Showing results 31 to 40 out of 45
Mission: Economy
09 Jun - 05:00 PM
Düsseldorf, Germany
Passionate about the new economy, new media and everything that goes with them? Come and flex your creative muscles at the new Mission: Economy hackathon. Bring your idea - for business, media, news, content, social media, digitization, knowledge management, content creation and distribution, or media transformation. Develop the idea on your own or team with like-minded attendees in an intense 2.5 day startup atmosphere. Present your concept--or even your product proto-type--and win for best overall, most innovative, best pitch or more.
Microsoft GAME JAM - Mediadesign Hochschule Düsseldorf
08 Jun - 10:00 AM
Düsseldorf, Germany
Gaming designers and developers! Sign up for the Microsoft GAME JAM--a free 2-day hackathon at Media Design University Dusseldorf. Come and get introduced to game development for the Universal Windows Platform and other platforms. Work with experienced Microsoft technology experts and build a cool game for the Universal Windows dev platform--then compete against other participants for a chance to be a winner.
Campus Party Meets Education Hackathon The Netherlands
25 May - 10:00 AM
Utrecht, Netherlands
If you are eager to make and invent stuff and love the idea of LAN-parties to come up with bright solutions for global education problems then this event is for you! Everything that's needed to have an amazing time is covered: food, drinks, tents to sleep in and educational speakers like Jason Silva, Prince Constantijn van Oranje, Neelie Kroes!
20Creathon | The Big Festival Hackathon
24 May - 10:00 AM
Enschede, Netherlands
Hey there!
After a great 'Waterstress' event, we're happy to announce that on May 24-25 the next 20Creathon Event will be held.
This time, it will be the Big Festival Hack.
More info on our website: coming soon!
Is there an age limit?
Adults (18+) are free to register in their own right.
What does it cost?
Attendance is completely free.
I can't be there 48 hours.
That's not a problem. Of course you'll get the most out of it if you can be there as much as possible but we understand people have busy lives, families and other commitments.
What can/can't I bring to the 20Creathon Event
Do bring:
- A laptop (and don't forget power lead, mouse, keyboard)
- A team mascot
- Your competitive spirit
Don't bring:
- Anything illegal
- Negativity
Who owns the code/products/designs?
Anything produced during the 20Creathon events is owned by the producing individual or team. The organization, sponsors and hosts claim no rights to anything produced during the event.
What do I get?
Aside from an enormous sense of well being and community spirit? There will be food (breakfast-lunch-dinner-snacks), drinks and some great goodies!
And for the winners we have prizes (to be announced) of cash and gadgets plus the priceless chachet of being a 20Creathon Champion!
Where can I contact the organizer with any questions?
We're always happy to hear from you and answer any questions you may have:
E-mail to or call +31 6 54 62 09 33
Hacking Health Nijmegen 2016
20 May - 07:00 PM
Nijmegen, Netherlands
This hackathon is inviting all developers, designers, entrepreneurs, healthcare professionals and patients to hack for healthcare and travel to multiple cities in the Netherlands. The goal is to work collaboratively on innovative solutions for health and care. Dutch Hacking Health is the initiative of four Dutch Academic Medical Centers: LUMC, Maastricht UMC+, UMC Groningen and Radboudumc. Teams will work together in Groningen, Leiden, Maastricht and Nijmegen on the future of health. The winners of Dutch Hacking Health will have the possibility to get stagetime on one of the events during the Start Up Fest Europe week.
DataMission - UN World Food Programme Hackathon
14 May - 09:30 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
DataMission and the World Food Programme (WFP) are partnering up for a hackathon that will help in the fight against hunger. This event invites all data scientist, developers, non-profit organisations, experts in the hunger issues, marketers, and anyone who is willing to join their skills for a good cause! The topics covered at the hackathon include: Data analysis for developing more detailed and higher quality estimates on food security, Data-driven products to build a software, webpage or mobile application to encourage more survey participation, and Data visualization to enable decision making.
Meet Magento 2016
12 May - 01:00 PM
Utrecht, Netherlands
This is the eighth Dutch Meet Magento event where hundreds of shop owners, e-commerce experts and developers will join to gain knowledge, exchange experiences and network. Learn more about Magento 2 Marketing and Conversion, linking with Magento backend systems development, theming and Magento's Enterprise and Community versions, and get inspired to get more out of your the Magento platform. The actual hackathon Meet Magento Netherlands will take place on may 14.
Hack de Pont! VR hackathon
30 Apr - 10:30 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
This event is a collaboration between Lava Lab, Submarine Channel & Creative Coding Amsterdam and is open to everyone, regardless of experience. During this event, there will be a virtual reality hackathon based on the project 'De Pont'. You'll be making movies, games or interactive storytelling experiences. The theme is Amsterdam Noord and the ferry that crosses the IJ.
Intel® IoT Roadshow Amsterdam
23 Apr - 12:00 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Intel® IoT Roadshow makes its way to Amsterdam and registrations are now open! Over the weekend, experts will train you in Intel® Edison™ and you’ll meet other makers and experts. Best of all, we’re giving away Intel® Edison™ Dev Kits, which include cool sensors, software and accessories, to the first 100 registrants who arrive at the event. Secure your spot!
Intel® IoT Roadshow Amsterdam
23 Apr - 12:00 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Intel® IoT Roadshow makes its way to Amsterdam and registrations are now open! Over the weekend, experts will train you in Intel® Edison™ and you’ll meet other makers and experts. Best of all, we’re giving away Intel® Edison™ Dev Kits, which include cool sensors, software and accessories, to the first 100 registrants who arrive at the event. Secure your spot!