Showing results 71 to 80 out of 100
Demoday VG Hackathon
13 Apr - 11:30 AM
Utrecht, Netherlands
Healthcare professionals in the Netherlands! Are you interested in how technology can be applied to address pressing problems in the mentally handicapped care sector? You're invited to attend the Demoday for the VG Hackathon. You'll get to see presentations by participating teams of their digital projects that support people with an intellectual disability.
3-Day Hyperledger Fabric Training—Amsterdam
13 Apr - 09:00 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
NOTE: The class is contingent on 7 trainees. If you are willing to attend but cannot make the dates, please send us a note at Hyperledger Fabric is the leading open source software platform for permissioned enterprise blockchains. Learn how to use the latest version (1.0) of Hyperledger Fabric codebase in a real blockchain network environment where you can play with smart contract deployments. Is your team planning to build blockchain applications for your industry use case or project? Do you want to become fully skilled for building commercial-grade blockchain applications on Hyperledger Fabric 1.0 and deploying private blockchain networks? Then this advanced course is what you need! "The biggest value of the course? The true experience of the technology by the trainer." Software Architect "Overall very useful, even more than what I was expecting. Thank you! The program was absolutely perfect, it fits well for a three days class." Linux System Administrator "It was hands-on training of an expert on the Hyperledger technology experience. The training was based on very useful slides and a competent speaker Oleg." Senior Java Consultant "Training was very hands-on and practical. Oleg was very interactive." Technical Architect "I have attended many training on various topics in the past - but I would rate this training given by Oleg as one of the best ones. There are few things which makes me believe so: Oleg was very precise with the knowledge on the topic, Oleg is passionate about the topic, and above all - his attitude to help the attendees understand the concept right is great." Blockchain Solutions Architect Course duration: 3 days (8 hrs per day). Objectives: Learn concepts and use cases of permissioned blockchains. Learn architecture of Fabric 1.0, setup network, run smart contracts. Learn to write smart contracts and deploy them in a complete blockchain application. Benefits to you: Solid hands-on technical skills developing and deploying blockchain applications with Hyperledger Fabric. Interactive experience with expert trainers who have built working blockchain apps, an opportunity to ask questions and get real-life examples. Who should attend? Developers who have understanding of blockchains and want to know how to design and write their own blockchain applications on top of Hyperledger Fabric V1.0. If you experimented with smart contracts, or worked with Ethereum, other blockchains, and want to dive into Fabric 1.0 - this is the right course for you. Prerequisites: basic knowledge of Golang or Java (know syntax, control flow) Please bring your laptop with: local installation of Ubuntu 16 (dual boot or virtual) docker, docker-compose an IDE with Go support: Eclipse, VSCode, JetBrains Go 1.8 and above a t2.medium EC2 instance on AWS for multi host deployment (optional, in case LAN in the venue prevents attendees laptops to connect to each other) Please make sure you have the confirmation of the training dates from the organizer before making any logistics arrangements and reservations (flight booking and hotel reservation if you are travelling to attend the course). Training Program Day 1 Introduction Introduction to blockchain technology Public and permissioned blockchains Use cases for permissioned blockchains Hyperledger project Fabric 1.0 Workshop Fabric 1.0 architecture Endorsers, orderers, clients, smart contracts Set up development network Anatomy of config files and crypto material Deploy and exercise example smart contracts Day 2 Fabric 1.0 Workshop You will study in detail the transactions workflow and spend a sizable amount of time on experiments with blockchain. The training helps developers acquire solid technical skills in building blockchain applications on Hyperledger Fabric v1.0. The students will learn how to develop working blockchain apps with Hyperledger Fabric SDK, how to deploy local blockchain networks, as well as understand the confidentiality basics in Hyperledger Fabric. Agenda: Write your own smart contract in Go Comparison of Smart contract developed in Go or Java (performance, ease of deployment, etc.) Custom Events Endorsement policies Overview of SDKs for Node and Java Day 3 Hackathon Students will leave with the ability to develop full-featured blockchain