmer? Er is 36 uur beschikbaar om werkende prototypes binnen de 3D omgeving te bedenken én te maken.
“Self actualization” - Self-owned agents and resources with token incentives | Amsterdam
16 Jan - 06:30 PM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
If you believe that Nature should not be owned by corporations and individuals, then come and help prepare for the Nature 2.0 track at the DutchChain Hackathon 2019. You'll collaborate to develop use cases for building blocks for the new Nature 2.0 social paradigm. In Nature 2.0 assets are no longer constrained by the motives of their owners and can address the commonly shared needs of society. In this meetup, you will address self-owned agents and resources with token incentives.
Hackathon beweegbare brug InfraTech 2019
15 Jan - 10:00 AM
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Op 15 en 16 januari organiseert Spinwaves voor Rijkswaterstaat een 2daagse hackathon tijdens de InfraTech2019. Centraal staan twee belangrijke renovatie-opgaven: A. de beweegbare brug en B. een netwerk van 13 bruggen in Zuid-Holland en Zeeland. Deze pagina is voor de inschrijving van opgave van de de beweegbare brug. Lees voor meer informatie en de spelregels voor deelname:
Hackathon 13 bruggen in Zuid-Holland en Zeeland
15 Jan - 10:00 AM
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Spinwaves organiseert voor Rijkswaterstaat tijdens de InfraTech2019 een hackahton. Centraal staan twee opgaven: A. welke oplossing heb jij voor het renoveren van een beweegbare brug? B. Welke oplossing heb jij voor het renoveren van een netwerk van 13 bruggen in Zuid-Holland en Zeeland? Hier schrijf je je in voor opgave B. Jij kunt meedoen! Voor meer informatie:
Holland FinTech & Rehive: Blockchain & Fintech Hackathon 
01 Jan - 10:00 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
(postponed) Holland FinTech and Rehive have decided to join forces with and since we have been independently organising blockchain hackathons for the same weekend, we’ve decided to combine our events into one. Highlights of the new event agenda include the opportunity to learn from blockchain experts and meet fellow developers, entrepreneurs, and creatives. No matter what your experience level, you will learn new skills, have fun, and make new friends! The challenge is to build an awesome product on Bitcoin Cash or any other blockchain of your choice. We’ll have Rehive team members on site to help out should you decide to make use of the Rehive API while building.We hope you’ll be excited to join the new program.  The Hackathon will keep the same date: October 27th-28th. If you are a passionate developer, entrepreneur or creative? Join the hackathon and let’s build the token-economy of the future together! Meet experts, learn new skills and have the best weekend of your life! Coding skills are not mandatory. Who can join? All developers, entrepreneurs, and designers welcome! The hackathon is free to join.   Agenda: Saturday 27 October 2018 09:00 - 09:30 Welcome Breakfast and Registration 09:30 - 10:00 Kick-Off: Rules & Challenges 10:00 - 10:30 Technical Deep Dive 10:30 - 11:00 Pitches 11:00 - 12:00 Team Planning 12:00 Start Hacking 13:00 - 14:00 Lunch & Breakout Session 18:00 - 19:30 Dinner & Breakout Session Sunday 28 October 2018 24:00 - 01:00 Midnight Snack and Breakout Session 08:00 - 10:00 Breakfast & Breakout Session 12:30 - 13:30 Lunch 15:00 End Hacking 15:00 - 16:30 Presentations 16:30 - 17:00 Awards ceremony 17:00 Leaving for the After Party, Venue TBC We would like you to have fun, meet new people and have the chance to attend different workshops, and build amazing projects and the event is fully free! There will be also food, drinks and nice swags!   For those interested in building non blockchain based fintech applications, Rehive will plan another Amsterdam hackathon in the upcoming months and keep you updated. In this case, we apologize for any inconvenience caused by the updated plans. In the meantime, you can read more about Rehive's previous hackathons here.     Please make sure to use the following to register here.  For more information about this event, please contact