Showing results 81 to 90 out of 135
Invention Summer Camp Wageningen 2018
25 May - 09:00 AM
Wageningen, Netherlands
What do you need as a student to create your ideal studying conditions? Come up with your smart, innovative and unconventional ideas and join our 2-day student hackathon! Attend our inspiring workshops, meet other cross-disciplinary students and our business partners. Build your knowledge and network, develop your personal skills! Enjoy 2 days all-inclusive working, learning and fun and win 2.500 euros with your team. Sign up as an individual or with your team now!
    Sports Tech Cup - SAC Netherlands
    05 May - 08:00 AM
    Amsterdam, Netherlands
    Techies professionals, academics, and university students in the Netherlands! If you're interested in the application of technology and analytics to sports, then you're invited to participate in the Sports Tech Cup - SAC Netherlands. In this 2-day hackathon, you'll be challenged to collaborate and showcase your creativity, technical expertise, and innovation by designing and prototyping a Sports Technology solution. Your project will be an innovative look at an area such as stadiums & venues, injury prevention, high performance, fan engagement, business leadership, coaching, virtual reality, or artificial intelligence.
    hack4diamonds 2018 - diamond hackathon
    04 May - 05:00 PM
    Antwerpen, Belgium
    Hack4Diamonds is the first hackathon ever done in the diamond industry. It is aimed to tackle industry challenges and innovate the diamond industry. Nothing shines more than a bright idea! More information on
      03 May - 06:00 PM
      Amsterdam, Netherlands
      ADYEN + TRY CATCH: ONLINE PAYMENTS FRAUD HACKATHON, AMSTERDAM The theme of the Hackathon is how to stop online payments fraud - a complex challenge that costs the global economy billions of dollars annually, and drives up the cost of online shopping for all of us. On Thursday 3 May, Adyen and Try Catch are hosting a Hackathon at Adyen's global headquarters in Amsterdam. The event is open to developers with at least a few years’ experience, and gives you the opportunity to meet leading developers from Adyen (and other companies), test your skills, and finish up with food, drinks, prizes, and informal networking. Are you curious about Adyen's technology? Or maybe you just want to connect and hack with other talented developers? This is your chance! Registration is open now! (Note that you must be registered to attend.)   AGENDA 6:00 pm: Doors are open and the food is served 6:30 pm: Introduction talk by one of Adyen’s senior developers 7:00 pm: Coding Kick Off 8:30 pm: Pitch presentations 9:00 pm: Drinks and bites
        ActInSpace Netherlands Pre-Event
        03 May - 05:00 PM
        Leiden, Netherlands
        ActInSpace, the biggest space hackathon in Europe, the World and the Universe, is taking place on 25 and 26 May 2018. During this ActInSpace Netherlands Pre-Event, you can get to know some of the other participants, learn more about the practical aspects of the big event, and of course ask any questions that you might have! The Pre-Event is held in combination with HUBspot Leiden's OpenHUB.
          HACK BELGIUM
          26 Apr - 09:00 AM
          Bruxelles, Belgium
          It's Belgium's biggest hackathon. For individuals, it's the best place to make your professionals dreams a reality. For companies, Hack Belgium is the key to your future success. It boosts all your open innovation capabilities. You'll connect with the cream of Belgium's innovation ecosystem and you'll kickstart collaborative innovation projects that will make you not only survive but thrive in the upcoming wave of technological disruption.
          TEQnation 2018 - The Developer Conference of the Future
          25 Apr - 09:00 AM
          Utrecht, Netherlands
          TEQnation 2018 - The Developer Conference of the Future April 25-26, 2018 - Jaarbeurs Utrecht (the Netherlands)  TWO DAYS OF CONFERENCE, TWO DIFFERENT TOPICS! Day 1: The Future is Open | Day 2: The Future is Smart   The Future is Open (April 25) "TEQnation: the Future is Open" is the open source conference of the Benelux and will bring together a unique blend of  IT architects, managers, disruptors, experts and developers. Presentations, tutorials, keynotes, workshops and hands-summits will be part of this day. The themes you will encounter are Open IoT, Open AI, Open Data, Open Dev and Cloud & DevOps                              The Future is Smart (April 26) Celebrate the love for Smart Technology and meet like-minded Future Teqies. At "TEQnation: the Future is Smart" you can broaden your knowledge at our hands-on labs, hackathons, technical sessions and workshops, which are all focused on the technology of the next era. Topics that will be discussed: Artificial Intellgince, Machine Learning, Cloud & Serverless, Virtual & Augmented Reality, Big Data & Security, IoT, DevOps, Open Source and Blockchain.