applications, write not only a smart contract in Go or Java, but also the client code and full interface of the application. Learn from an experienced trainer who has delivered working blockchain solutions. Agenda: Identify a use case for a blockchain application Design identities, entities, transactions Design network, consortium Use Node SDK to create application API Create secure web front end About the Trainer: Oleg Abdrashitov, Leader of Requirements Working Group at Hyperledger, Head of Blockchain Practice at Altoros Oleg's career spans 19 years in software development for the financial services companies. He has built systems supporting high frequency trading, middle office and online exchanges. Oleg has worked at top investment banks, hedge funds and has founded startups and consultancies. He is currently engaged by clients in finance and insurance to train engineers and architects on blockchain. Together with team Altoros, Oleg won the blockchain hackathon at Consensus 2016 with Decentralized Energy Utility Project, and delivered two working prototypes for the financial industry - Distributed Clearing Platform For Derivatives, and Bond Issuance and Trading. The most recent project Oleg has been working on is Commercial Bonds Platform with National Settlement Depository, see in the news: NSD runs commercial bonds platform based on Hyperledger Fabric 1.0 and smart contracts Making Boring Sexy: NSD Sees Booming Interest for Blockchain Bonds Oleg has delivered Hyperledger Fabric training classes in Boston, New York, San Francisco, Toronto, Zurich, Dubai, as well as private training courses for corporate teams, and has been referred to as a highly competent instructor aspiring to bring students to the high level of understanding Fabric technology. FAQs: Not in Toronto? Altoros training program is expanding to the USA and Europe. We also deliver private courses to corporate teams worldwide. Please email suggestions at! Not a good fit? You need some knowledge of Golang, Java, or Javascript. Blockchain experience is nice to have, but not required. If you have questions about the program or doubts whether this course is a good fit for you, please get in touch and we'll connect you with the trainer! Need an invoice? Please send details at full name, number of tickets, your address or your company's address (if the invoice is paid by the company). View Hyperledger Fabric courses schedule and subscribe to training updates on the training website Help us spread the word We'll love you forever if you share this event with your friends or colleagues who might be interested! About the Organizer: Altoros is a digital transformation consultancy that has built a reputation in blockchain space. We are an active member of Hyperledger project, contributing expertise of our engineers. We have built a number of blockchain application prototypes for insurance and financial services clients and conducted technical training on Hyperledger Fabric 0.6 for a large financial services corporation, as well as a number of blockchain workshops for executives in (Re)Insurance, Lending & Securitization field. Read blockchain news and insights: subscribe to our blog, join Telegram channel, follow us on Twitter @Altoros @LedgerBeat Watch free recorded webinars on Hyperledger-related topics(choose tag HYPERLEDGER)
    IT Hackathon Paaspop
    30 Mar - 12:00 AM
    Schijndel, Netherlands
    Op 30 en 31 maart 2018 organiseert Info Support in samenwerking met Paaspop de tweede editie van de IT Hackathon. Wat gaan we doen? Tijdens het muziekfestival zelf slimme oplossingen bedenken met Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things en Machine Learning en deze vertalen naar een Minimum Viable Product (MVP).
    Smartcity Hackathon 2018 in Amsterdam
    23 Mar - 07:00 PM
    Amsterdam, 1098 KA
    Designers, developers, and entrepreneurs in the Netherlands! If you're interested in the use of technology to create smart cities, then you're invited to participate in the SmartCity Hackathon 2018 in Amsterdam. You'll get to collaborate with other smart city enthusiasts to develop a business model for a smart city project. Your project will address one of four given tracks -- Energy Efficiency, Waste Management, Air Quality, or Transportation.
    Smart City Hackathon 2018 in Amsterdam
    23 Mar - 07:00 PM
    Amsterdam, Netherlands
    Designers, developers, and entrepreneurs in the Netherlands! If you're interested in the use of technology to create smart cities, then you're invited to participate in the SmartCity Hackathon 2018 in Amsterdam. You'll get to collaborate with other smart city enthusiasts to develop a business model for a smart city project. Your project will address one of four given tracks -- Energy Efficiency, Waste Management, Air Quality, or Transportation.
