Showing results 61 to 70 out of 100
Eneco Hackathon - Reducing Energy Waste - Dutch Data Science Week 2018
29 May - 08:00 AM
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Developers, designers, hackers in the Netherlands! Are you passionate about energy conservation? Planning to attend the Dutch Data Science Week 2018? Energy supplier Eneco invites you to participate in their hackathon, with the theme of Reducing Energy Waste. You'll be challenged to design an innovative energy saving solution that uses data sets from the Toon smart thermostat. Come and showcase your skills--collaborate and compete to build the best smart data app to help consumers stop wasting energy.
Energy Hack NL
25 May - 05:00 PM
's-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands
Developers, data scientists, energy experts, designers, marketers, or Innovators? Are you interested in hacking the energy neutral city of the future? You're invited to participate in the Energy Hack NL 48-hour hackathon. Register as a team, or join one at the event! You'll have access to relevant datasets and APIs for the city of Eindhoven. You will face your choice of one of three Smart Energy challenges: Flexible Energy, Sustainable Area Development, or Sustainable Mobility. In addition to the energy technologies, you may use whatever technology you choose -- such as data science, Internet of Things, or blockchain! So come and collaborate and compete for your share of a €7000 prize pool.
Energy Hack NL
25 May - 05:00 PM
's-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands
Developers, data scientists, energy experts, designers, marketers, or Innovators? Are you interested in hacking the energy neutral city of the future? You're invited to participate in the Energy Hack NL 48-hour hackathon. Register as a team, or join one at the event! You'll have access to relevant datasets and APIs for the city of Eindhoven. You will face your choice of one of three Smart Energy challenges: Flexible Energy, Sustainable Area Development, or Sustainable Mobility. In addition to the energy technologies, you may use whatever technology you choose -- such as data science, Internet of Things, or blockchain! So come and collaborate and compete for your share of a €7000 prize pool.
Invention Summer Camp Wageningen 2018
25 May - 09:00 AM
Wageningen, Netherlands
What do you need as a student to create your ideal studying conditions? Come up with your smart, innovative and unconventional ideas and join our 2-day student hackathon! Attend our inspiring workshops, meet other cross-disciplinary students and our business partners. Build your knowledge and network, develop your personal skills! Enjoy 2 days all-inclusive working, learning and fun and win 2.500 euros with your team. Sign up as an individual or with your team now!
    Sports Tech Cup - SAC Netherlands
    05 May - 08:00 AM
    Amsterdam, Netherlands
    Techies professionals, academics, and university students in the Netherlands! If you're interested in the application of technology and analytics to sports, then you're invited to participate in the Sports Tech Cup - SAC Netherlands. In this 2-day hackathon, you'll be challenged to collaborate and showcase your creativity, technical expertise, and innovation by designing and prototyping a Sports Technology solution. Your project will be an innovative look at an area such as stadiums & venues, injury prevention, high performance, fan engagement, business leadership, coaching, virtual reality, or artificial intelligence.
    03 May - 06:00 PM
    Amsterdam, Netherlands
    ADYEN + TRY CATCH: ONLINE PAYMENTS FRAUD HACKATHON, AMSTERDAM The theme of the Hackathon is how to stop online payments fraud - a complex challenge that costs the global economy billions of dollars annually, and drives up the cost of online shopping for all of us. On Thursday 3 May, Adyen and Try Catch are hosting a Hackathon at Adyen's global headquarters in Amsterdam. The event is open to developers with at least a few years’ experience, and gives you the opportunity to meet leading developers from Adyen (and other companies), test your skills, and finish up with food, drinks, prizes, and informal networking. Are you curious about Adyen's technology? Or maybe you just want to connect and hack with other talented developers? This is your chance! Registration is open now! (Note that you must be registered to attend.)   AGENDA 6:00 pm: Doors are open and the food is served 6:30 pm: Introduction talk by one of Adyen’s senior developers 7:00 pm: Coding Kick Off 8:30 pm: Pitch presentations 9:00 pm: Drinks and bites
      HACKX - Voice Assistant Hackathon by Handelsblatt
      27 Apr - 05:00 PM