            Dutch Hacking Health West-Brabant
            20 Apr - 06:30 PM
            Roosendaal, Netherlands
            Samen innoveren in de zorg!  Dutch Hacking Health is een landelijke initiatief en wordt in 2018 voor de 3de keer georganiseerd in het weekend van 20-22 april 2018. Tijdens Dutch Hacking Health zal op verschillende locaties in Nederland bij ziekenhuizen tijdens hetzelfde weekend een zorghackathon worden georganiseerd. Hier brengen we technologie, design, ondernemerschap, gezondheid(zorg) en patiënten samen. Deelnemers gaan aan de slag met actuele problemen en uitdagingen van patiënten en zorgprofessionals. What's in it for you? Een top georganiseerde hackathon met inspirerende sprekers heel veel workshops in drie dagen enorm veel kennis opdoen over design thinking, zorginnovatie toffe mensen leren kennen en er mee samenwerken goed eten, lekkere borrels, verschillende activiteiten en een DJ die het dak er af knalt wanneer dat nodig is Enthousiaste zorgprofessionals die staan te popelen om jouw idee of oplossing te gaan testen in de praktijk. Wie zoeken we?  We zoeken jou! Of je nu techneut, ontwerper, huisvrouw, dierenverzorger, neurochirurg, nagelstyliste of straaljagerpiloot bent, jij bent super waardevol en hebt ongeacht je achtergrond, leeftijd en opleidingsniveau een waardevolle bijdrage in de hackathon. Wat ga ik doen? Een lastig probleem "wicked problem" met de hulp van professionele ondersteuning oplossen. Jij beslist welk probleem je aanpakt. Kijk op deze website welke problemen zijn ingebracht.  Enthousiast? Meld je snel aan via deze pagina!
              MolenGeek Event Eco Circular
              20 Apr - 06:00 PM
              Berchem-Sainte-Agathe, Belgium
                MolenGeek Event Eco Circular Et si, au lieu de jeter, on réparait, on recyclait, on réutilisait ? MolenGeek et leurs partenaires organisent un hackathon autour de 7 grands challenges qui touchent à toutes les facettes de l'économie circulaire. L'objectif est de répondre à ces défis en créant des startups et des applications le temps d'un week-end. Véritable sujet de société et moteur économique, l'économie circulaire est système de production et de consommation qui fonctionne en boucle, se passant ainsi de la notion de déchet. En effet, l'objectif est de produire des produits et des services tout en limitant la consommation et le gaspillage des matières premières et des sources d'énergies non renouvelables. D'après une étude conjointe de Agoria et de Sirris, d’ici 2020, l'économie circulaire permettra à l’économie belge de créer 36.000 emplois supplémentaires et 3,6 milliards de valeur ajoutée en plus, soit une hausse du PIB belge de 1,04 % en novembre 2017.    #MolenGreen, le hackathon  Venez contribuer à l'amélioration de votre Région et relevez l'un des challenges en matière d'économie circulaire le week-end du 20, 21 et 22 avril 2018 ! Le saviez-vous ? D’ici 2020, l’économie circulaire permettra à l’économie belge de créer pas moins de 36.000 emplois supplémentaires.   Les 7 challenges de l'économie circulaire   #1 – Recyclage #2 – Pratiques entrepreneuriales innovantes #3 – Éco-conception #4 – Valorisation énergétique #5 – Lutte contre l'obsolescence programmée #6 – Économie de la fonctionnalité & économie collaborative #7 – Alimentation durable (GoodFood & FoodTech) Pour qui ? Le « MolenGeek Event Eco Circular » s’adresse à toutes celles et ceux qui veulent changer les choses dans le domaine de l’économie circulaire. Que vous soyez développeur, orienté business, marketeur, designer, étudiant ou tout simplement curieux de vivre une aventure humaine, ce « MolenGeek Event » est ouvert à tous. Aucun prérequis, autre que votre enthousiasme, est exigé pour cet event.            Le déroulé Le MolenGeek Event se déroule le temps d'un weekend et s’organise de la manière suivante : Vendredi : 18h - Accueil et diner, 19h - Présentation des idées par les porteurs de projets et présentation des challenges concrets, 21h - Vote des participants (ceux qui vont développer). Chaque projet retenu devant disposer d’au moins deux ou trois développeurs / designers 22h - Constitution des équipes et développement pendant environ 48 heures Samedi : 8h - Petit-déjeuner 10h - Workshop : Eo-conception et optimisation des sites web et des applications 12h - Lunch 19h - Souper Et entre temps on bosse et on développe ! Dimanche : 8h - Petit-déjeuner 12h - Lunch 17h - Démonstration des prototypes devant un jury de spécialistes 19h - Remise des prix 20h - Networking diner   Le tarif Une caution de 25€ est demandée au début du wek-end et sera restituée à la fin du week-end. Objectif : éviter les no show.   Dates et lieu Les 20, 21 et 22 avril 2018. Chez L'Oréal : Avenue Charles Quint, 584, 1082 Berchem-Sainte-Agathe   Les partenaires      
