Showing results 101 to 110 out of 134
Hacking For Impact!
24 Mar - 09:00 AM
Anderlecht, Belgium
We're inviting all experienced coders, data scientists, data professionals, to crack a real McKinsey Advanced Analytics case. During this Hackathon you'll help a client solve a high-value challenge framed by our expert Partners and Digital team. The 3 best solutions will receive a prize. The 1st place will receive 10,000 EUR* to spend in a selection of training and conferences of his own choice.
Smart City Hackathon 2018 in Amsterdam
23 Mar - 07:00 PM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Designers, developers, and entrepreneurs in the Netherlands! If you're interested in the use of technology to create smart cities, then you're invited to participate in the SmartCity Hackathon 2018 in Amsterdam. You'll get to collaborate with other smart city enthusiasts to develop a business model for a smart city project. Your project will address one of four given tracks -- Energy Efficiency, Waste Management, Air Quality, or Transportation.
Smart City Hackathon 2018: Amsterdam
23 Mar - 07:00 PM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Apply today for a spot! The Smart City Hackathon is a series of events in different countries that focuses on the intersection of digital technology and urbanization. The aim of the hackathon is to bring together a diverse range of perspectives, from academics to entrepreneurship, and ignite the flow of ideas between different members of society. In 2018, the event in Amsterdam will take place on 23rd and 24th March 2018, and targets entrepreneurs and select university students to build scalable business models (no coding) in one four tracks: energy efficiency, smart transportation, air quality, and waste management.Hackathon winners get industry prizes, including free tickets to European Utility Week Summit to showcase their solution and company, and up to $3,000!Here, entrepreneurs can realize the full potential of their business ideas and the importance of emerging technologies for innovative urbanization, and students can learn entrepreneurial skills from experienced professionals. The hackathon provides a good chance for start-ups to work with young talents with potential for future recruitment.
    Smartcity Hackathon 2018 in Amsterdam
    23 Mar - 07:00 PM
    Amsterdam, 1098 KA
    Designers, developers, and entrepreneurs in the Netherlands! If you're interested in the use of technology to create smart cities, then you're invited to participate in the SmartCity Hackathon 2018 in Amsterdam. You'll get to collaborate with other smart city enthusiasts to develop a business model for a smart city project. Your project will address one of four given tracks -- Energy Efficiency, Waste Management, Air Quality, or Transportation.
    Hackathon "Digitaal ondertekenen in een dag"
    22 Mar - 10:00 AM
    Haarlem, Netherlands
    Startup or software vendor developers in the Netherlands! Are you interested in adding digital signing technology to your solution? If so, then you're invited to participate in Hackathon "Digitaal Ondertekenen in Een Dag" -- Digital signing in a day! You'll get to leverage a signature API to add digital signing to your project in less than a day. Collaborate and compete -- showcase your skills and win a prize for your project.
    Tech for Good Hackathon 'Track & trace de keten'
    22 Mar - 09:00 AM
    Eindhoven, Netherlands
    Productketens én dataketens kunnen nog wel een stukje transparanter. Waar komen grondstoffen en materialen vandaan bijvoorbeeld, en onder welke omstandigheden zijn producten gemaakt? Maar ook: hoe kunnen we erop vertrouwen dat slimme, zelflerende algoritmen deugen? Kom met een slimme oplossing en maak kans op de Pioniersprijs van het SIDN fonds ter waarde van €10.000!
    Social Hackathon AMS
    20 Mar - 04:30 PM
    Antwerpen, Belgium
    Lig jij ook wakker van boeiende HR-thema's en wil jij graag hierover jouw mening delen?Kom dan zeker langs op onze Social Hackathon om ons mee te nemen in jouw visie!Iedereen welkom Wat Een Social Hackathon is een evenement waar je intensief samenwerkt met anderen om van een sociaal idee een concreet plan te maken. Vaak blijven mensen hangen in de idee-fase, omdat ze niet het juiste netwerk hebben of niet weten hoe ze het kunnen realiseren. Wij brengen deze idee-fase terug naar een interessante avond waar wij zorgen voor een netwerk en een concrete methodiek waardoor je met een groep mensen sociale ideeën na 5 uur verandert in een praktisch plan. Waarover E-HRM Jobdesign & Arbeidsverhoudingen Performantie, Belonen & Waarderen Hoe Tijdens een Social Hackathon werk je in fases: Kiezen van ideeën: rond welk van de (deel)ideeën gaan we werken? Brainstorm: definieer de probleemstelling binnen de (deel)ideeën en de gewenste uitkomsten. Ontwikkel en innoveer. Hoe maken we de abstracte (deel)ideeën concreet? Pitchen van de plannen. Tussen de fases door is er ruimte voor ontspanning en een hapje en drankje.  Wanneer 20 maart 2018  16u30 - 21u30 Waar  Sint-Jacobsmarkt 9-13 2000 Antwerpen Door  Studenten Master Human Resource Management 2017-2018 aan Antwerp Management School In samenwerking met Jesse Segers - Ans De Vos - Peggy De Prins En jullie! 
      Join the 24H Hackathon in Amsterdam - Price: Paid trip to instanbul + € 2500.
      18 Mar - 09:00 AM
      Amsterdam-Zuidoost, Netherlands
      € 2500,- for the team + paid trip to Istanbul
      'Break out' your skills with e-learning development! Hackathon. 19-20 march 2018 in Amsterdam. Use your IT and design skills to create a great concept. You might win a paid trip to Istanbul. You've got 24 hours. GO! To participate in this Hackathon you need a team of 4 persons. This can be back-end, front-end, design but also a strategist. Register via:
      HEINEKEN Hack a Beer Hackathon
      17 Mar - 09:30 AM
      Amsterdam, Netherlands
      Designers, developers, and data scientists in the Netherlands! The HEINEKEN Company invites you to participate in their Hack a Beer Hackathon. You'll get to combine your knowledge of beer with your data or business expertise to help HEINEKEN get smarter in data usage. Collaborate with like-minded individuals to leverage actual HEINEKEN datasets and Amazon Web Services to design an innovative data-driven project. Showcase your skills and compete for cool prizes.
      Hackathon HEX 2018
      16 Mar - 08:00 PM
      Eindhoven, Netherlands
      Hackathons are hacking marathons in which you compete to find the best solution for given problems. You can join to win prizes or just to learn and have fun. Hackathons are besides a brainsport, also a social event. You will come in contact with dozens of other people and inspiring companies.