Showing results 11 to 20 out of 93
InQbet Hackathon FINALS
27 Nov - 11:30 AM
Grimbergen, Belgium
The finals of our InQbet Hackathon 2017 have arrived! If you would like to attend the finals at our P&G site in Brussels on the 27th of November at 12.00, please register and get your seat here. The agenda of the day can be found below.
11.30-12.00: Hackers arriving
12.00-13.00: Welcome lunch
13.00-13.15: Introduction (agenda of the day, jury presentation, prizes overview)
13.15-13.55: Pitches: part I
13.55-14.00: Icebreaker I
14.00-14.40: Pitches: part II
14.40-14.45: Icebreaker II
14.45-15.25: Pitches: part III
15.25-16.25: Company pitches and coffee
16.25-17.00: Winner announcement & awards
17.00-18.30: Reception + Networking
buqs hackathon
25 Nov - 09:30 AM
Utrecht, Netherlands
Hackers in and around Utrecht! Are you interested in Smart City applications of technology? You're invited to participate in a Buqs hackathon. You'll be challenged to use existing Buqs -- electronic sound creatures that communicate with each other via embedded technologies such as microcontrollers and sensors radios -- to design and prototype something innovative and new.
Introduction to Blockchain - What could be disrupted?
22 Nov - 06:00 PM
Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
UStart & USIC ont le plaisir de vous inviter à notre conférence sur la technologie du Blockchain et le Bitcoin, une cryptomonnaie. Selon Oxford dictionnaries, le Blockchain est "un système dans lequel un enregistrement de transactions faites en bitcoin ou une autre cryptomonnaie sont maintenues sur plusieurs ordinateurs qui sont reliés par un réseau peer-to-peer."Notre invité, Jean-Luc Verhelst est l'auteur de Bitcoin, Blockchain and Beyond (2017), travaille comme consultant en stratégie et blockchain pour Monitor Deloitte, et a donné des formations de plusieurs jours en EMEA et aux USA. Il a gagné le plus grand hackathon blockchain du monde en 2016 et son mémoire de fin de Master concernant le Bitcoin a reçu le prix du meilleur mémoire financier de 2014 en Belgique. Il a fondé le "think-thank BlockchainHub Brussels" et possède un diplôme en IT et en Business. Le plus important, Jean-Luc a une réelle passion pour le Bitcoin, blockchains et comment cela va façonner notre futur.Vous aurez l'opportunité de mieux comprendre cette révolution dans le monde financier ainsi que comprendre comment cela peut affecter l'économie actuelle.Après la conférence, Besos vous offrira une bière gratuite pour etre dans l'état d'esprit parfait pour discuter avec tout le monde.Rendez-vous le 22 novembre !P/s : la conférence se donnera en français.Pour en savoir plus à propos de Jean-Luc Verhelst : d'informations sur son livre : www.bitcoinblockchainbook.comUStart and USIC
Disrupt the Dutch association of high-tech industries!
18 Nov - 09:00 AM
Zoetermeer, Netherlands
Do you want to help FME to experiment with data-driven software solutions? Participate in our hackathon on 18 and 19 November at our FME head office in Zoetermeer. If you are a team of passionate developers and data experts, apply before 1 November to be one of the 6 teams in the hackathon.
BRIGHT Cow Hackathon
18 Nov - 09:00 AM
Utrecht, Netherlands
Hackers, designers, business developers, data scientists and other dairy enthusiasts in the Netherlands. You're invited to participate in the BRIGHT Cow Hackathon, where you'll collaborate to address the biggest challenges facing Dutch diary farmers and their cows. You'll be challenged to use cutting edge technologies such as Internet of Things sensors, biometrics and big data to design and prototype an innovative solution that addresses an economic or environmental challenge facing the farmer today.
Hackathon Tout bien - Okidoki
18 Nov - 09:00 AM
Antwerpen, Belgium
Tout bien - Okidoki en Junction, organiseren een hackathon van 18 - 19 november 2017. Tout bien-Okidoki is een vzw die het taboe wil doorbreken dat zelfdoding nog altijd is en suïcide bespreekbaar maken. Niet alleen voor mensen met suïcidale gedachten, maar ook voor al wie hen omringt.