                Hackathon Digital Construction - Belgium
                20 Apr - 06:00 PM
                Brussels, Belgium
                Do you want to change the construction industry? Join our Hackathon!  During the weekend of April 20-22, 2018, you will co-create new innovative solutions for construction companies. Together with over 50 other enthusiasts, you will make your idea become a reality! You will be surrounded by the best coaches, developers and designers from Belgium. They will help your dream for a “Digital Construction” to turn into a startup! During 48 hours dedicated to create digital & innovating solutions for construction companies, you will provide wonderful new projects. From Friday evening, you will work by team composed of different profiles from all around Belgium: IT, business, construction and design. This multidisciplinarity will give the opportunity to each group to transform dreaming ideas to concrete solutions with real business opportunities. This weekend gives attendees the chance to be exposed to and work with the entrepreneurial and business tools and be guided by 8 coaches during all the event. Each of you will acquire new skills and an unforgettable experience. Sunday afternoon is your chance to pitch your final project in front of a jury composed of CEOs, chiefs in innovation and startup owners. All presentations and project development will be carried out in Open Innovation. Who will be the participants? A hackathon is not only for geeks! The power of a team is made by different experiences and expertises of each person. Either you are a student, a construction guy, have a business profile or even a startup, you are welcome to join and develop new solutions for the construction sector. You don't need to have a technical background to participate. Just join us with your knowledge, open mind, collaborative spirit, and willingness to solve the everyday problems encountered by construction actors. What's your profil? Business : A business person is used to organize the practical aspects of a project based on the market. The “Business Guru” will be the team’s planner and adviser on needs from the construction sector (business, market study, construction / architect, strategy, management, finance, legal, entrepreneurial). We include in this profil the "Designer Expert" which takes care of the designs aspects of the project (design, communication, User eXperience, User Interface, etc.).IT : The “IT Wizard” will be the team’s geek and will take care of the software aspects of the project by programming (new technologies, web development, app development, programming, etc.). How team will be formed? On Friday night, people with ideas will pitch them in only one minute. Participant will afterwards vote for three ideas they like. Ideas with the highest amount of votes will be selected. Leaders of selected ideas will recruit their DREAM TEAM during the night to carry out the project (discover the program). If you would like to subscribe to this hackathon with your own pre-formed team, it’s possible, but you must first contact the organizers before registration. Do you want to be part of this adventure?You already have an idea? You thought about it but never tried to make it happen. This is YOUR OPPORTUNITY to undertake the ACTION MODE. WHERE does it take PLACE?Venue: Co.Station - Parvis Sainte-Gudule 5, 1000 Brussels WHAT’s INCLUDED?Registration is 59€, yes, you have to pay to be part of tomorrow’s success…But look at what’s planned for you:- All your meals and drinks during the weekend & fruits all day ;- 8 coaches will guide you and share their experience to help you develop your team idea and your skills ;- A perfect field to develop your ideas and create a new network of interresting people & companies ;- The chance to discover new business and digital tools ; Discover the program on your website: ... and the awards here: