Showing results 41 to 50 out of 93
01 Sep - 09:30 AM
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Hackers in and around Rotterdam! If you are interested in Music Tech, then you're invited to sign up top participate in Musiceduhack. Come and hack the music! Collaborate with like-minded individuals as you apply technology to new and innovative solutions in the field of creative music.
World Port Hackathon 2017 - Conference
01 Sep - 09:00 AM
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Creative? Interested in sustainability? Sign up to participate in the World Port Hackathon 2017--24 hours of hacking for an innovative, safe and sustainable port. It'll be a high energy event, with loads of data, creative thinking, collaboration, inspiration, coding, innovation, and more. Sign up today to be a part of it! Come and collaborate on port industry challenges along one of the following themes:
1. Infrastructure & Assets
2. Cascading effects in the network of networks
3. Energy
4. Logistics & Mobility
5. Autonomous Shipping
6. Data, Documents & Integrity
Build your first connected Xamarin mobile app using MvvmCross 5.0
19 Jul - 05:00 PM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Mobile developers of all levels in and around Amsterdam! XABLU invites you to sign up to participate in an event where you'll learn to build Azure-connected Xamarin mobile apps using MvvmCross 5.0. You'll first get to attend a workshop where you'll be introduced to Xamarin and MvvmCross, then you'll be challenged in a “Hack your first app” mini-hackathon with Xamarin and MvvmCross.
Datakamp - Hackday 1
15 Jul - 02:00 PM
Gent, Belgium
Bataclan goes Dataclan! This years social experiment has internet privacy in it's cross hairs. Our resident hackers will harvest data with permission of the participating audience. And will present this data to you to do something creative with it. - Let's set up a conference call with all participants. - Write a script that faceswaps embarrasing pictures - Find our visitors tinder/two/facebook profile. - Find the most 'avarage' visitor - Do something with all the logged WiFi traffic.
We provide: - Wireless - Power - chair/table - A metric shit-ton of data you have permission to play with.
Feel free to hang out, join the brainstorm, play with the code and the data. A three day hackathon without prizes.
Come over in the afternoon, feel welcome from 14, but no worries if you're a bit later.
Bring your laptop , good vibes and a fresh bucket of shenanigans.
Pre-event funzeroos : join the slack brainstorm ->
Datakamp - Hackday 0
14 Jul - 02:00 PM
Gent, Belgium
Bataclan goes Dataclan! This years social experiment has internet privacy in it's cross hairs. Our resident hackers will harvest data with permission of the participating audience. And will present this data to you to do something creative with it. - Let's set up a conference call with all participants. - Write a script that faceswaps embarrasing pictures - Find our visitors tinder/two/facebook profile. - Find the most 'avarage' visitor - Do something with all the logged WiFi traffic.
We provide: - Wireless - Power - chair/table - A metric shit-ton of data you have permission to play with.
Feel free to hang out, join the brainstorm, play with the code and the data. A three day hackathon without prizes.
Come over in the afternoon, feel welcome from 14, but no worries if you're a bit later.
Bring your laptop , good vibes and a fresh bucket of shenanigans.
Pre-event funzeroos : join the slack brainstorm ->
Sharify After-work drink!
26 Jun - 06:30 PM
Bruxelles, Belgium
Hello everyone,
Summer is coming soon and it’s the perfect excuse to have a drink & tapas while meeting the Sharify community on Monday 26th of June 2017 at 6:30 PM!
▶ Who are we?
A community of change makers that aims at creating a positive social impact!
Only a year ago, we organised our first event around the new economic models and today we are proud to count 3 active start-ups among the former participants of our last hackathon editions! Each start-up will be quickly presented to you during this event, giving you the opportunity to learn more about their idea & entrepreneurial journey. The project owners are already looking forward to meet you and to share with you their experience!
▶ Are you also a change maker? An entrepreneur interested in creating a social impact? A start-up? Or simply curious about our community and looking forward to learn more about hackathons, start-ups and the new economic models around a drink? Then, this event is for you!
▶ Join us at Silversquare Louise on Monday 26th of June at 6:30 PM!
• 6:30 PM – 10 PM • Network around a drink with our community • Presentation of Sharify & its acitvities
• Introduction of each Start-up • Share your experience & learn from others • Learn more about our upcoming events ! ▶ INFO ◀
• Where : Avenue Louise 523 - 1050 Bruxelles
• When : Monday 26th of June 2017
• Time: 6:30 - 10 PM • Price for a beer : 2 euros ▶ Drinks◀
• Beers : > 2 euros • Wine: > 2 euros We are looking forward to meet you all!
The Sharify team :)
Global AI Hackathon - Amsterdam
23 Jun - 07:00 PM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Designers, data scientists, neuroscientists, idea generators, and coders in the Amsterdam area! Are you passionate about artificial intelligence? invites you to participate in the Global AI Hackathon - Amsterdam. As part of a global hackathon event, you'll work on your own, or collaborate with a team of like-minded individuals from your community. So sign up now and you'll get to work on an AI challenge to be announced...and compete for terrific prizes.
HackSummit (beta) - Discover the world of hackathons and join the community
16 Jun - 02:00 PM
Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
The amount of hackathons is growing exponentially in the world, and in Belgium too. Hackers are every single individual willing to disrupt traditional models and innovate collaboratively through hackathons. Hackers pop-up in every region of our country, and you might unconsciously be one of them. It’s time to gather those talents!
HackSummit, in its beta version, is the first summit dedicated to the rising trend of hackathons. The purpose is to celebrate the hacking phenomenon, understand its future and identify opportunities to improve its impact.
Program is similar on both days so free your afternoon on June 16th OR on June 17th and join the community !
Discover the full program, our speakers and the reasons why to attend on our website : !
SuperNET Meetup
16 Jun - 12:00 PM
Weesp, Netherlands
SuperNET is a decentralized platform and community that use blockchain technology.
We are a horizontally structured organization which is building decentralized open source solutions for anyone to use. Our community and team is a loosely formed group working tirelessly to make our vision a reality. Everyone is welcome to join us.
The offers
Earlybird Meetup (until the 21st February) 200 €: Food and accommodation, all inclusive.
Full Meetup 220€: Food and accommodation, all inclusive.
Extra night 15th-16th 50 €: one extranight in the ship before the meetup
Extra night 18th-19th 50 €: one extra night in the ship after the meetup
Simple meetup 140 €: Food and activities (no accommodation)
The SuperNET Meetup program
(Possibility to come on the 15th June)
Friday, 16th June,
11:00-13:00 : Welcome lunch (Sandwiches)
Afternoon : Forming groups for Hackathon, Businathon and Marketathon.
Sathurday, 17th June,
Breakfast/lunch: Selfservice Buffet
10:00-12:00: Presentation of SuperNET technology, how it works
Afternoon : working on the projects for the HBMthons
Diner : Restaurant
Night : Party in a club
Sunday, 18th June,
Breakfast/lunch: Selfservice Buffet
10:00-12:00: Presentation of the HBM projects and Awards "ceremony"
Afternoon : Toursistic visits in Amsterdam
(Possibility to stay until the 19th June)
Zig Hackathon: Hack de toekomst van woningcorporaties
14 Jun - 05:00 PM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Developers, designers, hackers in and around Amsterdam! Are you interested in applying technology for social good in the area of housing? Zig Websoftware invites you to sign up to participate in the Zig Hackathon, where you'll get to hack the future of housing associations. Come and showcase your skills for a good cause! Come and design and prototype your own innovative technology solution that can disrupt -- in a good way of course -- the world of housing.