Met de hackathon willen we iedereen samenbrengen die iets wil bijdragen aan dit onderwerp. Iedereen is welkom, of je al een idee hebt of niet. Tijdens het weekend vormen we teams, is er coaching voorzien en er worden oplossingen uitgewerkt. Deze oplossingen kunnen bijdragen aan preventie, maar kunnen bijvoorbeeld ook dienen ter ondersteuning van familie en vrienden. Dit kunnen zowel IT als niet-IT oplossingen zijn. Spread the word!
Together with Tout bien - Okidoki, we organise a hackathon in november. Tout bien-Okidoki is a non-profit association which aims at breaking the taboo around suicide and wants to adress the issue. Not just for people with suicidal thoughts, but also those surrounding them.
With the hackathon, we want to bring everyone together that wants to contribute to this matter. We welcome everyone, whether you already have an idea or not. During the weekend, we form teams. There is coaching foreseen as well. Solutions and ideas are developed. These solutions can contribute to prevention, but can also be helpful for family and friends. These can be IT as non-IT related solutions. Spread the word!
Dutch Mobility Hackathon
17 Nov - 02:00 PM
Den Haag, Netherlands
Dutch hackers! If you're passionate about mobility solutions, then you're invited to participate in the Dutch Mobility Hackathon. You'll be challenged to design and prototype an innovative solution that solves problems such as traffic jams, flight delays, location services, road assistance, traffic safety, train outages and route guidance. Pick your challenge from one of Connected Cars, First Mile & Last Mile, and Smart Travel. Showcase your smart mobility technology coding skills and compete for prizes totaling over €12.000!
Open Sea Lab - Hack European Marine Data
15 Nov - 08:00 AM
Antwerpen, Belgium
Yearly DataCamp Subscription
Apply by October 16!
Are you excited by the potential of marine open data? Are you aware of the vast resource of European marine open data made available by EMODnet ?
Join us at the 1st EMODnet Open Sea Lab to explore EMODnet's marine open data! During a three day open data bootcamp from 15-17 November 2017 in the vibrant Startup Village in Antwerp Belgium, we will ideate and co-create innovative solutions to unique problems using EMODnet’s wealth of marine data and services.
Consulting Skills in Data Science: The Art Analytics Challenge [Data Science Bootcamp 2017, session 13]
13 Nov - 09:00 AM
Bruxelles, Belgium
Ready to join the Data Science Bootcamp 2017?
We are pleased to open our 24 Data Science Bootcamp's sessions to the public!
In this session, Eric Lecoutre, from WeLoveDataScience, will take all the participants in a hackathon mode to perform a data analysis on paintings related data. An art expert will be present and contribute to the totally non-objective evaluation, showing the relevance of qualitative input in data related projects. Team working, collaboration and sharing will be encouraged.
Moreover, it is expected from the participants to act as consultant. The dynamic will allowing determining key questions and topics a consultant must consider when dealing with analytical projects.
Data Science professionals interested to improve their consulting skills.
Knowledge of one of these technologies: Python, R or SAS.
The participant must come with his own working environment.
Session outline
1. Consulting skills2. Pitch3. Data analysis4. Presentation
Lunch is included in your ticket.
Doors are open at 8.30 am.
Accesibility: public transport (stop Yser / Ijzer ). We do not have parking but normally there are some parking slots at Rue de Commerçants.
Training partners and can contact us via e-mail to request their discount code (
// If you want to avoid the EventBrite fee and pay directly to us, drop a message confirming your attendance and providing your full details (company name, address, TVA # and # of seats) to asap//
StarApple Hackathon
28 Oct - 10:00 AM
Den Haag, Netherlands
Hackers in and around The Hague! Would you like to be among the first to participate in StarApple's newest programming competition on Sign up for the StarApple Hackathon! Your challenge will be to write an awesome bot for StarApple's new game. Showcase your skills and compete for an awesome prize.