      Düsseldorf, Germany
      Smart Speaker erobern Deutschland's Wohnzimmer. Lasst sie uns gemeinsam hacken – wie werden wir 2025 Nachrichten konsumieren? Heute die Zukunft gestalten und Preise im Gesamtwert von über 6.000 EURO gewinnen! Gemeinsam mit anderen Teilnehmern werdet ihr in zwei Tagen eine Anwendung für den Sprachassistenten Alexa oder Google Assistant programmieren. Wir wollen zusammen mit Euch Innovationen für den Nachrichtenkonsum im Jahr 2025 erschaffen – und wir sind uns sicher, dass der Zugang zu Informationen über Sprache eine essentielle Rolle spielen werden. Du bist Programmierer, Designer, Konzepter, Querdenker oder Futurist? Sei dabei und registriere Dich jetzt kostenlos für HACKX - den Voice Hackathon powered by Handelsblatt & 169 Labs 2 Tage – 1 Ziel In den Räumlichkeiten der HANDELSBLATT MEDIA GROUP werdet ihr vom 27. April bis zum 28. April 2018 konzipieren, designen, coden und am Ende Eure Awendung pitchen! Alles ist erlaubt! Ihr könnt bei der Programmierung auf eine vorbereitete API des Handelsblatts zurückgreifen oder andere Dienste ansprechen oder verschiedene Services untereinander verbinden. Mentoren helfen Euch während der Hacking-Phase bei der Umsetzung Eurer Ideen und eine Jury wird am Ende Eure Anwendungen bewerten. Mehr Infos und Agenda auf  FAQs • Wie komme ich zur Location und gibt es Parkmöglichkeiten? Siehe hier. • Wo kann ich schlafen? Du kannst in unseren Räumlichkeiten einen Nap machen. Wenn Du ein richtiges Bett brauchst haben wir zwei Hotelempfehlungen, die ganz in der Nähe sind: Holiday Inn, BB Hotel • Wir sind ein Startup-Team, können wir teilnehmen? Ja, bitte 1 Ticket pro Team-Mitglied reservieren • Benötige ich Programmierkenntnisse? Nein. Du kannst auch als Nicht-Programmierer oder Anfänger am Hackathon teilnehmen. Die Teams werden bunt gemischt sein, so dass sich alle benötigten Kompetenzen ergänzen werden.
        TEQnation 2018 - The Developer Conference of the Future
        25 Apr - 09:00 AM
        Utrecht, Netherlands
        TEQnation 2018 - The Developer Conference of the Future April 25-26, 2018 - Jaarbeurs Utrecht (the Netherlands)  TWO DAYS OF CONFERENCE, TWO DIFFERENT TOPICS! Day 1: The Future is Open | Day 2: The Future is Smart   The Future is Open (April 25) "TEQnation: the Future is Open" is the open source conference of the Benelux and will bring together a unique blend of  IT architects, managers, disruptors, experts and developers. Presentations, tutorials, keynotes, workshops and hands-summits will be part of this day. The themes you will encounter are Open IoT, Open AI, Open Data, Open Dev and Cloud & DevOps                              The Future is Smart (April 26) Celebrate the love for Smart Technology and meet like-minded Future Teqies. At "TEQnation: the Future is Smart" you can broaden your knowledge at our hands-on labs, hackathons, technical sessions and workshops, which are all focused on the technology of the next era. Topics that will be discussed: Artificial Intellgince, Machine Learning, Cloud & Serverless, Virtual & Augmented Reality, Big Data & Security, IoT, DevOps, Open Source and Blockchain.
          5de Dutch Construction Hackathon tijdens Building Holland
          19 Apr - 08:30 AM
          Amsterdam, Netherlands
          Wanneer we gaan bouwen, verdwijnt er natuur. Dat moet stoppen: we hebben de natuur nodig om een gezonder en gelukkiger leven te leiden. Hoe kunnen we als bouwsector de natuur respecteren en zelfs versterken? Hoe doen we dat met grootschalige impact? Hoe kunnen het eerstvolgende project al aan de slag? 
Deze challenge staat centraal tijdens de Open Hackathon op 19 april op #Buildingholland. Je werkt samen met een team van studenten en professionals onder begeleiding van architect Lydia Fraaije. Aan het einde van de dag heb je samen met een team de oplossing ontworpen en presenteer je deze aan de opdrachtgever; gemeente Boxtel. Leerzaam, inspirerend en concreet. Ben je ontwerper, architect of gewoon bevlogen van natuur of bouw? En wil jij je ideeën inbrengen op een plek waar we het kunnen gaan beproeven in een innovatief bouwproject in Boxtel? Doe mee en schrijf je in!  Meer info:   en op
            HackAdemy Düsseldorf
            13 Apr - 06:00 PM
            Düsseldorf, Germany
            Young technical students, graduates, and professionals in and around Düsseldorf! You're invited to sign up to participate in the HackAdemy Düsseldorf 2018 innovation boot camp. In this 2-day workshop event, you'll learn lean innovation methodologies and then apply them to meet specific challenges and earn points. Collaborate and network with like-minded individuals and compete for recognition and prizes.