    Smart City Hackathon 2018: Amsterdam
    23 Mar - 07:00 PM
    Amsterdam, Netherlands
    Apply today for a spot! The Smart City Hackathon is a series of events in different countries that focuses on the intersection of digital technology and urbanization. The aim of the hackathon is to bring together a diverse range of perspectives, from academics to entrepreneurship, and ignite the flow of ideas between different members of society. In 2018, the event in Amsterdam will take place on 23rd and 24th March 2018, and targets entrepreneurs and select university students to build scalable business models (no coding) in one four tracks: energy efficiency, smart transportation, air quality, and waste management.Hackathon winners get industry prizes, including free tickets to European Utility Week Summit to showcase their solution and company, and up to $3,000!Here, entrepreneurs can realize the full potential of their business ideas and the importance of emerging technologies for innovative urbanization, and students can learn entrepreneurial skills from experienced professionals. The hackathon provides a good chance for start-ups to work with young talents with potential for future recruitment.
      Tech for Good Hackathon 'Track & trace de keten'
      22 Mar - 09:00 AM
      Eindhoven, Netherlands
      Productketens én dataketens kunnen nog wel een stukje transparanter. Waar komen grondstoffen en materialen vandaan bijvoorbeeld, en onder welke omstandigheden zijn producten gemaakt? Maar ook: hoe kunnen we erop vertrouwen dat slimme, zelflerende algoritmen deugen? Kom met een slimme oplossing en maak kans op de Pioniersprijs van het SIDN fonds ter waarde van €10.000!
      Join the 24H Hackathon in Amsterdam - Price: Paid trip to instanbul + € 2500.
      18 Mar - 09:00 AM
      Amsterdam-Zuidoost, Netherlands
      € 2500,- for the team + paid trip to Istanbul
      'Break out' your skills with e-learning development! Hackathon. 19-20 march 2018 in Amsterdam. Use your IT and design skills to create a great concept. You might win a paid trip to Istanbul. You've got 24 hours. GO! To participate in this Hackathon you need a team of 4 persons. This can be back-end, front-end, design but also a strategist. Register via:
      HEINEKEN Hack a Beer Hackathon
      17 Mar - 09:30 AM
      Amsterdam, Netherlands
      Designers, developers, and data scientists in the Netherlands! The HEINEKEN Company invites you to participate in their Hack a Beer Hackathon. You'll get to combine your knowledge of beer with your data or business expertise to help HEINEKEN get smarter in data usage. Collaborate with like-minded individuals to leverage actual HEINEKEN datasets and Amazon Web Services to design an innovative data-driven project. Showcase your skills and compete for cool prizes.
      iHack.Ruhr // Der Ruhrpott Hackathon in Essen
      17 Mar - 09:00 AM
      Essen, Germany
      innogy SE / Westnetz GmbH und ista International GmbH präsentieren den ersten iHack.Ruhr Hackathon am 17. und 18. März 2018 in Essen iHack.Ruhr Hackathon Der erste iHack.Ruhr Hackathon wird am 17. und 18. März 2018 im Haus der Technik in Essen stattfindet. Veranstaltet wird der Hackathon in Kooperation zwischen innogy SE / Westnetz GmbH, ista International GmbHund Spannende Challenges geben dem Hackathon seine Herausforderung und freuen sich über eure Lösungsansätze durch Kreativität und Geschicklichkeit. Die Ausarbeitung der Challenges fand in Zusammenarbeit der Veranstalter statt und gibt euch größtmögliche Freiheit in der Umsetzung. An dem Wochenende erwarten euch neben viel Code und Spaß an dem Wettbewerb ein umfangreicher Austausch mit euren Mitstreitern und anregende Informationen zu Fachthemen. Alle Informationen findest du unter